Recent content by ERO

  1. E

    High Labs

    I have never been able to put on any muscle with TRT, either, with any known protocol. After this long, I think I have tried them all.
  2. E

    DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

    If I may ask, where do you get DHT cream?
  3. E

    High blood pressure meds- what's best for TRT and ED?

    I have experience with Telmisartan by itself. No ED on it. I would rather not be taking it at all, of course.
  4. E

    Can't sleep

    Yes, the cbn is definitely better. That is all that I use now. I hope they help!
  5. E

    Can't sleep

    If it is legal in your state, try eating a TCH edible right before bed. I used to wake at 2-3 every night, and now I sleep until 5:30-6:00
  6. E

    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    How about people who respond with a high level but feel nothing from TRT? I have very low SHBG (not diabetic, pre-diabetic, or obese), and TRT feels the same as low T. I have been on TRT for ten years and tried everything.
  7. E

    Anavar (Oxandrolone)

    Defy Medical prescribes it if you are working with them.
  8. E

    Help! Insomnia, Irritability, and Libido Issues on TRT

    TRT often is of little help with libido for many men. I know TRT is marketed as helping libido. Still, then, you see on forums like this where a great many guys find it of no help whatsoever in the libido department - and it's not always due to flawed protocols - often a guy's numbers will look...
  9. E

    I need to find a way to make TRT work for me!

    If I were you, I would try an online clinic life Defy. They know what they are doing, and you get past the issue where local docs have no clue about TRT.
  10. E

    What does low shbg actually mean ?

    I am glad to hear that you are doing well with low SHBG. For many of us, though, we feel no real difference between the Low T we had before treatment and how we feel after going on TRT and trying every known protocol.
  11. E

    My Melanotan 2 experience.

    I too am very light-skinned, but I can get pretty dark with this stuff. The nausea is no joke though until you get used to it then it seems to go away. No help on libido for me, but the tan is very nice.
  12. E

    A cruel irony of TRT

    Agreed. TRT has done ZERO to restore my libido.
  13. E

    Selegiline impact on libido

    I have tried it a couple of times in the hope it would help my libido. Unfortunately, it did nothing. Your mileage may vary, of course.
  14. E

    What does low shbg actually mean ?

    As a low SHBG guy on TRT for many years, I can tell you exactly what it feels like. It feels like the Low T you had before you began treatment. Low libido, no muscle gain or weight loss, recovery from workouts suck, no energy boost, etc. I stay on a minimal TRT program just so I can have normal...
  15. E

    My Melanotan 2 experience.

    Just an FYI - It is not a "sunless" tan - to get a tan you must use it and get some sun or use a tanning bed.