All you did was go to a place that didn’t have a clue what they were doing, and neither did you by taking all three of those medications at once. 160 mg shot is way to much at once. Had you taken 120 mg and divided it into two or three injections, you would not be having these symptoms I don’t...
Mine has been as high as 90, but stays mainly in the 70-80’s and has for 5 or 6 years. I have never “felt” any “sides”. I feel good at 69 years old. My Total t is in the 900’s and free in the 30’s, give or take. I’m active and still loving being alive, and having a woman who is also on HRT...
Why are you donating blood to lower hematocrit? What is your %? I’m 69 and mine is at 55-56, and has been for several years with no ill effects. BO is excellent as well as health. Are you suffering from some perceived side effect?
My hat has been 54% for years now. My bp is normal (121/72 last time taken). I donate two or three times a year (power reds) because the Red Cross needs blood. Although my lab numbers will go down for a couple weeks, they always just come back up. I have normal white count and no other alarms. I...
I’m 69 and lost sensitivity about a year ago. I no longer can have orgasm during sex, but still have some good feeling and a very high libido. I started having problems a couple years ago ( I’ve been on trt for 11 years now), and I’ve used HCG (used from BBC 500 iu/wk to 1500 iu/week for 12...
I’ve been taking 4000 FU /day now since October last year for general cleaning of the arteries. Bloods in Jan and Feb didn’t see much difference in hemo, but I figured this is a long term effort, so I’ll give it a year and see if there are any noticeable changes. I like its history
My hemo has been 55-56% for nigh on 11 years now with no worries. I stay hydrated w/electrolytes. BP is excellent. This article is correct in that trt will cause high hematocrit in the majority of patients. But if high RBC and her is this big of an issue, why aren’t the people that live at high...
With telehealth or clinic you’re certainly gonna pay a considerable bit more than $25/ month. I pay $175/month for telehealth thru a clinic. If you’re looking for inexpensive go over to naps and order some. Or answer one of those ads on fb where you call in, get diagnosed and get a script. Don’t...
Gel doesn’t have a very good record for absorption. Cream does much better, and there is very little roller coaster. I’m 69 and have been injecting for 11 years now. I’m in a couple groups and your problem is a common one from those who have been given gel by doctors who don’t know a whole lot...
Just got my bloods back after a month on the cyp/npp/primo stack. I injected Sunday afternoon and did bloods on Wednesday morning. Total T was 892 ng/dl (up from 764), free T was 21.5 pg/ml (up from 16.1), and E2 was 29.5 pg/ml (down from 39.6). I’m going to bump the npp and primo up by 15...
I’m going on 11 years of trt and don’t an AI. I’ve had E2 values in the 90’s (remember E2 is made in the tissue and the blood work number is not a serum value) and have not had what others call “high estrogen sides”. I’m not even sure what they would be. I have however crashed my E2 (first year...
Right now my test dose is 120 mg/wk split into 3 shots. I’m currently also doing 60 mg of Nandrolone and 60 mg of Primo at same times (20 each day). When I was running 160 mg/wk of just cyp, my E2 was in the 90’s, and test level was 1200 pg/ml with free at 32. I didn’t feel any different at...
Mine has been high 90’s and low 100’s several times the past 8 years. It normally runs in the 80’s on trt. I’m not sure what high symptoms are as I’ve never had any. I have crashed it twice on 1/4 mg x 2 /week of Anastrozole, and that won’t be happening again. I’m not taking ai ever again.