Recent content by Fred52

  1. F

    You’re Never Going to Be Satisfied With Life

    I take contention with the "boredom" claim. That's not boredom...that's pure curiosity. Now shocking yourself multiple times is unusual...but once? I would be "shocked" if most people didn't. We are curious by nature. That's how we learned shit.
  2. F

    Tadalafil [off-label uses]

    If you're having side effects you don't like, stop taking them. I don't have any side effects.
  3. F

    Tadalafil [off-label uses]

    I take 5mg daily Tadalafil for "off label" uses. Mostly for Minor BPH, but I also keep reading about the benefits so I just plan to keep taking it.
  4. F

    TRT beyond age 65

    I'm 55 now and starter TRT over 10 years ago. My plan is to never stop. If I live to 100 I will be injecting T.
  5. F

    Nandrolone Therapy as HRT

    What does that put your blood levels at? I take 80mg/week of Test and that gets me to 900-1000 levels.
  6. F

    50-year-old muscles just can’t grow big like they used to.

    Yeah...I have noticed increasing rest times as I've gotten older. I like to lift heavy with fewer reps....but those heavy reps really knock the wind out of me. With squats and deadlifts, I'm looking at 5 minutes in between sets. Good thing I have a home gym. My typical workout now lasts 2+ hours.
  7. F

    50-year-old muscles just can’t grow big like they used to.

    Well, I'm 54 (about to turn 55). I'm 5'9" and 190 lbs. Bench and squat 315 and deadlift 480. How long can I maintain that? I have no idea, but I'm going to find out.
  8. F

    Injection Site Question: Ventral Gluteal Muscle vs. Tensor Fascia Latae

    Honestly...I personally don't understand why people F with the ventral gluteal muscle...why is this a thing? I've been injecting for over 10 years now...about 90% quads and 10% delts. No issues.
  9. F

    WTF HAPPENED... horrible coughing fit after injection, thought I was dying

    It just means you must have slightly moved the needle after aspirating...only explanation. don't even bother aspirating anymore...because the coughing fits are extremely rare...and I know it won't actually hurt me.
  10. F

    Nandrolone and hematocrit?

    I'm very close to what you're doing. Currently on 80mg/wk of T and 50mg/wk of Nandrolone. I'm 53 (about to turn 54) 5'9" 190lbs and benching 315.
  11. F

    Max Prescribed dose for Testosterone Enanthate

    Just as a reference, I'm 53, 5'9" & 190 lbs. I inject 80mg/wk (broken up into two injections) This puts my total T at 1000 and I can bench 315 lbs and deadlift 450.
  12. F

    Deca Gains. What to expect

    Creatinine levels don't mean anything if you are carrying more muscle mass. My creatinine level was 1.7 and my Dr FREAKED out...that equated to an eGFR of 43 which says I have Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease. He sent me to a specialist (a nephrologist). I told him "I'm pretty sure it's a false...
  13. F

    Question for those married > 15 yrs

    Married 27 years. I kiss my wife every day...but "passionately" (assuming that means with tongue?)...rarely.
  14. F

    Is HCG needed while on TRT?

    I have never heard of anyone being immune to testicular atrophy if they are not taking HCG along with the T. HCG will maintain your balls...without it, they will atrophy (if you're taking testosterone). I've been on TRT for over 9 years now and have never taken balls are about the size...
  15. F

    President Trump is taking one tab of hydroxychloroquine and zinc per day.

    I don't see what's "convenient" about it? But it does make perfect sense. No one is saying hydroxychloroquine kills. But in conjunction with does...increase the mortality rate significantly.