I know with finasteride a lot of times the balance is thrown off indefinitely even if you stop. TRT would have a different mechanism of affecting it so it’s hard to say. If you do feel worse on TRT no matter the regime or trying to help it, might not be for you for a variety of reasons that can...
I’ve done different HCG schemes, and found that there does seem to be a minimum dose threshold to achieve more of the positive effects from it outside of preventing testicular atrophy. 250-350iu minimum, which goes along with the charts Dr. Saya made of his tests. Generally within a few days...
Seems to be, though that’s data from people not on TRT as I recall. One theory is you make more to retain more since you make less test and such as you age, but it’s anybody’s guess. If you feel good and your bloodwork looks good on the key points, just take it as a win!
Chris Bell got them to give up on kratom with one text to Rogan. Since Rogan’s big on TRT and has gotten many people on it, I imagine half the people he knows have been texting him and he’ll shut all this down within a week. He’ll probably get Chris Bell and Derek and some others on all at once...
I ran into some problems when it combined with the T4 I was taking, so I stopped. I’ll probably go back to using it at some point in an anti aging way that I won’t ‘feel’ much from, but at the time it kept giving me diarrhea. Mentally I never felt anything bad from it. If I come off T4 I might...
My sensitivity still goes up when I take levothyroxine at night. Also goes up on licorice root extract. Dicks are way more complicated than they need to be.
I take 400mg of pregnenolone in the morning from Double Wood, having tried many. I always feel different on it in a dose dependent manner, 400 being a cut off point for what I’m willing to spend. Based on how it reacts and changes with other things I take, my main benefit would appear to be...
I’ve played around with T3 and T4 in all directions to have a lot of experience with that. When I was on Lugol’s, although there were many positive aspects to it, it did feel like hyperthyroidism in ways similar to when I took too much T3, although it also brought with it other positive aspects...
Tried 150mcg but then decided to see how conservative I can be with it and have been doing 50mcg of the iodine + iodide mix daily. It’s very subtle but even with that I can see some benefits, like saliva and sense of taste and smell. Feels more manageable. Before my sense of taste and smell were...
Brand does seem to matter. I got nothing out of Life Extension but like Klaire Labs and Double Wood. Double Wood was my choice for Preg until I realized Amazon lied about the cost per cap so it’s Klaire Labs for me. 400mg in the morning in my case. 100 and under was meh, 200 is okay, 400 is...