should i start TRT when i have low-Normal testosterone levels ? 400 ng/dl


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after my steroid use in my early 20s my testosterone never came back. it stopped at 6 nmol.....200 ng/dl and never came up even though i waited several years . i tried alot of things like sleeping moore, better diet , hard training and so on, nothing helped. i tried clomid restart and felt alot better....but only when im on. when i go off my levels go back to shit

first time i ever used clomid i was only trying to restart my test levels. and i got up to 550 ng/dl and felt incredible....all of my syumptoms went i have been on clomid for 6 months because if o go off my levels will go back to shit 6 nmol....without clomid or anything to upp my test i have hypogonadism

the problem is , it seems like it dont work as good as it did. my later test has shown 380 and 400 ng /dl. i dont have the frequent erections anymore and i still have some issues witch is correlated to low testosterone, like weakness, fatgain even though diet is clean, extremely long recovery time and so on

i wonder if i should go on trt or just be halfway happy with me using clomid ? i have to use something to keep me out of the hypogondal state, either clomid or testosterone injections.

is the TRT with injections worth it if i have low / normal levels ?
im 27 years old and ****ing donald trump has 441 ng / dl and is 71 years old
im still active at the gym and will be forever
I would say, you should go on TRT if you tried everything else. Make sure you find a good doctor that also prescribes HCG.
hi thx for reply

i have also thought about this for a long time that iv had enough of low teastosterone levels. im 27 and all my friends have doubble my test levels. even my dad at 60 has better testosterone level.
how am i supposed to compete with other males to get the best female ?
how am i suppose to do hard construction work when im weak, my bones are weak and i get tired easy ?

the only problem or the dilemma that has stopped me for doing trt is hair loss. i have already had some and i know i will loose rest of it if i go on trt

the clomid i do now is expensive, it gives me mood swings and also i forget to take them somethimes since its so often. i am way better with clomid then without but i think i should start with injections instead

my doc dont have a clue , so i will suggest 150 mg testosterone enanthate divided into 2 shots a week and 500 hcg a week, does this sound ok ?
hi thx for reply

i have also thought about this for a long time that iv had enough of low teastosterone levels. im 27 and all my friends have doubble my test levels. even my dad at 60 has better testosterone level.
how am i supposed to compete with other males to get the best female ?
how am i suppose to do hard construction work when im weak, my bones are weak and i get tired easy ?

the only problem or the dilemma that has stopped me for doing trt is hair loss. i have already had some and i know i will loose rest of it if i go on trt

the clomid i do now is expensive, it gives me mood swings and also i forget to take them somethimes since its so often. i am way better with clomid then without but i think i should start with injections instead

my doc dont have a clue , so i will suggest 150 mg testosterone enanthate divided into 2 shots a week and 500 hcg a week, does this sound ok ?
You wound up in the situation you're in because of unsupervised steroid use, and now you propose to jump into a self-directed TRT regimen? Please stop and think about the fact that this an opportunity to restore your health; it should be done right. There are other doctors than the one you have been frustrated by. Where do you live? We can provide referrals to highly capable physicians.
i live in norway where they dont have a clue on testosterone. i have done all my research myself and read nelson vergels book and jay campbells trt book

from what iv read and also talk about with several hollywood actors and fitness models 150-200 mng testosterone a week divided by 2 shots and 250 hcg 2 times a week ( dr john crisler protocol" is the best way to go
Let say you live until you are 80.
80-27=53 years
53X365= 19,345 days
19,345/ 3 times a week= 6448 T shots until you die. That is a lot of holes.

I would try HCG and get off the clomid before commiting to so many shots.

But first do blood tests to see which you are primary or secondary Hypogonadism. What is your free T? that is the one that really counts.

how am i supposed to compete with other males to get the best female ?
Not saying you are but no amount of T fixes ugly or lack of a personality. You got to win them over before T comes into play.
i look good and are lucky from gods side . but with this low T its impossible to lose fat. if i go hard on cardio and diett i will loose some fat but all my muscle i worked very hard for will vanish

about the 6448 tshots does that really matter ? with hogh T the holes will quickly regenerate. and its also alot of bodybuilders or guys on trt taking moore shots then 2 a week
hi thx for reply

i have also thought about this for a long time that iv had enough of low teastosterone levels. im 27 and all my friends have doubble my test levels. even my dad at 60 has better testosterone level.
how am i supposed to compete with other males to get the best female ?
how am i suppose to do hard construction work when im weak, my bones are weak and i get tired easy ?

the only problem or the dilemma that has stopped me for doing trt is hair loss. i have already had some and i know i will loose rest of it if i go on trt

the clomid i do now is expensive, it gives me mood swings and also i forget to take them somethimes since its so often. i am way better with clomid then without but i think i should start with injections instead

my doc dont have a clue , so i will suggest 150 mg testosterone enanthate divided into 2 shots a week and 500 hcg a week, does this sound ok ?

