Hcg advice

Two things, when my E is high my sack is definitely more drawn up, if you will, not shrinkage, but just tight(er) to the body but that's me and we're all different. Also, whereas HCG works for some and others it doesn't, I believe that there's some dysfunction be it enzyme or something else for that LH analague to spur the downstream conversion from Cholesterol that is broken in us. That's my theory anyway. Ive run HCG up to 500iu 3Xw and seen my DHEA-S and Progesterone, drop on labs.

I didn't find that HCG caused me an E problem when I systematically eliminated things one by one with repeated testing. I got down to using nothing else except Cyp and was still converting at a high rate. I use HCG because I should and we should but I only use 100iu every few days if it's that frequent.
When my E2 is high my sack gets drawn up and tighter but my penis also doesn't hang as low and shrinks substantially as well. I also have much less vascularity in my arms legs. In my case being hypopit my LH was low before TRT so I suspect those with HPTA dysfunction are helped with HCG... lots of us around. And those who have normal LH before TRT may not need HCG at all. Also with high E2 it's like my TRT and HCG is not working. I don't feel good, my eyebrows stop growing. I don't feel calm and relaxed anymore and begin to feel anxious. It's like all of my TRT stops working... ED, no orgasms and so on.

Two things, when my E is high my sack is definitely more drawn up, if you will, not shrinkage, but just tight(er) to the body but that's me and we're all different. Also, whereas HCG works for some and others it doesn't, I believe that there's some dysfunction be it enzyme or something else for that LH analague to spur the downstream conversion from Cholesterol that is broken in us. That's my theory anyway. Ive run HCG up to 500iu 3Xw and seen my DHEA-S and Progesterone, drop on labs.

I didn't find that HCG caused me an E problem when I systematically eliminated things one by one with repeated testing. I got down to using nothing else except Cyp and was still converting at a high rate. I use HCG because I should and we should but I only use 100iu every few days if it's that frequent.
When my E2 is high my sack gets drawn up and tighter but my penis also doesn't hang as low and shrinks substantially as well. I also have much less vascularity in my arms legs. In my case being hypopit my LH was low before TRT so I suspect those with HPTA dysfunction are helped with HCG... lots of us around. And those who have normal LH before TRT may not need HCG at all. Also with high E2 it's like my TRT and HCG is not working. I don't feel good, my eyebrows stop growing. I don't feel calm and relaxed anymore and begin to feel anxious. It's like all of my TRT stops working... ED, no orgasms and so on.

Thx for all the input guys..it really helps..
I notice many of these things..my whole package is more shriveled up and i also notice the less vascular in my arms..interesting you mentioned that..

But i do have noticeable testicular atrophy..aleast half the size pre trt... I am guessing that i need i higher dose of hcg but at the same time its raising my e2...
But we assume that e2 is not the cause of the atrophy..its just a side effect of hcg?

Well good news is i go in for labs tomorrow..and i should have some insight by next week..
And then i can adjust or decide if i want to come off..

I am wondering how i would fell on clomid after being on trt for 7 months?

I ve also been reading alot about stem cell treatment...the future could be better..
Blood drawn this morning for labs...should have results by Tue..

Really dragging my ass today...so tired and lethargic...and getting a good 8hrs of sleep every night...hard to believe i am on trt..

Things i am thinking could be wrong..
Test to high? 80mg a week might be to much..
Test to low? 80mg a week might not be enough..
Estradiol to high? This is my guess but not sure why it would be since my protocol is nothing unusual...
I find this all to be kind of an exasperating exercise. I am injecting 16 mg daily of test cyp. My sex drive is kind of non-existent. When I take HCG it does seem to spike my E2 and libido a bit. I don't want to take an AI because of hassle factor and adding yet another drug to the mix. Constant blood tests are a pain. Sorry to piss and moan, but I am going to have to refocus on all of this because I am really not deriving much benefit. Does anyone have a preferred source/brand for HCG? I notice that quality varies widely.
I find this all to be kind of an exasperating exercise. I am injecting 16 mg daily of test cyp. My sex drive is kind of non-existent. When I take HCG it does seem to spike my E2 and libido a bit. I don't want to take an AI because of hassle factor and adding yet another drug to the mix. Constant blood tests are a pain. Sorry to piss and moan, but I am going to have to refocus on all of this because I am really not deriving much benefit. Does anyone have a preferred source/brand for HCG? I notice that quality varies widely.

