Recent content by baconlatte

  1. baconlatte

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    I had a feeling this might’ve been the case. You may still have exogenous Test floating around in your system interacting with the Deca. Not sure if your best option is to 1) power through for another month or so and see how it goes or 2) PCT, come off everything for a few months, and try Deca...
  2. baconlatte

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    Update since my last post: -I tried Dbol for 2 weeks. First week at 5mg daily, second week at 10mg daily. I literally didn't feel a damn thing. My body typically responds quickly so I dropped Dbol. -After a short break I tried 10mg Tbol. It's only been 3 weeks now. Endurance in the gym is up a...
  3. baconlatte

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    Hold up. Did you just switch from Test to Deca or you just started Deca from zero?
  4. baconlatte

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    Thank you! I'm flattered! No benefit at all. Maybe I was a slightly more pumped, but pimples started popping up in strange places so I'm back down to 150 now. I started taking 5mg of Dbol a few days ago. So far I don't feel anything at all. I might give it another week at 5mg or bump it to...
  5. baconlatte

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    Sarcastically, I think the only benefit with Test vs Nand is that I was 10-15% stronger on Test. NPP is better in every other way. If I could solve that 1 missing piece everything would be perfect. Now my cabinet looks like a pharmacy of Test and DHT derivatives. I've tried baby doses of...
  6. baconlatte

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    Sensitivity is a little better on NPP than Test, but not by much. Libido is 100x better though. I can have sex no problem, but it still doesn't feel as pleasurable as it did before AAS. It's quite a Catch-22 when I think about it. Pregnyl. It's the only one I trust.
  7. baconlatte

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    500iu every Mon and Thurs. Not at all. I'm a low aromatizer. My e2 is 11. The only annoying side I'm dealing with at the moment is mild acne, but I don't know if it's from increasing my NPP to 200mg or the EQ that I tried a few weeks ago. In either case, I dropped the EQ and I'm going back...
  8. baconlatte

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    I don't really do well on AAS without hCG. I was traveling for 2 weeks and skipped my hCG dose (didn't want to deal with refrigeration) and felt a noticeable decline in libido and general mood. On TRT I felt pretty crappy without hCG as well. I couldn't have said it better myself.
  9. baconlatte

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    I’m in my 6th month. Been on 150mg NPP + 1000iu hCG for the most part but decided to try 200mg a few weeks ago. I don’t really feel any difference but it might be early. Gonna give it a few more weeks and if it continues I’ll go back down. I also dropped Test completely because it gave me acne...
  10. baconlatte

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    Just want to make sure I don’t get it.
  11. baconlatte

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    I hear you, brother. I know the amped up feeling you’re talking about. TRT was an absolute DISASTER for me. I’m convinced I caused some permanent damage because some shit just never recovered even though my bloodwork was great after PCT. I wish I discovered @Gman86’s posts sooner. I actually...
  12. baconlatte

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    Thanks, I just realized the missing FT. The nurse where I get my blood drawn is like Mrs. Magoo in scrubs. She forgot to order PSA as well. I’ll get those done next Monday. Overall I feel great. Sleep, acne, libido, EQ, mood, fitness, etc have all been excellent and pretty consistent day to...
  13. baconlatte

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    Bloodwork has arrived. NPP 150mg + hCG 1,000iu + Test 30mg One thing that jumped out at me was my ALT, but that could be because I drank a lot the weekend before my draw. I’m typically not a big drinker at all.
  14. baconlatte

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    1x a week NPP M/W/F Test M hCG M/Th I’ll probably try NPP 2x a week in the near future.
  15. baconlatte

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    Thank you! TBF, it started about 10 days after adding Test to my protocol, so I’m not sure if it’s all because of the NPP. On NPP+hCG my BP was ok. But yeah, it’s freaking me out as well. We’ll see what the doctor says today. Other than BP everything else is great.