Search results

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    Does Modafinil Work For Energy?

    Modafinil made me jittery and anxious Modafinil, made me jittery and anxious. I could not tolerate the side-effects. This was a few years ago. I have many unopened bottles, so maybe I will try it again and see. I definitely have a lack of energy due to serious long-term illness.
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    Melanotan 2 (best tanning product out) and PT 121

    Go ahead and take their products! Nelson knows I am a physician. When their products kill you I will not send you any flowers.
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    Melanotan 2 (best tanning product out) and PT 121 In my opinion, this companies products should be avoided totally. I spent over 4 months in Intensive Care with after using PT121 2 times. I had a massive heart attack, complete renal failure, complete liver and pancreatic failure. My over 20 doctors gave me no chance...
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    Has anyone used PT-141 to improve erections?

    I have quite serious concerns regarding PT-141 and all of Great White Peptide products. I tried the pt141, melatonin and oxytocin. Inexplically ended up being in the ICU for over 5 months with complete renal failure, hepatic failure, heart attack and pancreatic failure. Was not expected to...
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    Erection peptide: Pt-141

    I asked Greatwhitepeptide if their B12 complex was a sterile solution? They went crazy claiming I was using it for human consumption. I find this company a very shady and illegitimate company. They have set themselves up to sell anything, with no way to confirm what the product contains? Be...
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    Erection peptide: Pt-141

    I am now questioning whether the products sold by GreatWhitePeptide are legit. The PT-141 does seem to work (or it could be the placebo effect). I have ordered their versions of Levitra and Cialis and neither had any effect. I have always had great results with the real drugs. Their...
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    Men's Use of Oxytocin

    I ordered some Oxytocin. Just waiting on the right moment for my partner and I to try it. I have witnessed the profound effect it has on mother and newborn baby bonding in the delivery room. I think you could show the new mother a shoe and tell her it was her baby and she would love it...
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    Erection peptide: Pt-141

    I purchased from The are always having a sale so don't pay full price, just sign up for their emails. I injected subQ into my abdomen using an insulin syringe. The vial contains 10 mg which you have to dissolve using 1 ml of sterile water (purchased separately) or...
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    Erection peptide: Pt-141

    I ordered some PT-141 and injected 1 mg subQ last evening. Took it with 5 mg of Levitra. I fell asleep while waiting for the 4 hours before it was supposed to become effective. I woke up with a raging hard on (I could not tell you the last time I woke up with a morning erection). It...
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    Erectile Dysfunction Drugs Can Cause Sudden Hearing Loss

    This medication is the same ingredient as Viagra. Same 100 mg strength. but more expensive than most online pharmacies. It will have the same side-effects as Viagra; namely nasal congestion, indigestion and headache.
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    Liquid Cialis

    I ordered some of the liquid Levitra (vardenafil) from one of the peptide places. Supposed to be 20 mg/ml. I have used the tablets with good success for years, usually 10 mg per dose. I placed 1/2 ml under my tongue and within a few minutes my heart rate went up to 96 and felt like it was...
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    Porn: An often ignored cause of ED

    I have never cared that much for porn as I prefer the real thing. Not saying I have not watched porn, just that I don't find it all that exciting. What I will say is that my recent forced abstinence taught me something. Due to open-heart bypass surgery and several complications, I did not...
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    Does Modafinil Work For Energy?

    I tried it and it caused me to feel extremely anxious, even using 1/2 of a pill. It was like drinking 10 cups of coffee. I thought that perhaps the side-effect would lessen after a few days but it did not. So I did not like it.
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    Erectile Dysfunction Drugs Can Cause Sudden Hearing Loss

    I think this very likely happened to me. I had perfectly normal hearing and within seconds lost all the hearing in my right ear in Feb 2013. I had taken Levitra the evening before. It has been much more of a disability than I could have ever imagined losing the hearing in one ear could be...
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    Painfully tight scrotum

    Thanks, I will give HCG another try.
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    Painfully tight scrotum

    Does anyone else have the problem of their scrotum constantly staying so tight, due to the dartos muscles, that it is painful? Before starting TRT and nandrolone, my scrotum hung loose unless I got into cold water. Now the only time the muscles relax is when I apply a heating pad to my...
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    Subcutaneous Administration of Testosterone

    Having worked in the OR for 20+ years, then you know some doctors can be a**holes. Give him a couple of days to cool down, then send him a letter via snail mail marked "personal and confidential" and profusely apologize (even if you feel you have no reason to apologize). Tell him how much you...
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    Subcutaneous Administration of Testosterone

    First do some damage control. Explain to your doctor that you were not questioning his knowledge or ability, you were just curious about something you had read. As a retired physician, I can tell you it gets old quickly when certain patients constantly question everything you prescribe for...
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    Subcutaneous Administration of Testosterone

    I find the subQ causes less discomfort for me; never gets sore like the IMs sometimes do. But I really have NO subQ fat so mine is still going into muscle, just not deep IM. I suggest you try it again in another location of the body and see how your body reacts.
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    Thoughts about propecia topical solution

    I have taken finesteride orally daily for over 20 years and never had a problem with ED, libido or difficulty reaching an orgasm. I still have a full head of hair with a horrible family history of male-pattern baldness. A certain percentage of men have always had problems with ED and IMO all...
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    Can Testosterone Induce Blood Clots and Thrombosis? Interview with Dr Charles Glueck

    I have been on TRT since 1993, since my own testicles stopped all production of testosterone at age 45. I had a DVT (deep venous thrombosis) when I had a PICC line for antibiotics in 2007. Same vein as the line so likely caused by the line. Treated with Coumadin for 6 months and the clot...
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    Can Testosterone Induce Blood Clots and Thrombosis? Interview with Dr Charles Glueck

    I have been on TRT since 1993, since my own testicles stopped all production of testosterone at age 45. I had a DVT (deep venous thrombosis) when I had a PICC line for antibiotics in 2007. Same vein as the line so likely caused by the line. Treated with Coumadin for 6 months and the clot...
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    Rotator cuff complete tear- Can testosterone help?

    I waited over 2 years from the time the pain started before I finally saw an Orthopedist. I am a physician and I knew from the symptoms that it was most likely a rotator cuff tear. I just could not imagine wearing a sling and being unable to use my dominant hand/arm for 6 weeks. I am a...
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    Rotator cuff complete tear- Can testosterone help?

    Since my shoulder pain completely resolved without surgery, my opinion is to wait a few months. I was told my MRI showed a complete tear of my rotator cuff with retraction. I am so happy I did not have the surgery.
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    Top 5 Must-Have Supplements for Men Over 40

    I take 4 of the 5. Like Nelson, I do NOT take Vit. E. because I was a participant in a study of physicians years ago that was stopped early due to a increase in deaths among those taking Vit. E.
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    Subcutaneous Administration of Testosterone

    I'm going to try it after nearly 20 years of weekly I.M. injections with lots of scar tissue. My problem is I have no sub-Q fat.
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    Rotator cuff complete tear- Can testosterone help?

    My shoulder had hurt for well over 2 years. I kept hoping and waiting for it to heal. Babied it by not working out for months but the pain not only persisted it got worse to the point that I could not sleep at night because the pain woke me up. It was hurting so bad I decided I had to do...
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    Rotator cuff complete tear- Can testosterone help?

    After being told (based on a MRI) that my rotator cuff was torn and retracted by one shoulder specialist, who recommended surgery, I saw another doctor who looked at the same MRI and said my tear was not complete and would heal. Six months later my shoulder pain is completely gone and I am so...