Recent content by George9

  1. George9

    High blood pressure from Hematocrit and Hemoglobin

    My hematocrit and hemoglobin were higher in the beginning but dropped down later without changing anything but was still higher than before TRT. My blood pressure went from normal to about 140/90. Donating blood did not seem to lower my blood pressure. One person theorized that since blood is...
  2. George9

    Testosterone Cypionate and Nandrolone Decanoate

    Thank you. It is good that you have a healthy diet while you are young and will avoid many health problems later. How do you like FSD? I love it and am looking forward to it getting better as I age and my driving skills diminish. At age 63 I started injecting 100 mg testosterone cypionate...
  3. George9

    Testosterone Cypionate and Nandrolone Decanoate

    Your dose numbers are correct. I am on the carnivore diet and eat at least two pounds of beef and two ounces beef liver per day. I have had my ferritin checked and it is never low. For my age my energy and sex life are very good. I never get depressed. I do strength training three days a...
  4. George9

    Testosterone Cypionate and Nandrolone Decanoate

    I started using testosterone cypionate seven years ago and nandrolone decanoate two years ago. I inject 40 mg (0.2 mL) testosterone and 20 mg (0.1 mL) nandrolone daily in one insulin syringe with 1/2" needle. I inject IM in my quads, glutes, and delts. Except for Armour Thyroid and 5 mg...
  5. George9

    Testosterone Cypionate and Nandrolone Decanoate

    I have been using testosterone and nandrolone at a 2:1 ratio for two years. I do six hours of resistance training each week and have no joint issues or pain. I am 70 years old, 5'9", 182 pounds, and 7.8% body tat.
  6. George9

    Oral growth hormone enhancer MK-677 (ibutamoren)

    I tried MK-677 for several months and had no gains in muscle or decrease in fat. My sleeping did not noticeably improve and my appetite increased only slightly, all in the beginning. While using it my fasting blood glucose increased, blood pressure increased, and water retention increased by...
  7. George9

    Lump lasting 3 months from SubQ Cyp

    The attached video gives an excellent comparison of subcutaneous versus intramuscular injections. The author suggests possibly changing carrier oils if you have an adverse reaction to subcutaneous injections. He cites the biggest disadvantage of IM injections is the accumulation of scar tissue...
  8. George9

    Lump lasting 3 months from SubQ Cyp

    Since HCG is an aqueous solution you can probably keep injecting it into your belly fat with no problem. The testosterone is in an oil which can cause inflammation when injected into fat instead of muscle. Your thighs and delts have a thinner fat layer than your glutes and might be better...
  9. George9

    Is it true that an elevated hematocrit level on TRT does not require blood donation?

    I think he meant nuclear submarines. Carbon dioxide reduces the amount of oxygen that hemoglobin can carry. Since the atmosphere in a submarine can be 3500 ppm carbon dioxide versus 400 ppm in normal air, then submariners probably have higher hematocrits.
  10. George9

    So who is happy with TRT? Who wish they never started?

    I started at 100 mg testosterone cypionate injected once per week. After the first year I gradually increased the dosage over three years to my current 40 mg testosterone cypionate per day. For the last two years I have stayed at 280 mg/wk and do not plan on going higher. My estradiol...
  11. George9

    So who is happy with TRT? Who wish they never started?

    I inject daily testosterone cypionate/oil solution with an insulin syringe at 90 degrees with 1/2" (12.7 mm) needle. Have done this for two years with no problems. These are IM injections because my skin/fat layer is less than 4 mm in my thighs, delts, and glutes. If you do a true...
  12. George9

    So who is happy with TRT? Who wish they never started?

    I couldn't be happier with my TRT results. My doctor started me on 100 mg/wk (one injection/wk) of testosterone cypionate and told me to eat an extra 500 cal/day. I was 63 years old, 193 pounds and 20% body fat and after the first year was 205 pounds and 16% body fat, a gain of 16 pounds...
  13. George9

    Does this swelling need treatment?

    Injecting testosterone into fat can leave a stinging knot that can last for days, as stated below: "Intramuscular tissue "muscle tissue" is hydrophilic, meaning it mixes or dissolves with water. Oil-based medications like injectable testosterone, amino acid formulas, and some injectable...
  14. George9

    Does this swelling need treatment?

    Glad you found what works and let us know about.