Recent content by Appassionato

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    Excessive sweating on thyroid medications

    It's crazy how effective was iodine in your case
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    Excessive sweating on thyroid medications

    Did you see any change in your sweating? Are you on thyroid meds or were you only on iodine?
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    Excessive sweating on thyroid medications

    Thanks Vince for your response. I'm not running them as often as before, as I learned to go by symptoms rather than numbers. Thyroid medication fixed all the remaining symptoms and I feel good. The only issue now is excessive sweating.
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    Excessive sweating on thyroid medications

    Hi guys. I've been doing well so far with the introduction of thyroid medications to my regimen. It seems TRT alone was slowly killing my already lazy thyroid and I was feeling always tired and in a low mood state, despite proper androgens numbers on paper. I then started adding T4 first, but...
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    BPC-157/TB-500 Dosing

    Would you use TB-500 for biceps tendonitis that doesn't want to leave me alone since almost a year now? I've been trying to shift to 10/12/15 reps on every exercise, plus bands warmup every session. It's better, but I can't still do things like pull ups or the pain gets worse.
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    Effect of TRT vs hCG/FSH on upstream hormone pathways.

    I had it around 20 for several years, way before TRT. Then when I went above 100 mg per week of T, it went to 40 and then almost to 60, so I decided to have an MRI. It was probably there already since years and got bigger on TRT. I'll see if it shrinks in one year of treatment with 0.75 mg of...
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    Effect of TRT vs hCG/FSH on upstream hormone pathways.

    Did you ever do a pituitary gland MRI to check for a prolactinoma? I though that was the case with me as well, as the more I was increasing my T dose, the higher prolactin was going, so I was blaming it on E2. Then I realised through several blood tests that prolactin levels weren't correlated...
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    Effect of TRT vs hCG/FSH on upstream hormone pathways.

    It's a 20% difference, not huge, not insignificant. Without mentioning that they are considering serum levels which don't tell you much of what's happening in tissues. You also have to take in account that HCG comes with its own side effects unrelated to the sex hormones levels.
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    Effect of TRT vs hCG/FSH on upstream hormone pathways.

    Something we always knew anecdotally and the reason probably why the vast majority of us never felt good on HCG. With AI or no AI I never managed to get dialed in with HCG. With T only there's no issue, since E2 follows T and the ratio is the same. Dr. Jordan Grant mentioned it often in his...
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    President Trump is taking one tab of hydroxychloroquine and zinc per day.

    Vaccines are actually what keeps big pharmaceutical company alive, since the are not much money done with drugs once the patent is expired. Hence why they always push useless vaccines, especially the one for the flu that is an absolute scam. I totally agree with you about the American health...
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    President Trump is taking one tab of hydroxychloroquine and zinc per day.

    The very same media which have a member of Big Pharma on their board of directors
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    President Trump is taking one tab of hydroxychloroquine and zinc per day.

    Your logic would have worked in a world with honest and ethic people running countries. I'm afraid to tell you this is not the world we live in. The economic damage wasn't a collateral, it was a goal. Along with the imposed vaccination that will follow, bringing a huge amount of cash to Bill...
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    Insomnia help. I have been on TRT for 15 days and can barely sleep.

    Well it was working, but it was compromised already. You were having low T and with those levels I was feeling heavily anxious. This further suggests me that HCG could be your issue, because it throws off the ratio between T:E2 in a big number of people. E2 follows T in a linear way, HCG...
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    Insomnia help. I have been on TRT for 15 days and can barely sleep.

    Were you on cycle when you had your anxiety attack in 2017? Otherwise it could be due to lack of androgens back in 2017, since you were on steroids and you shut down your HPTA. There are several factors at play for anxiety, it's not an easy one. I can tell you for sure that many of us don't...
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    Insomnia help. I have been on TRT for 15 days and can barely sleep.

    I wouldn't throw any other variable in, like supplements. I've been struggling with sleep for years, before and after TRT and I can guarantee you that supplements don't work if the cause is hormonal. As someone else said, take out HCG of the equation for now and do test only. You were doing...