Whole Eggs: Better for Postexercise Muscle Protein Synthesis Than Egg Whites


A small study jointly conducted by the University of Toronto and the University of Illinois aimed to compare muscle protein metabolic and whole-body responses to after the consumption of whole eggs as contrasted with egg whites during exercise recovery in young men.

  • In cross-over trials, 10 resistance-trained men performed a single bout of resistance exercise.
  • After exercise, participants consumed whole eggs (18g protein, 17g fat) or egg whites (18g protein, 0g fat).
  • Repeated blood and muscle biopsy samples were collected to to assess whole-body leucine kinetics, intermuscular signaling, and myofibrillar protein synthesis.


  • Plasma appearance rates of protein-derived leucine were more rapid after the consumption of egg whites as opposed to whole eggs.
  • Total plasma availability of leucine over the 300-minute postprandial period was similar between ingestion of whole eggs and egg whites.
  • Whole-egg ingestion increased the post-exercise myofibrillar protein synthetic response than the ingestion of egg whites.

The study concluded that the ingestion of nutrient and protein-dense foods differentially stimulates muscle anabolism compared with protein-dense foods.

"Consumption of whole eggs promotes greater stimulation of post-exercise muscle protein synthesis than consumption of isonitrogenous amounts of egg whites in young men," American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 4 October 2017

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the consumption of whole eggs as contrasted with egg whites during exercise recovery in young men.

Hell young men can get away with eating anything. Michael Phelps would eat 18 whole eggs per day while in training.

Where's the test of us old guys with Cholesterol problems?
Not surprised a lot of people do not realize that some of the amino acids are in the egg yolk let alone a majority of the vitamins/minerals and regarding bv(biological value-the % of protein that the body can retain/utilize) whole eggs rate 100 as oppose to egg whites 88 and seeing as the yolk contains fats (balance of sat/mono/poly) they are truly a great post workout food. People are short changing themselves by discarding the yolk.
Not surprised a lot of people do not realize that some of the amino acids are in the egg yolk let alone a majority of the vitamins/minerals and regarding bv(biological value-the % of protein that the body can retain/utilize) whole eggs rate 100 as oppose to egg whites 88 and seeing as the yolk contains fats (balance of sat/mono/poly) they are truly a great post workout food. People are short changing themselves by discarding the yolk.

From a Nutritional stand point I completely agree however if your primary goal (sole goal) is to reduce your LDL from dangerously high to normal would you still eat the yokes?
If your Doctor said toss the yokes or take a statin....what would you do?
From a Nutritional stand point I completely agree however if your primary goal (sole goal) is to reduce your LDL from dangerously high to normal would you still eat the yokes?
If your Doctor said toss the yokes or take a statin....what would you do?

I would cut back and not eliminate. I would look at other sources of cholesterol in your diet as possible areas to reduce instead which may not be as healthy as eggs. Here is some other good info that I did not know:

Cholesterol serves vital functions for your body. It aids in important jobs such as:

  • making the outer coating of cells
  • making the bile acids to digest food
  • producing vitamin D and hormones

About 75 percent of cholesterol is produced naturally in the body, according to the American Heart Association (AHA). The other 25 percent is derived from the food you eat. Cholesterol becomes a health hazard when too much of it is present in the blood. For some individuals, genetics cause their liver to produce too much LDL (bad) cholesterol. A contributor to high LDL cholesterol is consistently eating foods high in:

  • saturated fat
  • trans fat
  • cholesterol

Since most is made in the body, there is only so much you can do. The key is to not have it stick to the walls of your vessels. My wife eats like a bird and has high cholesterol. In the past I ate high cholesterol foods and had low numbers.
I think there was a post on here recently suggesting that the hardening of the arteries leads to cracks in the vessel walls (vessels expand and contract between heart beats) and that these cracks can be anchor points for cholesterol, leading to build up. I think the post said avocados and bananas help - not sure I remember correctly. I do know that the endothelium lining of the vessels is super slippery and stops 'stuff' from sticking to prevent clotting and perhaps cholesterol build up. I am not an expert or Dr.

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