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Hey guys,

First off, I'd like to sincerely say thank you to Nelson, ExcelMale, the regulars, and everyone else who contributes to the forum. You guys seriously helped me a couple years ago and I truly appreciate it.

I'm 25, been on TRT for the last 3 years. Had pseudo-Cushing's syndrome, a myriad of other health issues, T levels constantly around 300 ng/dl, and though I am young, made the conscious choice to begin TRT. It was the right choice at the time, I’m okay with it for the time being, have used HCG to preserve fertility.

Old protocol: 3 pumps 1% Androgel/day, 250 IU HCG every 3 days.
50 days ago, switched to bio-identical cream with a private hormone doc. Testosterone dropped a bit and I lost some muscle mass, but no big deal.

Current protocol: 75mg cream/day, 250 IU HCG every 3 days

RECENT LABS: (blood drawn 20 hours after cream application/2 days after HCG)

Testosterone: 22.5 nmol/L or 649 ng/dl
Estradiol: 113 pmol/L (0-160) (Canada, not sensitive test)
SHBG: 48 nmol/L (10-56)
DHEA: 8.8 (2.2-13.0)
(They forgot free test, but thyroid and other labs are fine)

Symptoms: Very low libido, zero morning wood or random/nocturnal erections (these have never been that great after starting TRT), tender/sore nipples, sweating more than usual while exercising.

Still have great sex with girlfriend, but it takes seriously powerful stimulus (large spikes of dopamine) to actually get into it, and quite bluntly... I’d be a goner without Cialis. Hahaha. I’m happy I’m still able to have sex but this is not ideal at 25.

Doctor has recommended Arimadex - 0.5 mg/twice a week for the elevated e2.

  • Do you guys think this is a good idea?
  • Isn’t this a very large dose to be starting with? Would I be better off with low dose?
  • What do you think of the protocol in general?

I’ll do whatever makes me feel best, but I know e2 stuff can be very tricky, and a rough road if done incorrectly.

Other info:
6’1, 185 lbs, clean diet, exercise 6-7 days a week, high level athlete (for example, competing in ultra marathon next week)

Work very hard, but also have freak 1% genetics.
Even at 278 ng/dl, weak, and feeling terrible, body aesthetically looked like I could be on steroids. So body is not necessarily good metric for hormonal stuff.

Thanks for your time!
Your E2 is not elevated and you are only going to make your situation worse if you follow your doctors orders. 113 pmol/l is 30 pg/ml and in my opinion that does not warrant the use of an AI.

Taking 0,5mg of adex with an e2 of 30 pg/ml will crash your estrogen pretty fast.
I agree with simeoni. 25-30 pg/mL is considered the sweet spot for E2.
Have you considered you might be over exersizing taking your TT and libido down?
I agree with everyone else, no AI. I would consider trying injections. It's a nice way of keeping your T levels nice and I believe easier for most to get dialed in.
i don't see where you stated elevated e2. doing arimidex when it's not needed can make you feel like you are in hell brother be careful.. good that you asked for advice on this board you would screw youserlf up doing 0.5 x2 week with this level of estradiol
[FONT=.SF UI Text][FONT=.SFUIText]Thanks for the replies guys.[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=.SF UI Text][FONT=.SFUIText]I could be wrong - but I thought these numbers were on the higher end of normal, and since blood was drawn 50 hours after HCG injection, it's probably higher than this most of the time.[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=.SF UI Text][FONT=.SFUIText]Estradiol has been higher over the last six months compared to the last two years. Also had occasionally sore nipples, a sign of excess aromatization[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=.SF UI Text][FONT=.SFUIText]Regardless, I have decided not to take the Adex for now.[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=.SF UI Text][FONT=.SFUIText]Anecdotally of course, I know this is not official advice... what do you think of the current protocol/dosage/potential changes that could be made?[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=.SF UI Text][FONT=.SFUIText]If I can help you out in any way, or if you have any questions about me for your own benefit, fire away![/FONT][/FONT]
MunchEase the next time you do bloods check your prolactin it will kill your libido and make your boobs hurt if its too high for too long.
This was my blood test on Testim Gel 1% 1 tube per day mono. I switched to compounded cream with HCG and hated it. Two clicks of 20% the strongest got my TT to a wopping 350.
IMO Androgel is king of the Gels/creams and all others are compared to it. None have been shown to be better.

