Recent content by at15

  1. A

    Morning wood when overdue for a dose

    yes correct. chasing a number on a piece of paper is for the mentally insane. stop parroting the same nonsense you post in every thread.
  2. A

    Test prop time til peak

    Roughly 12 hour
  3. A

    Morning wood when overdue for a dose

    If your doing better at the end of your injection cycle it means your dosage is too high. Start with 60mg every 5 days for a while and see how that goes.
  4. A

    I replace all my hormones. Here is what I learned.

    Are you still using testosterone replacement therapy? what do your blood levels like natural vs trt ?
  5. A

    Suddenly confused about some numbers

    yes if your vial is 200mg/ml. thats 0.9 x 200 = 180. Inject 0.9ml once weekly.
  6. A

    To TRT or to not TRT. Testosterone Enanthate + HCG

    i dont know if he promotes supra physiological levels so i removed that, if he does then yes he is supporting cardiovascular events and brain damage!! read some medical literature, that is an absolute joke in the 300's thats decent levels !! well below reference range can be a problem like i...
  7. A

    To TRT or to not TRT. Testosterone Enanthate + HCG

    no absolutely not. like i said you have used trt as a band-aid. you may have problems at 50 ng/dl but not 345! im sorry man its tough to accept this, i used to be just like you screw anything but high levels. but its not the truth based on medical research, gotta be honest about this.
  8. A

    To TRT or to not TRT. Testosterone Enanthate + HCG

    1. no one can tell you what levels your protocol will give you. It depends on your response. Saying that, its a fairly aggressive protocol that will leave most guys high. Consider even the most healthy top end young male produce just 70mg a week. Take off the ester on injected test and thats a...
  9. A

    Does testosterone enanthate every 3 weeks make sense?

    Here is what you do with ampules if you dont want to split. Start with 250 mg every 7 days. Drop it back to every 8 days, stabilize. every 9 days, etc until you feel you are dropping too low then go back to last interval and stick with that as your protocol. Most guys will be ok in the 10-12 day...
  10. A

    Full lab results (update)

    Oh wow ok, i assumed you were just not happy with your trt protocol. But your actually natural. Have you looked into supplements or medications to lower your shbg?
  11. A

    Full lab results (update)

    What is your protocol right now for all drugs?
  12. A

    Looking for a poll and feedback from folks who are “dialed in”

    i finally feel more stable. switched to 100 mg enanthate once weekly in castor oil (important because its very thick and matches the half life so releases very slow) + small daily hcg dosage.
  13. A

    Help me dial in my protocol Nebido

    transfer nebido into sterile vial. inject 0.5ml (125mg) once per week.
  14. A

    Trt just isn't for me?

    you just lived like this for 2 years never changing your dose or protocol?
  15. A

    Low dose? 1 shot week or twice. TRT

    One shot a week can be sufficient depending what type of oil your testosterone is suspended in. But 66 mg is most likely not enough. Most men need at least around 100 mg per week.