Workout Routine & Supplements


I'd welcome some feedback and suggestion on my work-out routine and supplementation.

I am 51 years old and I weigh 175 lbs...always had a runner's build. I herniated a disc in my lower back six years ago and cannot run anymore. No surgery on disc...rehabilitated with non-surgical measures and am now 95%, though limited in some things as I'll detail below. I was 155 lbs when I started TRT three years ago. I started working out with weights and am now 175 lbs, so I have gained some muscle and definition. I want to make sure I am getting a bang for my buck with my workout routine and supplementation. I do enjoy working is relaxing and somewhat somewhat like meditation for me in that it forces a mental focus. I am a business owner, so my mind is usually racing in 20 different directions, so my workout time actually slows me down, if that makes sense.

Because of my back, I struggle hold any type of heavy weight above the injured disc (L5-S1), though I can do some exercises that entail doing so. So, I cannot do the following: squats, dead-lifts, leg press (though I can do leg lifts).

Here is my routine, which alternates every other day:

Day 1 - Chest and Arms: bench press, curls, inclined bench press, inclined chest flys, tricep pushdowns, knee raises...three sets of 10 reps each

Day 2 - Back and Legs: lat pull downs, skull crushers, bent over row with dumbbells, shoulder shrugs with dumbbells, planks...three sets of 10 reps each

I take one day a week off from my workout to rest.


Pre-Workout: one scoop of Vintage Blast, which is a nitric oxide booster

Post-workout: one scoop of GNC Wheybolic Extreme protein powder mixed with one scoop of GNC Pro Performance Casein protein powder, which, combined is right at 50g protein.

Two eggs, two slices of bacon and coffee for breakfast...a salad for either lunch or supper...chicken, fish or steak for the other meal.

One hour before bed: another protein shake of one scoop whey protein and one scoop casein protein powders.


(1) is the workout routine good?
(2) Do I need to take the one day a week off?
(3) Do I still supplement the protein powder on non-workout days?
(4) Eat heavy proteins all day? Carbs? I have no clue...

I travel three days a week, so 1/2 my workouts are in hotel fitness centers, whose quality varies. Also, it can be hard to eat well when traveling and spending a lot of time in airports. I'm not looking to be Johnny Atlas, but I want to see results from my efforts and I like the definition, as does the wife.

I've rambled much here...please feel free to offer tips and suggestions on any of the above.
There are many online forums packed with great workout info. This forums strength is TRT. At first blush, I see some issues. Where is your delt work? Shrugs are a trap exercise. No lateral raises? No shoulder presses? Also, unless you are mispeaking skull crushers are a triceps exercise so you are doing tris both workouts. Last thought, you need to mix things up once in awhile. Doing the same exercises over and over will cease to be productive. Same with set and rep patterns. Every now and then you need to go heavy with fewer reps for example.
There are many online forums packed with great workout info. This forums strength is TRT. At first blush, I see some issues. Where is your delt work? Shrugs are a trap exercise. No lateral raises? No shoulder presses? Also, unless you are mispeaking skull crushers are a triceps exercise so you are doing tris both workouts. Last thought, you need to mix things up once in awhile. Doing the same exercises over and over will cease to be productive. Same with set and rep patterns. Every now and then you need to go heavy with fewer reps for example.

Thanks for the suggestions...I will begin to incorporate lateral raises and dumbbell raises into my workout. It is hard to do shoulder press with my back straight and having to raise the weight straight up. I can do some work on an inclined bench because it shifts the weight somewhat away from being directly on top of the disc, if I am making any sense.

I thought that skull crushers worked the lats in the back. This explains why my shirt are tighter in the forearm when I roll up the sleeves...Ha!

I will begin to mix things up a bit and do the heavy weight/lower rep workouts once a week.

Thanks again for the response...
I guess I'll be the first to start. One of the things I really like to take before my workout is a good nitric oxide stack. Here's my latest thread my nitric oxide stack. I simplified my Nitric Oxide stack!! Gene has a really good thread on nitric oxide stack also. Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack.

Thanks for the response...I sent you a PM concerning your NO mix...
Preworkout as Vince posted has been next to TRT the single biggest gainer I've had the last few years. I avoid the premade commercial blends, too much caffeine, in excess of 300mg for some. A little Citrulline 5-6g, Arginine 5g, beta Alanine 3-5g, 200mg Caffeine, 5g creatine...will give you everything you need in that area. making your own with bulk powders will save a ton of cash.
Thanks for the response...I sent you a PM concerning your NO mix...
I got your PM, I hope it helped. My nitric oxide stack even though it simple, it really does make a difference in my workouts. Remember workouts takes time to make gains. I believe it's a lifelong commitment, my dad at age 85 still exercises everyday.
I’ve been here for help through my TRT journey, and I’d say it’s my time to give back in my area of and nutrition.

