Recent content by Harley

  1. H

    SOS - Full Blown Impotence

    Buongiorno, I am on trt and I do have morning erections but I haven't been able to get the erection I wanted . I tried every kind of pill and the results were not very good . I pressured my doctor to give me a prescription for Trimix and that works perfectly.
  2. H

    DHEA dangerous with TRT?

    Ciao, I wrote in my post that I hope I don't get the Corona virus , well I did get it and had a bit of a rough time . Took me a few month to return to function normally. I stopped Dhea and stopped injections went for cream only and 3 month ago I did a Hcg / Clomid protocol and quit TRT , so far...
  3. H

    Successful Story with Testosterone Cream Protocol

    Ciao, These are my results with Testavan 1 pump on testicles. It's way over the limit so I am now applying to shoulders and just a little on the testicles.
  4. H

    Successful Story with Testosterone Cream Protocol

    I use Testavan 1 pump on the scrotum and lately had my tt and ft checked and the result was higher then max for both . I now returned to applying to my shoulders and just a tiny amount on my balls . In a month I will check again.
  5. H

    Fatty liver disease

    Ciao, Sorry but this test was done in Italy so its in Italian. All three values are important to understand liver function . I have had fatty liver for many years and now I am really trying to loose weight to see if that helps ( lost 14 kg already ) . In about a month I will do the test again...
  6. H

    Fatty liver disease

    I have fatty liver and have had fatty liver for many years , I checked and my Bilirubin is in range . My got is a few points higher then should be .
  7. H

    Norvasc, a common blood pressure medication, blocks COVID-19

    I take a pill called Giant in Italy its as far asI know Amlodipine with olmesartan . It didn't prevent covid19 unfortunately.
  8. H

    COVID-19 Infection in Men on Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

    I used 350iu of HCG , not a miracle cure but I think maybe it did something for my state of mind , I am a bit more relaxed. Time will tell I guess .
  9. H

    COVID-19 Infection in Men on Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

    I already take all these supplements but right now I take quite a lot of NAC as it is good for phlegm, and I think one of the problems of Corona is the lungs getting full of phlegm. I had a very severe cough with phlegm and blood . Felt like in one of thos Victorian movies with the handkerchief...
  10. H

    COVID-19 Infection in Men on Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

    Thanks you Nelson . Yes lingering is the word , we had two days of feeling really on our way to health and yesterday we both had low fever and the worst feeling of being tired . Covid19 Is definitely not going anywhere soon. All the best .
  11. H

    COVID-19 Infection in Men on Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

    Ciao, I don't know if I should ask this here or in a new post . I have Covid19 since 26 October , had some quality time in the hospital caughing blood but I am now much better. I did use my Testavan gel every day . My question is about the use of HCG , I stopped using HCG ( 350 iu every 4 days...
  12. H

    Is Bacillus coagulan the best Probiotic?

    Ciao , I started reading about B. coagulans and on WebMD I have seen mention of an Italian supplement called Colinox. I am going to give it a try . Thanks for the information.
  13. H

    Blood work HCG Monotherapy low DHT

    Hi, I am sure there are others here more knowledgeable then me . I read that hcg in amounts larger then 350ie doesn't have an increased effect but could increase your E2 , so I wouldn't increase the amount . If you feel well then why not continue as you are? Some people start chasing numbers...
  14. H

    Dhea and trt?

    I take 25 mg of Dhea before sleep but my dhea-s is low . DEIDROEPIANDROSTERONE SOLFATO 93 mcg/dl (80-560). I have no idea why any one would dhea without an analysis showing it low.
  15. H

    Cialis patent expiring by the end of April

    I think the Cialis patent in Italy expired. I buy Tadalafil 5mg by Teva , Teva is an Israeli company That manufactures medicines all over the world . It is Of course of the highest grade .