C'mon serious. I had a 1065 pound total (245 bench, 325 squat and 495 deadlift) at 277 total testosterone level. And that was with a bad back and I was only working out for a year. I was almost 40 also. Never touched a barbell before that. My first bench was 95lbs, squat was 115lbs and deadlift was 185lbs. Your bones will not go weak and who cares about competing with other men to get the best female. Last time I checked, no woman has ever asked me my testosterone level on a date.

Get your health back in order. Find a good doc and don't do it on your own. You already seen where that lead you with your steroid cycle. If you're worried about females, what if you have fertility issues? TRT can cause those and then what will a woman think?
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i look good and are lucky from gods side . but with this low T its impossible to lose fat. if i go hard on cardio and diett i will loose some fat but all my muscle i worked very hard for will vanish

about the 6448 tshots does that really matter ? with hogh T the holes will quickly regenerate. and its also alot of bodybuilders or guys on trt taking moore shots then 2 a week

It seems like your mind is made up. You don't need validation. You've done the research and have a protocol. Just go for it a start your TRT.
i preety much have. i just wanted someone elses opinion

My thoughts are this. Make sure your sources are good, stable and can provide you with clean testosterone, AI's and hCG. Then get a good back up in case they run out, get shut down, etc. Always make sure to have 2 sources and stockpile your T, hCG and AI's.

When it comes to your protocol, start slow. You can always bump it up. Do 50 MG's twice a week and then test 6 weeks later. See your numbers and how you feel. Then slowly bump it up. For hCG, start up at 250 twice a week and then adjust as you see fit. For me, my balls were getting soft at 250 twice a week so I did it three times and week and that fixed it. I even went as for as 500iu's every other day since I don't have any sides.

Go slow and keep checking. go by how you feel and the test numbers.

About TRT, do it for you, not for women or to compete with other men. Who cares about them. When I had a 277 T level, I didn't have any low T symptoms and I was strong. I had no libido problems and I wanted sex 3 times a day. If I didn't get it, I was jerking off three times a day. My doc and wife were against it but I saw an opportunity and I took it and I don't regret it. I did it for me and that's what you should do it for.
Let say you live until you are 80.
80-27=53 years
53X365= 19,345 days
19,345/ 3 times a week= 6448 T shots until you die. That is a lot of holes.

I would try HCG and get off the clomid before commiting to so many shots.

But first do blood tests to see which you are primary or secondary Hypogonadism. What is your free T? that is the one that really counts.

Not saying you are but no amount of T fixes ugly or lack of a personality. You got to win them over before T comes into play.

I believe your math is off. Correct me if i'm wrong but I was curious myself as that is in fact A LOT of holes
53 years left (you're est.)
52 weeks in a year (about), 3 shots a week = 156 shots/year
156*53 (years)=8,268 shots in his life which is even more.

This is nuts when you think about it. Thanks for bringing this up.
My thoughts are this. Make sure your sources are good, stable and can provide you with clean testosterone, AI's and hCG. Then get a good back up in case they run out, get shut down, etc. Always make sure to have 2 sources and stockpile your T, hCG and AI's.

When it comes to your protocol, start slow. You can always bump it up. Do 50 MG's twice a week and then test 6 weeks later. See your numbers and how you feel. Then slowly bump it up. For hCG, start up at 250 twice a week and then adjust as you see fit. For me, my balls were getting soft at 250 twice a week so I did it three times and week and that fixed it. I even went as for as 500iu's every other day since I don't have any sides.

Go slow and keep checking. go by how you feel and the test numbers.

About TRT, do it for you, not for women or to compete with other men. Who cares about them. When I had a 277 T level, I didn't have any low T symptoms and I was strong. I had no libido problems and I wanted sex 3 times a day. If I didn't get it, I was jerking off three times a day. My doc and wife were against it but I saw an opportunity and I took it and I don't regret it. I did it for me and that's what you should do it for.

I am just wondering, if you had no low T symptoms, great libido, and were strong, then why in Gods name did you jump on? What was it about TRT that you did it for you?
I am just wondering, if you had no low T symptoms, great libido, and were strong, then why in Gods name did you jump on? What was it about TRT that you did it for you?

I did tons or research and read alot of books. I read so many books. I was on several forums (I was on so many and for so long. I just kept on reading) and after reading the benefits, I decided to give it a try. Honestly, it felt like this was a chance to get on the fountain of youth. I also wanted to see what it would be like to triple or even quadruple my T levels. If I was fine at low T, I imagined that I would feel like Superman at a higher level. From what I read, if I were on TRT for a short while, I could always stop and revert back to my low T self with no problems. I did stop for 4 months one time just to see how it would feel and I stopped for 3 months again. I would feel like crap for a few weeks while recovering but them came back normal.

