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    Kisspeptin-10 suppression

    I have a simple question about kisspeptin-10 for you. Does kisspeptin-10 administration cause suppression or shutdown of our kisspeptin endogenous production? If so I wonder, When endogenous kisspeptin is suppressed or shut down during the half-life of kisspeptin-10, can occur neuronal atrophy...
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    Warning about Indian Enclomiphene tablets

    Hello, do you have found a good legit source of enclomiphene? I have to start my HPTA recovery protocol. Thank you very much
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    Restoring testicle size

    Me, on the other hand, I'm not on TRT or AAS, just want to recover my testicular size/funtiction and my HPTA permanently..
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    Restoring testicle size

    Yeah, but for you just the mono therapy with Clomid has worked in restoring your testicular size and function, right? You didn't need to take hCG/hMG.
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    Restoring testicle size

    I recommend you to give a look at Vitamin A, E and Astragalus membranaceus.
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    Restoring testicle size

    Wow, first I thought that exclusively HCG or HMG can increase/reverse testicular sizes once you stop T or AAS..
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    Restoring testicle size

    So taking clomiphene or enclomiphene *alone* without hcg or hmg can reverse testicular atrophy post cycle?
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    Restoring testicle size

    I've never read that serms can restore size or reverse testicular atrophy... even though they raise your own lh and fsh levels... Only hcg or hmg can do this. Someone correct me if I am wrong.
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    20 y/o - Testicular recovery after 2 years post DHT use

    Hello Cataceous, how are you? I have finally found a legit source of HMG and HCG, here where I live in Italy it's not so easy to get these drugs. Finally I will be able to start this recovery cycle, I hope things will go well, I'm still very young... I'm just re-reading the old posts, can I...
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    20 y/o - Testicular recovery after 2 years post DHT use

    I like your opinion, but do you think Exemestane can replace a serm in order to raise own LH, FSH and recover testicles? I ask this because serms make me feel shitty.
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    20 y/o - Testicular recovery after 2 years post DHT use

    Can I know why you say that HMG doesn't really work without HCG? It contains LH.. My LH is in the mid range, FSH is in the low range... but mainly I think I need to recover testicular tissue and reverse the slight atrophy... I can't find anywhere that SERMs can reverse testicular atrophy or grow...
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    20 y/o - Testicular recovery after 2 years post DHT use

    Yes I tried Clomid at 25mg a day and after 4 days I had side effects like eyesight changes and other sides.. Nolva I tried 10 mg a day.. Less sides on Aromasin though
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    20 y/o - Testicular recovery after 2 years post DHT use

    Hey i'm still here.. Due to COVID here in italy, my plan to get a prescription hasn't worked... damn I have to try this HMG but I don't know how to get it...
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    20 y/o - Testicular recovery after 2 years post DHT use

    Anyone else had experiences with HMG?
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    20 y/o - Testicular recovery after 2 years post DHT use

    So I should run 30-45 days on HMG/HCG followed by 30-45 days on Nolvadex. After the whole 60-90 day period I wait 2 weeks and run blood tests. Right?
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    20 y/o - Testicular recovery after 2 years post DHT use

    Before taking Clomid or Nolvadex I'd try HMG or if it doesn't work HCG, to recover testicular size. Surely I' ll run a panel after the HMG and SERM period.
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    20 y/o - Testicular recovery after 2 years post DHT use

    Okay I get it, and instead for how many days should I take Nolvadex to recover hypothalamus and pituitary after about a month of HMG?
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    20 y/o - Testicular recovery after 2 years post DHT use

    In your opinion how many days should I run HMG? I am thinking about 10 days or 2 weeks followed by 10 mg nolvadex ED for another 10 days or 2 weeks. Any thoughts? Thanks
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    20 y/o - Testicular recovery after 2 years post DHT use

    My idea is to start with 75IU of HMG per day for a few days and see if my testicles recover their size, if nothing happens then I add some HCG as you advised me.
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    20 y/o - Testicular recovery after 2 years post DHT use

    Okay I got that, but you think 75 IU of HMG alone per day has no effect on restoring testicular size and leydig cells? Since, as you say, HMG is a short-acting LH pulse with much lower half-life and strength than HCG, would it give less suppression on the hypothalamus and pituitary than HCG? Or...
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    20 y/o - Testicular recovery after 2 years post DHT use

    Can I know why I should use such large doses of HMG than those used for fertility? There are no guidelines on HMG dosing for PCT on Internet. I've only found one article where it says that 75IU ED or EOD for PCT would be enough and that higher doses have not any better effect. Feida - Shenzhen...
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    20 y/o - Testicular recovery after 2 years post DHT use

    Very interesting article, I have some questions: The article talks about SERMs and says that Nolvadex is the best choice for some reasons. I wonder, can you use an AI like Exemestane instead of a SERM to induce the release of GnRH as well as the gonadotropins ? Nolvadex blocks estrogen receptors...
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    20 y/o - Testicular recovery after 2 years post DHT use

    Hey, maybe some of you already knew me here on the forum with another nick. I'm Alessandro and I'm 19. About 2 years ago, when I was just a foolish and insecure teen, I played and joked with roids and specifically I took a DHT compound for 6 weeks, I knew almost nothing about roids world and I...