Recent content by BadassBlues

  1. BadassBlues

    Dialed in on Testosterone Propionate, How to Switch to Cypionate

    Ahhh... I have absolutely no experience with any oral forms.
  2. BadassBlues

    Dialed in on Testosterone Propionate, How to Switch to Cypionate

    Sorry buddy, I'm not understanding. Big fluctuations would be more in line with Propionate. Did I misunderstand you?
  3. BadassBlues

    Dialed in on Testosterone Propionate, How to Switch to Cypionate

    I assumed that, it does get old after a while. I go through cycles of multiple daily injections with peptides. It's nice to take a break from being a pincushion from time to time. With that said, I am about to start a 10 day Epithalon course next week. This along with daily peptides. I keep...
  4. BadassBlues

    Dialed in on Testosterone Propionate, How to Switch to Cypionate

    Very true. Cypionate is slow and predictable and keeps levels fairly consistent with regular dosing. Propionate peaks faster and isn't as predictable. Those changes will have an effect on many things, libido, mood, neurotransmitters etc... Propionate hits me at about the 5-hour mark and it...
  5. BadassBlues

    Dialed in on Testosterone Propionate, How to Switch to Cypionate

    I have to ask, if you are dialed in and things are good, what is your reasoning for wanting to change?
  6. BadassBlues

    DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

    I believe it is in this thread, read back around the beginning. If not, PM me.
  7. BadassBlues

    DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

    Please correct me if I am wrong, but to my knowledge athletes aren't tested for stanolone, but rather stanozolol. Testing for stanolone would be the equivelant of testing for testosterone.
  8. BadassBlues

    Sirolimus / Dialing in the Right Dosage and Protocol

    Likely variable depending on dosage and frequency. Metformin is taken daily in most instances and doesn't clear the system. I'll do a search on that topic later when I have some time.
  9. BadassBlues

    Sirolimus / Dialing in the Right Dosage and Protocol

    "I would argue that this demographic is more likely to have chronically elevated mTOR for various reasons and, for anti-aging purposes, is more likely to benefit from reduced mTOR." I believe you may have misread my thoughts on this as I agree with that. I am questioning the balance.
  10. BadassBlues

    Sirolimus / Dialing in the Right Dosage and Protocol

    I don't think the biweekly protocol could, or should cause any problems with protein synthesis as there is sufficient time for the drug to clear and for mTOR1 to be reactivated. I am seeing protocols of weekly doses up to 10mg being prescribed by some clinics and that is what seems excessive to...
  11. BadassBlues

    DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

    Good point, and one that is often overlooked. It's easy to get confused as for whatever reason the term "Bioidentical" seems to conjure up images of organic, or natural in the sense that it originates from an organic source. It just means it is identical to the organic structure. A good...
  12. BadassBlues

    Sirolimus / Dialing in the Right Dosage and Protocol

    Although some consistency has been established with regard to Sirolimus protocols and dosing, there still remains some unanswered questions. My questions are specific to those of us who are either bodybuilders, athletes or fitness enthusiasts that don't necessarily wish to suppress protein...
  13. BadassBlues

    DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

    It's the only legitimate source that we have established here. I believe this thread may have been a reason his sales have spiked.
  14. BadassBlues

    Salt, Healthy Blood Pressure Levels, and Libido: Highlights from the book The Salt Fix

    The only consensus is that there is no consensus on most anything. Most everything comes down to the individual. Although there are those with empirical arrogance who deem themselves as messiahs. YouTube is rife with them.
  15. BadassBlues

    Transdermal Mixing Question / Oil Based VS. Powders

    I did finally score big on the powder. I'll look into the Salvo, thanks!