Recent content by Gianluca

  1. Gianluca

    Kyzatrex or Jatenzo

    I have been thinking about giving this a try, but I was looking at the inactive ingredients in both, and they sound pretty nasty.
  2. Gianluca

    High testosterone is like … finasteride? Say what!

    This is what has been in my mind for the past few months. I think the issue with the scrotal cream is the unphysiologic conversion of T into DHT, I’m not sure what the general thought is now about the DHT. I would think an oral like Jatenzo would be the most physiological way to get Test into...
  3. Gianluca

    High testosterone is like … finasteride? Say what!

    I remember commenting on this particular study here in the forum, this to be a concern for Progesterone not converting as much into allopregnenolone. Also, this study shows where the max physiological level of T are at about.
  4. Gianluca

    Results: SubQ vs IM @ 70mg/week

    I think the Jatenzo/Kyzatrek overall are the closet to physiological we have, where do you get yours and how much monthly do you pay? I have been thinking to try it for a while now
  5. Gianluca

    Compounded Pregnenolone cap BUD

    I have some Preg capsule at home from Empower, BUD was 05-2023. I'm wondering if potency is still ok or it has been lost substantially, what do you guys think? toss it?
  6. Gianluca

    Help determining proper pregnenolone dosage and frequency

    What Preg product are you using right now?
  7. Gianluca

    Testosterone Cypionate vs Enanthate Ester break down

    an update on my Hikma Test E trial vs Test CYP from empower. Levels are about the same, a bit less on the Hikma, Testosterone speaking I feel the same, I believe my head feels a bit more clear/natural on the Hikma. I think it is a good idea trying not to inject benzyl benzoate, some negative...
  8. Gianluca

    Scrotal Pregnenolone/DHEA to raise androgen levels

    Not much of my intellect, really. You are bringing up good points. Though, oral steroids like DHEA and Pregnenolone, when going through the first pass metabolism get converted into different metabolites, I wouldn’t be surprised if scrotal application of the same steroids would produce a...
  9. Gianluca

    Scrotal Pregnenolone/DHEA to raise androgen levels

    I should have mentioned to read the first post on the thread if interested, Hopefully that won’t be too gibberish for your level of intellect.
  10. Gianluca

    Scrotal Pregnenolone/DHEA to raise androgen levels

    I'm not sure this has ever discussed here, but I found some very interesting data posted and commented by Georgi Dinkov AKA Haidut on the RayPeat forum, how applying Pregnenolone and DHEA (in DSMO) on the scrotum, can raise serum androgens like T DHT and Androsterone, this because directly...
  11. Gianluca

    TRT Effect on 5 Alpha Reductase and Upstream Hormones- Cause of Low Mood and Anxiety?

    I believe if someone is not using huge amount of test for prolonged time, I think probably there is not much to be concerned about the 5-ar. Lower levels of Progesteonre/Pregnenolone can be an issue for some
  12. Gianluca

    Injectable Progesterone SC may not be the best route of administration

    I don’t have the side effects I was experiencing with the injectable. This, as soon as I take it, it really feels calming and soon after when I go to bed I really lay down very still in bed, it is the first Pro I’m using that help me to get to sleep. Some good and bad side effects during the...
  13. Gianluca

    Injectable Progesterone SC may not be the best route of administration

    I don’t think so. Prog in vitamin E, especially when applied to the gums, will bypass first pass in the liver, like an injection. Pro itself has a very short half life in the blood though, but I heard Georgi Dinkov and Mercola saying that because Vit E has about 44hr half life, Pro when...
  14. Gianluca

    Injectable Progesterone SC may not be the best route of administration

    Quick update on the Progesterone dissolved in Vitamin E trial. two weeks after applying a drop (3mg) on my gums, it did not raise my Progesterone serum. However, I do feel it.
  15. Gianluca

    Injectable Progesterone SC may not be the best route of administration

    @Jim Marlowe have you ever tried the StressNon from Idealabs, the Pregnenolone dissolved in DMSO?