Overall, good job on even having a set fitness routine. Committing to one is the hardest part of all. My recommendation to you would be to switch up the “muscle groups” you’re working each time. I prefer a three day split like this:

Day 1: chest and back
Day 2: legs and shoulders
Day 3: biceps and triceps
Day 4: rest
Day 5: chest and back (second variation)
Day 6: legs/shoulders (second variation)
Day 7: bis/tris (second variation)
*second variation means it’s a new set of exercises even though it’s the same muscle groups

Are you wanting to bulk up? Cut down? That will dictate the sets/reps of the above routine, and most importantly, your diet. Diet is critical here. There is no out-training a bad diet. I can help you out with that with more info on your goals. Any idea on your body fat percentage? Height?

Regarding squats and deadlifts, I can’t stress how important these lifts are. I realize you have an injury holding you back, and I’d never recommend going against doctor’s orders, but if you’re capable of doing these lifts with very lightweight, you should do them. Variations are still beneficial, such as front squat/kettlebell squat/sumo deadlift/hexbar deadlift/etc. There are many variations, and these lifts will slap muscle all over your body and really tax your body in a positive way.

I’ll probbalt get a ton of pushback on this, but I do not recommend preworkouts. Unless you’re an elite athlete who has reached max potential and need that little push over the edge, the “results” the average person gets from a preworkout will be negligable for the price paid. I drink a cup of black coffee and 20oz of water to start my workouts. That’s it. I’d personally drop the preworkout, and focus efforts and money in more rewarding areas like diet, a proper routine, proper form lifts, and leaving your all on the gym floor.

Also, continue to supplement protein on rest days. And casein protein has been shown to be more anabolic than any form of whey protein, but it is also more expensive. Syntha-6 Edge is a “protein blend” that meets a decent price point while providing casein and whey proteins. Pure micellar casein would be best. As for me though, I have entirely removed whey protein and all protein supps from my diet, and eat only real food for my protein sources.
My favorite exercises are squats, overhead presses and pull ups. I believe them three exercises will give anyone a nice physique, along with a good diet. I do incorporate a lot of other exercises, for my abs I just hang on the chin up bar and do knee raises and leg raises they really have given me a nice set of abs.
My favorite exercises are squats, overhead presses and pull ups. I believe them three exercises will give anyone a nice physique, along with a good diet. I do incorporate a lot of other exercises, for my abs I just hang on the chin up bar and do knee raises and leg raises they really have given me a nice set of abs.

Nice! I love all three of these exercises you mentioned, and they are certainly part of the most superior exercises one can do for building a good physique. I wish I could still overhead barbell presses, but my shoulder just won’t allow it. I’m only able to do dumbbell overheads, but those still work very well.

By far my favorite ab exercise...the ab wheel. That thing will chisel out an amazing core!
By far my favorite ab exercise...the ab wheel. That thing will chisel out an amazing core!

Yes I do have the wheel, I go all the way down and touch my nose. It's actually nice for building the back of the tricep along with the abs.
I'd welcome some feedback and suggestion on my work-out routine and supplementation.

. . . I want to make sure I am getting a bang for my buck with my workout routine and supplementation.

. . . (1) is the workout routine good?
(2) Do I need to take the one day a week off?
(3) Do I still supplement the protein powder on non-workout days?
(4) Eat heavy proteins all day? Carbs? I have no clue...

I'm not looking to be Johnny Atlas, but I want to see results from my efforts and I like the definition, as does the wife.
What are your goals? Is it to gain a little more mass or is more definition? This will determine what course of action you should take.

And I would add in some rest days. It shouldn't affect your results and may prevent you from getting an overuse injury like tennis or golfer's elbow. If you truly enjoy working out that much, perhaps swap every third workout with some low intensity or medium intensity cardio. Even just an hour of walking while listening to a podcast or radio. This will burn some calories and assist that definition you mention, and it's good for your heart too.

And you seem to be too reliant on supplements. Other than perhaps a creatine and a pre-workout (coffee works fine for this too ;)), supplements are meant to "supplement" what you're not getting naturally. As for me, I'd much rather eat a grilled chicken breast sandwich or 90/10 hamburger than a protein shake.
Sorry to hijack the thread. I'll take any help I can get. 48 years old. 5'8 and 207lbs. Been on TRT for 3 months. My diet is crap and I am willing to change that. Need a workout routine to help me drop weight and fat. Then I'll look to bulk up a bit. Any suggestions??? It would be greatly appreciated. I thank you in advance.
Sorry to hijack the thread. I'll take any help I can get. 48 years old. 5'8 and 207lbs. Been on TRT for 3 months. My diet is crap and I am willing to change that. Need a workout routine to help me drop weight and fat. Then I'll look to bulk up a bit. Any suggestions??? It would be greatly appreciated. I thank you in advance.
Dropping weight and fat is 90% fork and 10% gym. So you need to get your diet right and work that for months. Google intermittent fasting and low carb diets. As far as a workout goes, there are a million. Depends on your level of fitness but in general weight lifting and HIIT are the way to go.

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