Please help. Recent diagnosis , extremely low T. Help.


New Member
Earlier this year (April/may) I started experiencing hot flashes, noticed weight gain, loss of sexual interest and little to no semen production (never made large amounts but this is mind blowing), Testicles have always been a little smaller but def shrunk. I turned 25 in July. Did various labs with family doctor T:12 ng/dl FT: 0.5 pg/ml FSH: 2.1 mIU/Ml LH: 1.5 mIU/MI. Did mri which was clear. Referred to Endo, more tests this month... FT: 0.7 pg/mL FSH: 1.6 mIU/mL LH: 1.3 Miu/Ml. Endo says pituitary still in tact. No testicular trauma. True cause unknown/ no fixable cause. Maybe genetic, adult onset HH. She recommended TRT. I’ve been constantly researching and basically I’m just lost as to how this is possible. She says I’m an unusual case. I just want to know all my options and if anyone here has a similar case. I told her I had no intentions of having kids which helped her recommendation. I feel as though, being there is no true cause, then maybe trt isn’t the right path, maybe my situation can be fixed. Starting now till year end im trying a lifestyle change diet, exercise. Stress free. My Signa began showing during a break up, I was stressed, what seemed like depression/ eating was terrible, inactive. I feel as tho maybe my system just needs a trigger to reboot... she said that’s unlikely to happen. But I feel it’s worth a shot. I read something about hcg + trt could possibly do this, I’m willing to try whatever that won’t have me on trt for my lifetime. Any advice would be appreciate greatly.
Please post your full labs with ranges, you'll get a better response.

FT; 0.7 pg/mL (9.3-26.5) normal range LH: 1.3mIU/mL (1.7-8.6) normal range. FSH: 1.6mIU/mL (1.5-12.5) normal range. Prolactin, Iron, trasferrin , ferritin, t4 free all in the standard/ normal range
Your LH and FSH are at the low end of the reference range you are, more than likely, dealing with secondary hypogonadism.
How's your lifestyle, any meds you are taking, previous use of steroids, any history of head or groin injury and a complete male hormonal and thyroid work-up.
Your LH and FSH are at the low end of the reference range you are, more than likely, dealing with secondary hypogonadism.
How's your lifestyle, any meds you are taking, previous use of steroids, any history of head or groin injury and a complete male hormonal and thyroid work-up.
My eating habits have been terrible, gained about 15lbs since April , very little fitness activity, relationship issues led to what felt like depression ( staying inside all day, comfort eating/drinking, little social involvement, sadness. ) no steroids, no prescribed meds or regimen, no injury to Testicles , one day I can’t recall when I squeezed thru a small space between a pole and a door, the pole pressed into my pelvic area pretty hard, felt that all day, but other than that nothing significant, no head injury, had mri it came back clear, thyroid in normal range. My Endo did every lab to check for possible causes all came back Normal. Only indicators of anything are the low free t, LH and FSH
My eating habits have been terrible, gained about 15lbs since April , very little fitness activity, relationship issues led to what felt like depression ( staying inside all day, comfort eating/drinking, little social involvement, sadness. ) no steroids, no prescribed meds or regimen, no injury to Testicles , one day I can’t recall when I squeezed thru a small space between a pole and a door, the pole pressed into my pelvic area pretty hard, felt that all day, but other than that nothing significant, no head injury, had mri it came back clear, thyroid in normal range. My Endo did every lab to check for possible causes all came back Normal. Only indicators of anything are the low free t, LH and FSH

You're going to have to post all labs, instead of just saying they were normal.

Your testosterone is low normal for a woman, by no means is your pituitary intact, as it's simply doing nothing in response to these levels.

Lifestyle change isn't going to help at all.

I noticed none of your doctors had ran an estradiol test, which is an indicator you need a new doctor who is more familiar with treating hypogonadism.
You're going to have to post all labs, instead of just saying they were normal.

Your testosterone is low normal for a woman, by no means is your pituitary intact, as it's simply doing nothing in response to these levels.

Lifestyle change isn't going to help at all.

