I have a simple question about kisspeptin-10 for you.
Does kisspeptin-10 administration cause suppression or shutdown of our kisspeptin endogenous production?
If so I wonder,
When endogenous kisspeptin is suppressed or shut down during the half-life of kisspeptin-10, can occur neuronal atrophy...
I've never read that serms can restore size or reverse testicular atrophy... even though they raise your own lh and fsh levels... Only hcg or hmg can do this. Someone correct me if I am wrong.
Hello Cataceous, how are you?
I have finally found a legit source of HMG and HCG, here where I live in Italy it's not so easy to get these drugs.
Finally I will be able to start this recovery cycle, I hope things will go well, I'm still very young...
I'm just re-reading the old posts, can I...
I like your opinion, but do you think Exemestane can replace a serm in order to raise own LH, FSH and recover testicles?
I ask this because serms make me feel shitty.
Can I know why you say that HMG doesn't really work without HCG? It contains LH..
My LH is in the mid range, FSH is in the low range... but mainly I think I need to recover testicular tissue and reverse the slight atrophy...
I can't find anywhere that SERMs can reverse testicular atrophy or grow...
Yes I tried Clomid at 25mg a day and after 4 days I had side effects like eyesight changes and other sides..
Nolva I tried 10 mg a day..
Less sides on Aromasin though
Hey i'm still here..
Due to COVID here in italy, my plan to get a prescription hasn't worked... damn I have to try this HMG but I don't know how to get it...