Recent content by bochinit

  1. bochinit

    What is an Alpha?

    Alpha, sigma, beta, redpill, etc is a stupid thing like horoscope but for men. This trend are most influent on younger guys who are insecure and frustated that come to internet and found this echo chamber ideologyes full of misoginy and other losers like them to agroup. They even workship trashs...
  2. bochinit

    Nandrolone Therapy as HRT

    Yeah go ahead and fk with someone who HIV. Come on. Your answer is so imoral e stupid dude, and i'm not here searching for stupid talk nor bro science. I thoug I'd find serious people here.
  3. bochinit

    Nandrolone Therapy as HRT

    Hey guys, I'm not a noob in this world. What I'm asking for is why and how Nandrolone was/are pescribed as monoterapy for people without testosterone. There's know people doing Deca Only cycles/hrt as they claim based on those HIV people and fisiculturists from the 70's. Does anyone know...
  4. bochinit

    Nandrolone Therapy as HRT

    How can I tag him to see this thread to asnwer?
  5. bochinit

    Planning to exit TRT

    Acredito que não. Acabei lendo certos relatos sobre fadiga adrenal etc devido ao uso prolongado de esteróides inclusive TRT. Eu sugeriria que abaixasse a dose. Não faz ideia de como mesmo 100mg por semana de testosterona afeta seu corpo acima do natural. Muitas pessoas também não.
  6. bochinit

    Nandrolone Therapy as HRT

    Hello, what's the concensus about Nandrolone monoterapy used as HRT instead of Testosterone? I now there are indicated and used for HIV patients or people who need to avoid Testosterone side effects. Does men here do it?
  7. bochinit

    Increased body hair on TRT

    Why you want this? Is horrible. I'm tired of keep shaving myself. If I could never grow more hair I will definitly choose to!
  8. bochinit

    Nandrolone Experiences

    @DS3 but if nandrolone does cause it by itself hos many men use it without sufer depression? Nelson Vergel for example used it for 20 years+. What's the trick?
  9. bochinit

    Someone having anxiety on TRT?

    100mg/week sit at 600s. 200mg/week sit at highs 1000'. The most high I use the worst I feel. I'm trying to solve my symptoms, not my numbers. Understand?
  10. bochinit

    low shbg means high free E2 ?

    My shbg is low and I'm trying to microdose my testosterone because any high dosage seems to spike my levels and e2 and I end up with extreme anxiety. I'm sufering a lot with it. Anxiety is no joke..
  11. bochinit

    Nandrolone Experiences

    @DS3 I don't know but I feel it. Or what I'm feeling is anxiety by the e2 spike and I confusing it with depression. If it's not e2 related what would be instead?
  12. bochinit

    Someone having anxiety on TRT?

    @Systemlord you think my dosage is low? I thoug that too. I always see men using way more than this and feeling good. But if I increase there's not a chance of me suffering even more? By the logic.
  13. bochinit

    DHB (1-test cyp) solo, would it be worth doing?

    I'm having the same problem. What you do? What's your protocol?
  14. bochinit

    Someone having anxiety on TRT?

    Hello conrades, are someone here having anxiety or any other psychologic symptom of angryness or depression on trt? My anxiety spikes right before I inject (100mg per week/2x split) and lay down as days (half life obvious) pass by. I ger anxyous, agressive and have some insonia. Are anyone...