I also am struggling with this question. I have been on injections of cypionate for about a year now and am still struggling finding the right dose, it works for awhile and then goes to crap. My last blood tests I had my free test level was high and my estradiol level was 66 pg/ml. So that was high as well. My doctor lowered my dose from .4ml twice a week to .3ml twice a week.(200mg/1ml) My labido sucks and is almost no-existent also other side effects still. I am assuming due to the high e2 levels still. She wants me to wait another 3 weeks and then get my blood tested 2 days after a shot instead of the morning of.

Does this sound like the best idea of when to get it tested ? At this point I am sick of the side effects and am willing to try an AI . She said she would think about it after we checked my blood levels again. I have been on this protocol for 7 weeks now. Any advice you could throw my way would be appreciated!

I also am struggling with this question. I have been on injections of cypionate for about a year now and am still struggling finding the right dose, it works for awhile and then goes to crap. My last blood tests I had my free test level was high and my estradiol level was 66 pg/ml. So that was high as well. My doctor lowered my dose from .4ml twice a week to .3ml twice a week.(200mg/1ml) My labido sucks and is almost no-existent also other side effects still. I am assuming due to the high e2 levels still. She wants me to wait another 3 weeks and then get my blood tested 2 days after a shot instead of the morning of.

Does this sound like the best idea of when to get it tested ? At this point I am sick of the side effects and am willing to try an AI . She said she would think about it after we checked my blood levels again. I have been on this protocol for 7 weeks now. Any advice you could throw my way would be appreciated!


Have Labs on injection day before you inject. If you are considering an AI make sure you get the proper estradiol test. The sensitive one for men. If your doctor can't provided it, you can also get the right test through discount labs.
I don't mean to hijack this thread but it could help Munchease.
My doctor put me on AI .05 on M,W,F and on that dose for over 6 months my E2 standard was in the 30's. I recently checked my E2 this time with the standard and Ultrasensitive and I got 17 sensitive and 36 standard.
I then decided to just do .5 on Monday's and Fridays only.
Now how come I always see people commenting you will crash on a .5 twice a week dose when that has not been my experience?
Is it because some carry more fat?
I can get the right test and have been getting it , but she is requesting it to be 2 days after my injection not that day of the injection before I inject. Would that be because my estradiol level would be at its highest ? I just want to get this crap figured out and am more than willing to try an AI but she seems very hesitant to do so.
I can get the right test and have been getting it , but she is requesting it to be 2 days after my injection not that day of the injection before I inject. Would that be because my estradiol level would be at its highest ? I just want to get this crap figured out and am more than willing to try an AI but she seems very hesitant to do so.

Estrogen levels follow testosterone levels, so has she probably knows two days after injection everything will be higher.
I guess I will have it done 2 days after. I also have the problem of frequent urination and not being able to hold it anymore. Could my estradiol level have anything to deal with that or is that my prostate growing in size because of the testosterone?
I don't mean to hijack this thread but it could help Munchease.
My doctor put me on AI .05 on M,W,F and on that dose for over 6 months my E2 standard was in the 30's. I recently checked my E2 this time with the standard and Ultrasensitive and I got 17 sensitive and 36 standard.
I then decided to just do .5 on Monday's and Fridays only.
Now how come I always see people commenting you will crash on a .5 twice a week dose when that has not been my experience?
Is it because some carry more fat?

Basic rules that just don't apply to most guys, it's just informative types of information, every one responds differently and only you can work on you with labs and tailor yourself. In most every basic case .5mg (1mg week) is far too much for the typical guy. You may not be typical.
I guess I will have it done 2 days after. I also have the problem of frequent urination and not being able to hold it anymore. Could my estradiol level have anything to deal with that or is that my prostate growing in size because of the testosterone?

You're hung up on Estradiol and haven't demonstrated that you're even receiving the correct test, no labs posted, you're just talking which isn't worth much to anyone.but what you do show us is that your Dr is not completely competent in this area, that's for certain. Get copies of your labs and make your self a thread and post those labs and some real valuable discussion can take place but as you're doing now about talking about adding a powerful anticancer drug because you don't feel good isn't a responsible measure and for that one thing I'd probably applaud your Dr for.
For healthy prostrate I would consider using Cialis, it stopped me from having to get up at night and urinating. When you have time check out all the health benefits of Cialis.
I can get the right test and have been getting it , but she is requesting it to be 2 days after my injection not that day of the injection before I inject. Would that be because my estradiol level would be at its highest ? I just want to get this crap figured out and am more than willing to try an AI but she seems very hesitant to do so.

Draw blood just before your next injection. Your testosterone will be at its lowest level, but estradiol will be at/near peak. E follows T as Vince said. The T will be at its trough but estradiol will not yet have arrived there.

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