Lots of great info here and some that I've accidently stumbled upon myself. Searching for this solution and found this thread, close but need a little help.
Situation: Been injecting Enanthate for almost 3 years, results have been life changing for me. Quality of life has tripled. Zero side...
I'm in Texas so finding a urologist educated at Baylor is very easy, actually rather hard to find any not educated at Baylor. How would you search for Fellowships under Lipshultz?
...and when did 155-721 (ng/dL) become the range, I thought everyone was shooting for 800 to 1100?
Been on TRT for almost two years. It's been life changing. I take .9 to 1cc per week of Enanthate injected.
Took a while to dial it in, but 800 to 1000 seems to be the sweet spot for me. Then primary care physician retired, new guy want's it to be below 750. "Don't care how you feel, it's too...
60 yo male, started taking Test Enanthate (read it had fewer side effects) about 6 months ago. Nothing short of life changing for me so I'd venture a guess those without the results they're looking for may have other root causes to their problems. I put off trying it until I had exhausted all...
In this study, no one saw rubber cores of the 800 or so samples. With the 18G needles the cores they found were smaller than the internal diameter of a 23G needle. The only reason I started researching this was because I saw some floating around in the vial, then I actually saw the grey rubber...
I stand corrected. Just found an article on Science Direct with a study that showed the smaller the diameter the higher the rate of coring. 18G with 10% occurrence, 23G with 33% and higher gauges up to 70%.
"Avoiding unconscious injection of vial-derived rubber particles during intra-articular...
I inject .6mL every 4 days and I've had issues with grey rubber specs in the vial and subsequently winding up in the syringe. Missed one and luckily it stopped up the injection by blocking the 25G needle half way through the injection.
Using 20G needles to draw, remove big needle then pull...