Recent content by dickielongate

  1. D

    Testing HCG potency with pregnancy test / Buying HCG in liquid form

    Thanks, I would have guessed it wouldn't have been an issue. Also, since I wasn't very specific and you said it might be useful, I wanted to provide a more precise description of the test procedure in case someone else can use this. The idea is to get a simulated urine sample in the range...
  2. D

    Testing HCG potency with pregnancy test / Buying HCG in liquid form

    Actually I was wrong, there was a very faint line for the 80 miu/ml mix. So I tried 160miu/ml and got a half decent line. This means it's 8x weaker than the good stuff. Still I have 5 bottles of 5000 IU. Any reason not to use? Is HCG that has reduced potency still safe to inject, given...
  3. D

    Testing HCG potency with pregnancy test / Buying HCG in liquid form

    I will answer as the test was quite conclusive. My control sample was a batch of powdered HCG that I mixed myself nearly 3 weeks ago. I went for a dilution of 20 miu/ml, which involved taking 0.05 cc and diluting twice. Since the test threshold is listed at 10miu/ml I wanted to make sure to...
  4. D

    Testing HCG potency with pregnancy test / Buying HCG in liquid form

    Hi, I recently purchased some HCG in error. I thought I had ordered powdered form as usual, but realised my mistake when it arrived and I found it was premixed. What's confusing me is I thought HCG once mixed only retains full potency for about a month, and that is when stored at the correct...
  5. D

    Oral Test / Test Enanthate in oil

    One thing I forgot to add. If you look at the DHT graphs, and bearing in mind the seeming lack of impact on E2 in the short term, it seems that this approach can come with a pretty strong DHT response. Is this the reason scrotal creams are thought to maybe increase libido because there is more...
  6. D

    Oral Test / Test Enanthate in oil

    I'm sure like many I knew that oral forms of T are modified to prevent them being metabolised by the liver. I recently read that original Olympians ate sheeps' testicles, which got me wondering. Looking around, I found a study which seems to indicate, with some caveats, that oral Test E oil...
  7. D

    Lump after sub q pin

    First, I now recognise that my mention of dodgy deals from China may not have been appropriate for this site, so rest assured, I will post about it somewhere else and possibly provide a link later. Turns out the lumps are a slow burn thing, and at different rates according to location and...
  8. D

    Lump after sub q pin

    Well it turns out even at 90 deg, the lumps were still there, although smaller, deeper and less sore. So did my first delt shot, same needle, 29g 5/8ths. This is one of the few times I've injected with zero issues (so far). I like it. Can anyone comment on the risks of scar tissue doing...
  9. D

    Lump after sub q pin

    Done a couple of pins at 90 degrees. At 45 degrees I always found some soreness and also the last time, the lump issue. At 90 degrees, no discomfort at all. Again, using a 15mm (5/8th) 29g needle.
  10. D

    Lump after sub q pin

    Had a read, great stuff, thanks
  11. D

    Lump after sub q pin

    Thank you, very informative
  12. D

    Lump after sub q pin

    Well Iam learning all the time and what you say about average E2 seems plausable. On the other hand I read and hear a lot how higher frequency jabs lead to lower overall aromatisation, due to lower peaks in T. So if sub q smooths out peaks in T uptake, shouldn't this also contribute to less E2...
  13. D

    Lump after sub q pin

    Thanks. No redness, so I guess standard stuff. I guess you mean shallow IM in the delts?
  14. D

    Lump after sub q pin

    Both replies put my mind at ease, thank you. It was the abdomen for me, 2 inches from the belly button. The only other place I could try is love handles I think, arms too skinny. Makes sense to try 90 degrees I suppose. Yes once over to daily I'll be going for around 20mg, so presumably less...
  15. D

    Lump after sub q pin

    I just read the whole thread this morning started by you about going to ED injections, so yeah. And by the way I have decided to move to ED today My understanding of sub q is that scar tissue is less of an issue because that happens when the fluid displaces muscle tissue. I also understand...