I noticed none of your doctors had ran an estradiol test, which is an indicator you need a new doctor who is more familiar with treating hypogonadism.

iron ug/dL 61 (norm range 20-175)
transferrin mg/dL 284 (norm 220-400)
Tibc calculation ug/dL 423 (304-536
%sat of transferrin 14 (20-50)
ferritin ng/mL 69.8 (22.0-322.0)
fsh mIU/mL 1.6 (1.5-12.4)
LH mIU/mL 1.3 (1.7-8.6)
prolactin ng/mL 11.9 (4.0-15.2)
free testpsterone pg/mL 0.7 (9.3-26.5)
testosteroneng/dL value <3 (264-916)
free t4 ng/dL 1.12 (0.60-1.76)
insulin like gf-1 ng/mL 334 (115-334)
Was just prescribed test cyp ... 100 mg every 2 weeks. I told her (my Endo) I didn’t want to rush into it and just peak and end up with side effects etc. I’m reading 100mg every 2 weeks isn’t a good idea??
That is where I started. It is a very low dose and injections E2weeks is not frequent enough. Your T levels will be up, and then crash again . . . every 2 weeks. Many get by with once a week injections. Nothing wrong with starting low and working your way up. I am at about 80 mg or so per week total with injections E3Days (about 35 mg per injection).
Was just prescribed test cyp ... 100 mg every 2 weeks. I told her (my Endo) I didn't want to rush into it and just peak and end up with side effects etc. I'm reading 100mg every 2 weeks isn't a good idea??
All you're going to succeed in doing is suppressing whatever natural testosterone your body still produces. Testosterone every two weeks is a terrible idea, the half-life of testosterone is such that you'll be utterly miserable at the end of the second week. On TRT you're in or you're out - and if you're in you need to be injecting, typically, twice weekly. Fifty to 60 milligrams every 3.5 days is an excellent starting protocol.

It it should concern you that your doctor was willing to prescribe a protocol that would fail.
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I’ve been weary since my first time meeting her. She seemed to really not care much and basically was like “low t? Yep. Here” and perscribed me axiron. No real overview etc. I decided to not do axiron and asked for injections....she didn’t even setup a time to meet me, she just wrote the script and let me pick It up. Smfh. I don’t meet with a new Endo until January
I’m meeting with a new Endo in January. My goal is to be heard ...because that hasn’t happened with my current. The idea of doing test alone disturbs me. I want to preserve my fertility also regardless of wanting a child or not. I want to do just enough to keep my testicles functioning without crippling my natural lh production. Maybe it’s wishful thinking but I think I can come back from my IHH...I’m 25 and It came abt at time where I was emotionally stressed, and I feel like i just need a kickstart. And maybe I’m wrong. But I’ve done a lot of research and I won’t be satisfied until I know I tried. I don’t understand why trt is the first go lh FSH at the bottom of “normal” why not start there? And see what elevating those could do
I’m meeting with a new Endo in January. My goal is to be heard ...because that hasn’t happened with my current. The idea of doing test alone disturbs me. I want to preserve my fertility also regardless of wanting a child or not. I want to do just enough to keep my testicles functioning without crippling my natural lh production. Maybe it’s wishful thinking but I think I can come back from my IHH...I’m 25 and It came abt at time where I was emotionally stressed, and I feel like i just need a kickstart. And maybe I’m wrong. But I’ve done a lot of research and I won’t be satisfied until I know I tried. I don’t understand why trt is the first go lh FSH at the bottom of “normal” why not start there? And see what elevating those could do
T injections mono is no kick starter its a replacement and it will stop your sperm production.
If keeping your fertility is a priority you should look into Clomid mono or possibly HCG mono.
Also try to clean up your diet look into supplements and start a daily exersize program.
Hey man. Reading this post you are in the same exact boat as me. I lived most of my 20's like you are now with no answers and everything showing normal. I'm 30 now. With a lot of trial and error over the past few years trying clomid, testosterone alone, and doing nothing at all. Nothing was working. But i finally feel somewhat normal now doing EOD testosterone injections (equaling 120-140mg a week) with HCG (300iu twice a week). HCG is a must in my opinion if you want a healthy libido and much better mood coping with lots of stress. I haven't found any luck in regaining my “size” back (yet) from before i was hypogonadal but I am able to perform when needed and it's a good feeling. Every two weeks is not a good option I made that mistake and I've been there. Find a doctor willing to let you inject at least twice a week with HCG if possible. It's going to take patience though. I'm still healing and learning a lot from the members in this forum!!!
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