New Defy Patient Saying Hello


New Member
Hello Gents,
I just became a Defy patient, after 2yrs of ups and downs with a Urologist who thinks he knows how to treat a male with Low T. Testosterone shots once every two weeks, no HCG, then pellet implant twice. Blood work always taken after shots or pellet implant. Would not share blood test results with me other than to say T was still low.
Well in Sept after lurking on this site for over a year, I took the plunge and contacted Defy Medical and became a patient. I had all blood tests done out of pocket and consulted with the PA here.
I feel like shart, I am tired all the time, no energy, Sex life non existent, all the symptoms I read on this site.
I am a retired 61 yr old LEO, who finally said I need to take control of my declining health and here I am.
Defy has set me up with a protocol of .35T 2x wk,400 of HGC 2x wk, 0.15mg anastrozole 2x wk,30mg DHEA daily. Started this on Nov 1.
Can anyone tell me when I should start feeling a bit better? I know it takes time, but I would hope that being on T for over 2 yrs. I should see some type of feeling better or are my hormones so F'd up from the rollercoaster ride I've been on?
Nelson, Gentlemen: I must say after hawking this site for over a year now, you guys are the most knowledgeable folks on this subject. I applaud you for all you hard work and hope we can all continue to contribute to the Health of the aging male/female. Keep up the good work!
Hi ruffdogster, from another 60 year old using Defy. You should have felt something positive right after your first shot. 70 mg /week is a fairly small does but a typical first protocol.

It does take this stuff a little time to build up and of course all your other harmones need to balance out which can take 6-8 weeks and sometimes long for us olddogs.

Anyway welcome. Feel free to post your blood tests many here can offer up suggestion and advice based on what your blood looks like.
Good idea to blot out name and any personal info.
Hello Gents,
I just became a Defy patient, after 2yrs of ups and downs with a Urologist who thinks he knows how to treat a male with Low T. Testosterone shots once every two weeks, no HCG, then pellet implant twice. Blood work always taken after shots or pellet implant. Would not share blood test results with me other than to say T was still low.
Well in Sept after lurking on this site for over a year, I took the plunge and contacted Defy Medical and became a patient. I had all blood tests done out of pocket and consulted with the PA here.
I feel like shart, I am tired all the time, no energy, Sex life non existent, all the symptoms I read on this site.
I am a retired 61 yr old LEO, who finally said I need to take control of my declining health and here I am.
Defy has set me up with a protocol of .35T 2x wk,400 of HGC 2x wk, 0.15mg anastrozole 2x wk,30mg DHEA daily. Started this on Nov 1.
Can anyone tell me when I should start feeling a bit better? I know it takes time, but I would hope that being on T for over 2 yrs. I should see some type of feeling better or are my hormones so F'd up from the rollercoaster ride I've been on?
Nelson, Gentlemen: I must say after hawking this site for over a year now, you guys are the most knowledgeable folks on this subject. I applaud you for all you hard work and hope we can all continue to contribute to the Health of the aging male/female. Keep up the good work!

Welcome to Excelmale - we're glad you joined and hope you'll contribute regularly. You're certainly not the first patient to have spent time and money on inept doctors. Rest assured that you will receive excellent care with Defy. As to when you'll "feel" the effects of your new patient. The fact that you had a poorly designed protocol is of no real importance. Typically it's the case that any change in a protocol results in a reset and it will take essentially six weeks before serum levels are stable and testing can begin to measure progress. That's not to say you won't feel a subjective response sooner, but don't be surprised if it takes a bit of time. It's a solid protocol that you're following - you have every reason to be hopeful. Keep us posted. By the way, I assume you quoted your dose in ml rather than milligrams? Doses are typically expressed in mg, the ml amount is a volume. Meaning...about 130mg a week in divided injections?
I do like your protocol. When your new labs are available, please post them. It does that time to dialed in.
CW the mg. is for the pills not the injections

Here's a look at the starting labs

Test 381 (264-916) a year ago I was told by a nurse my reading was 109 after an injection of 1 ml/200 Test P
Free T 10.3 (6.6-18.1)
DHEA 65.2 (48.9-344.2)
TSH 1.120 (40.450-4.500)
LH 0.1 (0.0-4.0)
ESt Sen 27.1 (8.0-35.0)
SHBG 25.9 (19.3-76.4)

Hematocrit 48.2 (37.5-51.0)
CW the mg. is for the pills not the injections

Here's a look at the starting labs

Test 381 (264-916) a year ago I was told by a nurse my reading was 109 after an injection of 1 ml/200 Test P
Free T 10.3 (6.6-18.1)
DHEA 65.2 (48.9-344.2)
TSH 1.120 (40.450-4.500)
LH 0.1 (0.0-4.0)
ESt Sen 27.1 (8.0-35.0)
SHBG 25.9 (19.3-76.4)

Hematocrit 48.2 (37.5-51.0)
At that low level of testosterone, your estradiol levels are high. E2 follows T, as your T levels rise your estradiol will follow. I assume that's why you're on an AI.
I was originally on a horrible protocol where I was getting a massive injection every 3 weeks that never allowed my hormones to stabilize to where my body could never adapt. It wasn't until I started injecting far more often that I slowly started noticing TRT working, I soon found out I wasn't one of those guys who gets their first couple of shots and by 6 month mark going to the gym and putting on muscle with virtually no symptoms present, it wasn't until (more frequent injections) the 7 month I started noticing lots of changes. I still get ups and downs throughout the days, it used to happen in the span of weeks and is becoming more consistent.
For me it took about 6 weeks to start noticing effects. Some of the effects I noticed had been taking place already for a week or a little more but I didn't really start to notice them as they were gradual.

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