Several things came into play and those things made me stay on. One, I really like Androgel. I was on injections and I hated shots after a while. That was my first time quitting. I don't mind putting on gel everyday. Another thing is that I don't have any side effects. If I had to deal with AI's or donations, I would quit. I wanted something easy and Androgel is easy.

Second time I quit was when I got tired of paying Androgel's co pay. They increased it from $45 to fifty percent of the price, while came up to $180 or so. I just quit cold turkey, like last time. Now I pay nothing so I got back on.

The best benefits to me is confidence and calmness. I was scared to hold meetings at my job. I was scared of public speaking. After some time on T, I just grew a set of balls. About calmness, I am more cool, calm, collected. I'm not as frazzled as before. My attitude is different. I'm a straight shooter now. It's different. My strength and libido are still the same, but the mental part of it is the greatest thing to me.
Something else too. more hair. I've been trying to grow a beard for 25 years! After a couple of years on TRT, now I've got a beard and body hair.

People also notice the calmness and my direct approach. Coworkers and my wife both see it. TRT also helped my A1C. It was around 6.0 and now it's down to 5.5 or lower. Now I did clean up my diet but I've tried it before and once on TRT, I just approached it differently and had the attitude that failure was not an option.
I would gladly go bald the experience a quality healthy life being able to have sex multiple time a day, instead of risking diabetes, cardiovascular disease and heart disease. It's a no-brainer. You've just got an uphill battle in your country, doctor's in your country are clueless.
Get some real medical help. You are winging it, and this may not end well for you. You are not considering your health.

This is the classic “get high testosterone, chicks will all sleep with me, my life will be Hollywood movie staresque, quick fix gotta have it now” mentality. Get some medical advice, but be willing to work for these gains that you expect from a pill in a matter of days.

Judging by your “how can I compete for women” statement, I'd assume women can see through you and can feel your insecurities. Women like men who are confident, not ****y and real, not superficial. Work on yourself as well as get your test levels in order. If you work to attain something, then you'll know it's real, and that will increase your confidence...thus making you more attractive.
I did tons or research and read alot of books. I read so many books. I was on several forums (I was on so many and for so long. I just kept on reading) and after reading the benefits, I decided to give it a try. Honestly, it felt like this was a chance to get on the fountain of youth. I also wanted to see what it would be like to triple or even quadruple my T levels. If I was fine at low T, I imagined that I would feel like Superman at a higher level. From what I read, if I were on TRT for a short while, I could always stop and revert back to my low T self with no problems. I did stop for 4 months one time just to see how it would feel and I stopped for 3 months again. I would feel like crap for a few weeks while recovering but them came back normal.

Several things came into play and those things made me stay on. One, I really like Androgel. I was on injections and I hated shots after a while. That was my first time quitting. I don't mind putting on gel everyday. Another thing is that I don't have any side effects. If I had to deal with AI's or donations, I would quit. I wanted something easy and Androgel is easy.

Second time I quit was when I got tired of paying Androgel's co pay. They increased it from $45 to fifty percent of the price, while came up to $180 or so. I just quit cold turkey, like last time. Now I pay nothing so I got back on.

The best benefits to me is confidence and calmness. I was scared to hold meetings at my job. I was scared of public speaking. After some time on T, I just grew a set of balls. About calmness, I am more cool, calm, collected. I'm not as frazzled as before. My attitude is different. I'm a straight shooter now. It's different. My strength and libido are still the same, but the mental part of it is the greatest thing to me.
Wow, I wasn't expecting you to get that in depth but glad you did! This is all very interesting and thanks for the explanation even though you didn't have to explain. It would seem like you would have had to go on at some point anyway, so why not start now. Thanks again and glad it worked out.
Something else too. more hair. I've been trying to grow a beard for 25 years! After a couple of years on TRT, now I've got a beard and body hair.
I can definitely relate to this. I always wanted a beard but it would grow all splotchy. Since I've been on, I grew it about an inch and it looked good but decided to shave since I could never get used to the way it feels.
high testosterone make you confident. low will make your sex drive, looks and well being go to shit. how do i know ? i have hypogonadism ....that why i take clomid for now . that raises it a lil bit. im just wondering if i should go for injectiuons instead

i rarely get morning wood, there is limited blood supply to my penis and it only goes half stiff

i can only work out 2 times a week cause my muscles is sore all the time

impossible to loose fat, but just watching a cake slize i will add weight

i want to know if its worth it to go from clomid to injections as my quality of life has detoriented. clomid made almost all my problems go away, the brainfog, concentrations problems and so on. injections can doubble my T levels that i have right now 14 nmol to 28 ...that must make a posetive change on my health and well being
hi henry. before TRT what didnt u get a beard at all ? or just some beard ? i have beard but it grows very weird, its very thin and u can see through it no matter how long i wait.
what was your T level before trt ?

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