Recent content by Fortunate

  1. F

    Iron Supplementation Protocol to Raise Ferritin FAST While on TRT

    @Nelson Vergel, your thoughts are much appreciated. I have actually considered the caffeine theory. It is possible that I am chronically fatigued, but get a temporary boost via caffeine in the morning and when it wears off, I get the fatigue. But, I have never had this crushing fatigue like...
  2. F

    Iron Supplementation Protocol to Raise Ferritin FAST While on TRT

    Has anyone been able to determine if their ferritin levels fluctuate during the day? I ask because I have been chasing a group of symptoms for about a 1.5 years and low ferritin is the best explanation. But, most days I have the symptoms specifically between around 11 AM and 3-4 PM. Before and...
  3. F

    Testosterone Cream- Scrotum VS other areas

    Oh, I am on the goo alright. Restarted a few days ago. So far, feel ok. Just gotta play the long game and remember how crappy non-anemic iron deficiency feels... Typically, when I use cream, it's scrotal. I suspect that the peaks are a crap ton higher than if if I apply to the arms. I have some...
  4. F

    Testosterone Cream- Scrotum VS other areas

    Yes. I have been having lots of issues with this. Had to donate recently because hematocrit was 55.3. To make matters worse, my ferritin is suppressed, and I have severe symptoms from that. Trying to treat it with iron worsens the hematocrit problem. The Vorck protocol did not provide any...
  5. F

    Warning for Men on TRT: Low Ferritin is Bad

    I know you weren't asking me, but I tried it x5 days and saw no benefit and no change in ferritin. I was fairly diligent with timing, but not perfect. Probably biggest criticism would be not timing perfect around food intake.
  6. F

    Warning for Men on TRT: Low Ferritin is Bad

    @Nelson Vergel, I was not totally clear. The short answer is "yes" - my hope is that candesartan can help keep hematocrit in check. When I said I use it as a preventative, I meant for migraines. But, my hope is that I get the added benefit of reduced hematocrit. I have read reports of other...
  7. F

    Warning for Men on TRT: Low Ferritin is Bad

    This is interesting to hear that someone else out there has made similar observations as me! I sometimes think I am a unicorn. I have pulled labs a few times after Natesto and numbers are typically pretty low - maybe near 500 or so. My guess is that we are not seeing the peak. Or, it is...
  8. F

    Warning for Men on TRT: Low Ferritin is Bad

    Well, I have a completely unscientific anecdote with an N of 1 and too many variables to make this meaningful, but I thought I would report the following out of interest. Maybe we can get some volunteers to validate my observation? Summary: I have had fatigue for over a year (sometimes...
  9. F

    Warning for Men on TRT: Low Ferritin is Bad

    I keep replying and for some reason, it won't post. My apologies if this is a repeat. Great stuff. I have more to share but want to wait until I have more information. Meanwhile, any advice on avoiding the GI distress? Does black, liquid sludge come to mind...?
  10. F

    Warning for Men on TRT: Low Ferritin is Bad

    Hey, you and I had a conversation about this in another thread. I tried to find it, but can't quite locate it, so I figured I'd follow up here. In the other thread, I had questions about whether or not your protocol relieves symptoms? You commented that, yes, many guys have gotten good symptom...
  11. F

    Should I be starting TRT? (I'm in a predicament, this is why)

    Speaking from experience, once you start TRT it is very hard to go back for some people. I recommend losing weight, reassessing how you feel and reevaluating your numbers and then make a decision. Once you let the genie out of the bottle, you may have a whole new set of problems. On the other...
  12. F

    My Experience On Jatenzo (Oral TRT) Log

    Wow. This is a big deal for The Ambassador. I truly wish you the best of luck. I think Natesto is a very good choice. Circle back in a while and let us know how you are doing. I am happy to give tips if I have any. Not on it now, but took it for a long time. It can work very well for you.
  13. F

    First post. Can’t get E2 under control, starting to worry

    I have some purely anecdotal but, in my opinion, interesting observations I’ve made while on Xyosted for the last few months. I pulled labs a few times and compared them to levels I achieved while on other forms of TRT, such as cream and standard enanthate. The results are somewhat surprising...
  14. F

    Ferritin Levels beyond low...

    This is really good information. At the end of the day, we are all here to address unwanted symptoms, and it sounds like your protocol does that. By the way, your efforts are admirable. You put a lot of energy into learning the nuances of iron metabolism and could have kept that information for...