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  1. H

    SOS - Full Blown Impotence

    Buongiorno, I am on trt and I do have morning erections but I haven't been able to get the erection I wanted . I tried every kind of pill and the results were not very good . I pressured my doctor to give me a prescription for Trimix and that works perfectly.
  2. H

    DHEA dangerous with TRT?

    Ciao, I wrote in my post that I hope I don't get the Corona virus , well I did get it and had a bit of a rough time . Took me a few month to return to function normally. I stopped Dhea and stopped injections went for cream only and 3 month ago I did a Hcg / Clomid protocol and quit TRT , so far...
  3. H

    Successful Story with Testosterone Cream Protocol

    Ciao, These are my results with Testavan 1 pump on testicles. It's way over the limit so I am now applying to shoulders and just a little on the testicles.
  4. H

    Successful Story with Testosterone Cream Protocol

    I use Testavan 1 pump on the scrotum and lately had my tt and ft checked and the result was higher then max for both . I now returned to applying to my shoulders and just a tiny amount on my balls . In a month I will check again.
  5. H

    Fatty liver disease

    Ciao, Sorry but this test was done in Italy so its in Italian. All three values are important to understand liver function . I have had fatty liver for many years and now I am really trying to loose weight to see if that helps ( lost 14 kg already ) . In about a month I will do the test again...
  6. H

    Fatty liver disease

    I have fatty liver and have had fatty liver for many years , I checked and my Bilirubin is in range . My got is a few points higher then should be .
  7. H

    Norvasc, a common blood pressure medication, blocks COVID-19

    I take a pill called Giant in Italy its as far asI know Amlodipine with olmesartan . It didn't prevent covid19 unfortunately.
  8. H

    COVID-19 Infection in Men on Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

    I used 350iu of HCG , not a miracle cure but I think maybe it did something for my state of mind , I am a bit more relaxed. Time will tell I guess .
  9. H

    COVID-19 Infection in Men on Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

    I already take all these supplements but right now I take quite a lot of NAC as it is good for phlegm, and I think one of the problems of Corona is the lungs getting full of phlegm. I had a very severe cough with phlegm and blood . Felt like in one of thos Victorian movies with the handkerchief...
  10. H

    COVID-19 Infection in Men on Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

    Thanks you Nelson . Yes lingering is the word , we had two days of feeling really on our way to health and yesterday we both had low fever and the worst feeling of being tired . Covid19 Is definitely not going anywhere soon. All the best .
  11. H

    COVID-19 Infection in Men on Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

    Ciao, I don't know if I should ask this here or in a new post . I have Covid19 since 26 October , had some quality time in the hospital caughing blood but I am now much better. I did use my Testavan gel every day . My question is about the use of HCG , I stopped using HCG ( 350 iu every 4 days...
  12. H

    Is Bacillus coagulan the best Probiotic?

    Ciao , I started reading about B. coagulans and on WebMD I have seen mention of an Italian supplement called Colinox. I am going to give it a try . Thanks for the information.
  13. H

    Blood work HCG Monotherapy low DHT

    Hi, I am sure there are others here more knowledgeable then me . I read that hcg in amounts larger then 350ie doesn't have an increased effect but could increase your E2 , so I wouldn't increase the amount . If you feel well then why not continue as you are? Some people start chasing numbers...
  14. H

    Dhea and trt?

    I take 25 mg of Dhea before sleep but my dhea-s is low . DEIDROEPIANDROSTERONE SOLFATO 93 mcg/dl (80-560). I have no idea why any one would dhea without an analysis showing it low.
  15. H

    Cialis patent expiring by the end of April

    I think the Cialis patent in Italy expired. I buy Tadalafil 5mg by Teva , Teva is an Israeli company That manufactures medicines all over the world . It is Of course of the highest grade .
  16. H

    Have you personally been affected by the novel coronavirus?

    I live in Italy .......enough said.
  17. H

    ACE and ARB blood pressure meds (i.e losartan) and coronavirus concern

    I am not an expert , I would just like to say that yesterday on tv a doctor said that we should ignore news about the dangers of bp medication in Corona virus. I would also like to include this graph of corona deaths according to age in Italy:
  18. H

    ACE and ARB blood pressure meds (i.e losartan) and coronavirus concern

    I take losartan with Ramipril , in Italy it's called Giant . So far so good My girlfriend has liver problems and she takes Tenofovir I noticed that all the medicine against Coroends with vir , so we joke that she is totally protected.
  19. H

    Therapeutic Potential of Citrulline as an Arginine Supplement

    I think I read that Arginine could have a bad effect on kidney's, am I wrong? "Another potential problem of taking too much L-Citrulline is the damaging effects it has on the body's kidneys. While the damage is not directly caused by L-Citrulline, the nonessential amino acid can increase...
  20. H

    Do you like HCG?

    I love HCG , I feel better , happier , better libido , larger testicles. I use 350 IU eod .
  21. H

    Avoiding Sexual Dysfunction in BPH Surgery

    Ciao , I think you need to remember that the type of procedure depends on the size of your prostate . Some people with a huge prostate need total removal of the prostate and others with smaller prostate can do with less invasive operations . I understand it also depends on the shape of the...
  22. H

    Hcg , Test-c , low SHBG

    Nobody with more advice on my protocol?
  23. H

    Trt not working, low SHBG

    I am definitely not an expert and I can only compare his results to my results but his numbers I think are not consistent with low shbg . If I am not mistaken for his number of total T (1213) he should have much higher FT , his is only 24.
  24. H

    Hcg , Test-c , low SHBG

    I only know that when I was young we believed it causes ED. "Nandrolone can inhibit erectile function and cause sexual impairment as well as increase blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. Nandrolone plus strenuous resistance training increased reactive oxygen species (ROS, free radicals)...
  25. H

    Hcg , Test-c , low SHBG

    Buongiorno, I am not an expert but I can recall when I was a lot younger reading about Deca and the dreaded Deca dick . I am sure you have done your research.
  26. H

    Hcg , Test-c , low SHBG

    Hi Vince , Thanks for taking the time . I forgot my SHBG so I added it now. I do prefer small steps , I feel safer that way. I am taking dhea 25 mg every other day and I think of trying 25 mg every day and retest in a few weeks. Thanks for a great forum .
  27. H

    DHEA dangerous with TRT?

    When I started the road of trt I had no knowledge and all my knowledge comes from this forum , one of the first things I learned was to take baby steps and change my protocol slowly. I will up my dosage to 25mg per day and recheck again in a few weeks , if the numbers aren't at least doubled I...
  28. H

    DHEA dangerous with TRT?

    Thanks for the reply, Would you take 50mg in the morning /night or two 25mg doses?
  29. H

    DHEA dangerous with TRT?

    Ciao , Thanks for the advice , did you try this dosage ? I am a bit afraid to try upping the dosage so much . I think baby steps , maybe 25 mg every day and then in a few weeks a dhea-s retest.
  30. H

    DHEA dangerous with TRT?

    My Dhea-s is 93 mcg/dl ( 80-560 ) , did a blood test 3 days ago .I am taking dhea 25 mg eod . My Dhea-s was 72 mcg/dl in 4/2019. I am within range , do you think I should keep taking Dhea or change to every day ?
  31. H

    Hcg , Test-c , low SHBG

    Hi guys, I have been lurking here for quite a long time , I tried the many protocols : Clomid , Androgel , Test-c , Hcg and I settled on a Hcg+Test-c protocol that I think really works for me , I am very low SHBG : Test-c 25 mg eod Hcg 350 iu eod 0.1 mg mg Arimidex once a week. I am trying 25mg...