Recent content by bouquetCPA

  1. B

    Why do some people require high testosterone levels to feel good on trt?

    My total testosterone levels need to just above the top end of the spectrum in order to have a decent amount of free-t. Why? Because my SHBG runs high (50 - 70 nmol/L) and "normal" total testosterone levels of 500 or 600 ng/dL will have my free testosterone at 6 to 10 pg/mL. BTDT and it...
  2. B

    Misdiagnosed as "Adult ADD" ; baseline labs -- starting TRT

    I was misdiagnosed with depression and my GP wanted to put me on SSRIs prior to me seeking out a specialist. It turned out that I had hypothyroidism and low-t. I often wonder what kind of roller coaster SSRIs would have put me on if I had listened to the GP...
  3. B

    TRT botched shot

    I wouldn't sweat it if you aspirated and there was no blood in the syringe. I know I had at least two injections in recent months where I aspirated with no blood, yet when I pulled the needle out, I had a gusher. One was a glute injection and the other was a deltoid injection. My best guess...
  4. B

    What trough level do you feel best at?

    Both the doctor that I refuse to go to and my current doctor wanted my free testosterone to be between 20 and 25. Depending on my SHBG, that can mean a total testosterone level as low as 918 or as high as 1455. When my prior doctor was playing around with my dose, my total (EDIT) free...
  5. B

    What trough level do you feel best at?

    Due to my naturally high SHBG, my doctors prefer to monitor my free testosterone versus my total.
  6. B

    Ejaculation and Orgasm Problems

    Oddly enough, I suffer from the opposite problem since being on TRT in that I can achieve orgasm without ejaculating. I had that same "issue" during my younger years and was kind of happy that it made a return. As I aged, it was rather rare that I could do that, and after about 8 months on...
  7. B

    Kinda need emergency help (stopped taking TRT)

    I live in Louisiana and I use Defy Medical since every doctor in my area is about 20 years behind the current protocols used by professionals who actually do this for a living... It just sucks that I had to get screwed up through an estradiol crash in order to obtain better care. Get this...
  8. B

    Male hot flashes causes ED

    When my estradiol level was at 6.8 on the sensitive method, I had bad night sweats, joint pain, tendon pain, and erectile dysfunction. My latest reading was 46.1 (sensitive) and most of my symptoms have subsided. My left elbow is still bothering me, but all the rest of the issues went away...
  9. B

    Doctor changed my protocol

    Well, I am taking 97.5 mg of Nature Throid daily, so I am sure that has something to do with it. I'll post again after the followup with my current doctor, but I will say that my last doctor wasn't concerned with the high T3 level due to the medication. Granted, my former doctor wanted to...
  10. B

    Doctor changed my protocol

    I just wanted to give updated labs on the new protocol of 80 mg cypionate, 500 iU HCG, and .125 mg Anastrozole every 3.5 days with 50 mg DHEA taken daily: Testosterone, Serum 918 High ng/dL Free Testosterone(Direct) 21.7 High pg/mL Estradiol, Sensitive 46.1 High pg/mL Sex Horm Binding Glob...
  11. B

    The 12 Year-Old Study That Proves Testosterone Injections Every Two Weeks Fail

    I want to thank you for posting this article! I believe you were the first person to point out how my former doctor put me on a roller coaster ride with injections every other week using a mixture of Sustanon (which I was wrongly told was Propionate by his nurse) and Enanthate. Regardless...
  12. B

    Suggestions for AI Use

    I'm 45 and I have no plans to stop. I know how bad I felt before and there is no way I am going to willingly go back to feeling that way!
  13. B

    What's the beef with anastrazole?

    Has anyone ever noticed anxiety with Anastrozole? It was way worse when I was on 1 mg, but every now and again, like if I take .125 mg at night, I seem to get a little anxiety that keeps me from falling asleep.
  14. B

    What's the beef with anastrazole?

    Therein lies the rub. The doctor that I left, along with his staff, are under the false impression that men on TRT do NOT need estradiol in their bodies. I know because that was their argument when I brought in my labs after the crash. I wonder how many other lives they are ruining with that...
  15. B

    What's the beef with anastrazole?

    My beef with it is my last doctor prescribed 1 mg per week and that was WAY too much for the every other week injection cycle that he had me on. I ended up feeling so bad to the point where I was ready to give up TRT all together. Come to find out, my estradiol was single digit, below range...