GC, i have found patience is the key. I have landed on start low and go slow mentality. Started my journey in oct 13. That enitr summer i had zero energy and low libido. But what sent to dr for help was a sudden anxiety, when i had never experienced that. I thought i was having heart attack, boss gave me a xanax and told me to wait 45 minutes. Sure as can be, systems went away. I remember saying anxiety was for weka minded people and i wish it had been a heart attack🙈🙈
So i started off strong and spent a few years fighting to high of hematocrit, percentage of red blood cells in blood stream. Top of chart is 51, i managed to get to 62. Cuold not breathe well, shortof breath on any exertion.
I found this website and followed advice and got in touch with
defy. Thwy got me where i need to be. Yes, i like many here, have to do 3-4 blood donations a year to keep red blood cells iche k, but small price to pay for being healthy.
Each med you take, or supplement, will effect you different than me or anybody else. So when asjuating my protocol i only add one thing at a time and run it for 2-3 months. I feel if i add severla changes i will which addition it was that was good or bad. Same with dosage of testosterone. Because i had a near stroke event, i always start lower than dr suggested. I of cuorse have this discussion with dr. Again we are all different. My doseage is lower than most guys. I inject only 10 mg 3 times a week. I have been told on this forum that it is too low and probably a waste of time. Well, it works great for me! Labs are good, but more importantly I feel great.
Defy is probably the best place for you to start, unless you find thay rare great dr locally who is in the know. I did here but it was $250/ month weather i saw him or not. Discuss with your dr diring initial consult all of your concerns, they will take time a listen and give you solid answers. I have fuond them to be very understanding but yet firm enough to encourage me to make the right decision
Welcome to the brotherhood, and may your journey be frutiful