When I first started on Tri-mix I had a few of those 4 hour long erections and tried the Sudafed with some success. What I found that seemed to help the most was doing a leg workout to draw the blood away. A stationary bike helps the most. What may be causing the long excessive erections is the...
I do not use an an auto injector. I use a 1ml syringe with a 1/2 inch 29 or 27 gauge needle. I pre fill 5 syringes from the thawed 5 ml trimix vial (Keep the vial well mixed with inversions and do not shake while you make the aliquots.) in aliquots of 0.2ml (your dose will vary depending on...
I’ve used trimix for 4 years and have not have any curvature from the use. I followed the protocol recommendation for injection and am very happy with the results. I started used after a prostatectomy and I have found that the trimix has helped maintain the health, size and vascularity of my penis.
Knicegi My prostate was removed in Nov 2014 and I've been on Trimix since May 2015. I take no other medications and yes without a prostate you can have a climax but there will be no semen. Clean up after sex is basically no clean up. I do get erections without Trimix but it takes too long and...
riverside, I have used Trimix for almost 2 years as well and I have found that the walls of my penis on each side are not the same thickness. As Gene Devine said your response to the small dosage increases does not make sense. I have only injected and missed on the right side and it is usually...
Exactly right Leesto. I think about that and having the vial get a microbial growth started. I think most of the liquid is ethanol and sterile water but as you said saving some money is not worth the risk.
Gamnc. Another point is that I usually test the Trimix each time I get a refill to verify the strength. I want to see that my dose will stay the same. Mine is compounded at a local pharmacy and they are dealing with very small weights and measures. It's not that I don't trust them but we all...
Gamnc, Trimix is a godsend. My history is this: I'm a 57 year old who had a cancerous prostate removal 2 years ago and I can now get some normal erections with some effort but these are never used with lovemaking. Trimix has transformed me from a dud in the bedroom to a stud. My mixture is...
J2048b how old are you? Just curious because you may not be a frustrated enough with your sex life to try Trimix. I'm 55 and 7 months post prostate removal. That's the way I felt about it on my 3 month follow up post prostatectomy, I told the urologist that I'd wait and keep doing my exersizes...
Cialis is good as well as Viagra. They work with stimulus and as I've found it takes less stimulation to get a strong erection. If you don't have any underlying ED it should help. But the biggest issue with ED or other performance issues is stress or medications that you are taking. Some side...
Been there and trust me the more you think the more it will sink. I found that Viagra or any of the ED drugs work good for me because it required less stimulation to achieve an erection. However I had my prostate removed 6 months ago and as those nerves heal I've started using Trimix. It's an...