Initial Lab Results, well, kindof

I have been on TRT (3 pumps Androgel 1.62) for about 4 years. I had to stop in 2016 when I lost my insurance. It's around $1000 a month at that level.

Most of the symptoms returned. Mild depression (I'm a pretty optimistic guy), libido, energy, weight gain, ED, etc - you all know them by now.

I started back in August(New job). My Total was 152 then (don't have the other #s). October was 350ish.

I'll attach the entire thing, but the keys are
Total 742
Free 12.1
TSH 2.571
LH 3.3
Estradiol 34.6
SHBG 50.6
Hemocrit 41.4

I can tell you that I FEEL fantastic. Lost 17# in January, have a lot more to lose, but working on it.

I'm moving my TRT and ED care over to Defy, waiting on an appointment now.

BTW, this is the first time my TT > 300 in years. When I started, it was 56.


Did you get your labs after fasting? because your glucose is very high. I would say there is still romm to raise your Free T because that is still low. It's great you feel good but I suspect Defy will likely try to increase your Free T some. Your TSH is a little high, perhaps further testing of FT3, FT4, antibodies, RT3 and ferritin will get you dialed in closer.
Did you get your labs after fasting? because your glucose is very high. I would say there is still romm to raise your Free T because that is still low. It's great you feel good but I suspect Defy will likely try to increase your Free T some. Your TSH is a little high, perhaps further testing of FT3, FT4, antibodies, RT3 and ferritin will get you dialed in closer.

Yes, after 12+hr fast. I know, I am a diabetic. For some reason, my rising BG is higher than at any other time I test. Has been for ages. A1C has been between 6-7 for 2 years.

The one thing that IS DIFFERENT on my T tests, I have never put the Androgel on before the test. I confirmed this, and androgel was on for 4 hours before the draw.
Well whatever you do you need to address that high blood sugar asap. The long term effect of high sugar is devastating. Have a look here and be sure to bring it up with your MD at Defy. I'm Type 2 and my MD said it was normal to have an A1C at 6.8 and not to worry. I put myself on Metformin and now my A1C is at 5.0
Well whatever you do you need to address that high blood sugar asap. The long term effect of high sugar is devastating. Have a look here and be sure to bring it up with your MD at Defy. I'm Type 2 and my MD said it was normal to have an A1C at 6.8 and not to worry. I put myself on Metformin and now my A1C is at 5.0
Yep, thanks. On Pioglitizone + Metformin.. I know, losing about 50+ # would help that out. One of my health goals, I don't mess around. I test at least 3x a day, have a piece of cake on my birthday (thats it), and haven't drank a soda in 3 years. Thanks for looking out for me ratbag !
Exogenous testosterone suppresses your natural production. LH and FSH should be undetectable, but you present with an LH above 3.0. It is very strange.
Yep, thanks. On Pioglitizone + Metformin.. I know, losing about 50+ # would help that out. One of my health goals, I don't mess around. I test at least 3x a day, have a piece of cake on my birthday (thats it), and haven't drank a soda in 3 years. Thanks for looking out for me ratbag !

What are your typical post-prandial glucose levels?
112 - 130. Oddly after todays breakfast, mine was higher (140, but I am suspecting this meter/strips. 3 tests back to back produced results 15 pts apart )

Don't know what brand of meter you're using, but you may want to take a look at the FreeStyle Freedom Lite or FreeStyle Lite meters. Dr. Richard Bernstein has been recommending them and says they're the only one's he's found to be tolerably accurate at near-normal blood sugar levels. He rates the Bayer Contour a somewhat acceptable distant third place. I used to use the Bayer. I switched to the FreeStyle Freedom Lite and I tend to agree. I found it to be very consistent. If I get a reading of, say, 86, I can test it twice immediately thereafter and will get readings of like 84 and 88, no 95s or 77s like I might see on other meters after an 86. Your insurance may pay for the Freestyle Freedom Lite strips. If it doesn't and you don't mind paying out-of-pocket, the strips are relatively reasonable on eBay. I just got a few boxes on eBay of 50 strips in vial with expiration date of 12/31/2019 for around $24 each.
Don't know what brand of meter you're using, but you may want to take a look at the FreeStyle Freedom Lite or FreeStyle Lite meters. Dr. Richard Bernstein has been recommending them and says they're the only one's he's found to be tolerably accurate at near-normal blood sugar levels.
Thank you for this. I was trying to decide on a new meter! Current is an Accu-Check, and it is about 4 years old. I'll pick up the Lite tonight.
Just finished my initial consult with Defy. Man, it is really refreshing, that for the first time in 5+ years, I felt like someone "got the big picture". Dump the $$$ androgel for injection, double down on HCG (500IU BIW) , add some Anatrazole and then some trimix to bridge the gap until we can get things under control. Oh, and some DHEA to get that inline.

Update: just ordered everything. This is SAVING ME $400/ mo. Over the course of my TRT with my PCP(4 years), I've spent an estimated $19,000 more than what I would have spent at Defy. That hurts a lot more than a T injection.
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Don't know what brand of meter you're using, but you may want to take a look at the FreeStyle Freedom Lite or FreeStyle Lite meters.
dnfuss, what a fantastic recommendation. Of course, not on my insurance, but still worth it. Currently sampling before meals, and my BG is 105 +/- 4. Very consistent readings. Tracking with MySugr too helps.
dnfuss, what a fantastic recommendation. Of course, not on my insurance, but still worth it. Currently sampling before meals, and my BG is 105 +/- 4. Very consistent readings. Tracking with MySugr too helps.

I use the precision xtra as that also tests ketones. The strips are pricey (glucose not as much as the ketone strips) but can usually find good deals on eBay or amazon.
I use the precision xtra as that also tests ketones. The strips are pricey (glucose not as much as the ketone strips) but can usually find good deals on eBay or amazon.

I also use the Precision Xtra for determining serum ketone levels and agree with you 100% on their use for that lab value. But I still am of the view that for determining serum glucose levels no other meter currently approaches the accuracy of the FreeStyle Freedom Lite or FreeStyle Lite meters.

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