I did get my HCG from APS Pharmacy and it worked just fine. Now I'm getting it from Empower Pharmacy and I find it to be a good product just like APS.
Ok guys.. So finally got labs back..
Not alot was tested but got some interesting info and definitely why i am not feeling good..
So my protocol first is

40mg test c twice a week..so 80mg total
250iu hcg twice a week..500iu total

I had blood taken morning of my injection but prior to taking it..

Testestone .. I guess its total..
41.6 nmol/L...range 8.4 - 28.7..very high

Estradiol ..non sensitive..cant get that test in canada.

115 pmol/L ..range 19.7 - 242

So my test is way to high.. My thinking is to cut back to atleast 60mg a week?
What do you guys think?
My main issues right now are..i am tired all the time..cranky ass hell..eczema all over my face..and athropy..
If i cut back how long before i will feel better?
One big concern is the athropy..i am guessing that its from negative feed back from my test being so high..even thou i am taking hcg..i am concerned it wont correct its self now..

Any input would be very appreciative
Do you inject HCG and testosterone on the same day, did you do your Labs on injection day before you injected.

Sorry I missed the part where you said you did Labs before you injected.
Do you inject HCG and testosterone on the same day, did you do your Labs on injection day before you injected.

Sorry I missed the part where you said you did Labs before you injected.

Yes i did labs before i injected..so far i always inject test and hcg on same day.. Monday morining and Thursday evening..
Its pretty obvious that my does is to high.. I am kind surprised that its so high on just 80mg a week.. It just goes to show how little seems to be know about trt..most reputable trt Dr would have started me at around 100mg..even i though my trt dose was gonna be to low when it was percribed..

I worried now that i did some damage to my self..i ve been at this dose for about 8 months.. First i was on 100mg of cream for about 4 months and then 80mg test c for the last 4 months.. I ve got some back eczema on my face which i ve never had my entire life..some bad atrophy..and just in the last few weeks i am kinda noticing some hair thinning ..cant be certin..but it seems like it...

I def lowering my dose thou.. I am gonna drop to 60mg a week
Ok guys.. So finally got labs back..
Not alot was tested but got some interesting info and definitely why i am not feeling good..
So my protocol first is

40mg test c twice a week..so 80mg total
250iu hcg twice a week..500iu total

I had blood taken morning of my injection but prior to taking it..

Testestone .. I guess its total..
41.6 nmol/L...range 8.4 - 28.7..very high

Estradiol ..non sensitive..cant get that test in canada.

115 pmol/L ..range 19.7 - 242

So my test is way to high.. My thinking is to cut back to atleast 60mg a week?
What do you guys think?
My main issues right now are..i am tired all the time..cranky ass hell..eczema all over my face..and athropy..
If i cut back how long before i will feel better?
One big concern is the athropy..i am guessing that its from negative feed back from my test being so high..even thou i am taking hcg..i am concerned it wont correct its self now..

Any input would be very appreciative

do you happen to have free t and/or SHBG values?
do you happen to have free t and/or SHBG values?

I dont.. Shbg was requested and in canada they will only test free t if total t is low..i know its stupid but thats how it is...
But i dontbthink those numbers would matter.. My estrodial is not as high as i was expecting..esspically when considering how high my Test is... From previous labs i tend to be a high shbg guy..its usually i bit high..
I bet my estrodial will drop ..once i drop my T
All ready feeling some slight difference in how i feel...
Last night was my injection night and the low point of my biw T..so i was feeling a bit better last night i noticed..less brain fog and better mood..so i dropped my usual 40mg injection to 30mg and i skipped my 250iu hcg shot..just in case its spiking my e2..
This morning i woke up with a pretty clear head and mood..the biggest thing i noticed was my strength..i just felt very strong...it actully makes sense...since my T was so high..that as it comes down i would feel better...
I wondering thou at some point if my T will go lower faster than my E and then i go thur a period where i dont feel good..
Hopefully i continue to impove and in a month i am all balanced out.

Can anyone comment if that with my T being so high if that was interfering with the hcg maintaining my testes.. Maybe now the my T is lower i will be able to handle some higher doses of hcg like Dr Saya suggested

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