Low Testosterone symptoms and blood tests


New Member
Hi there. I've been suffering symptoms of low testosterone and recently had some private blood work done!! Ranges are in brackets.

Testosterone - 30.5 - (7.6 - 31.4)

Luteinising Hormone - 10.8 - (1.7 - 8.6)

Follicle Stimulating Hormone - 4.6 - (3.0 - 20.0)

17 Beta Oestradiol - 164 - (44 - 156)

SHBG - 56.4 - (11 - 52)

I had LH and Testosterone and E2 tested again at an nhs steroid clinic:

Testosterone - 27.2 - (7.6 - 30.0)

LH - 12.1 - (1.7 - 8.6)

E2 - 181 - (44 - 156)

I have ed, low libido, lack of energy, fatigue, loss of facial and body hair or should I say reduced. Serious depression, low or no motivation, unable to build muscle, skinny body with a flabby abdomen and many other symptoms of low T.

Good someone please take a look at my results and tell me what could possibly going wrong?

I'm wondering why my LH is so high and Testosterone. These are all natural results. No supplements etc...
Looks like your only problem is Estrogen...youre not Low T or Hypogonadal but then I'd like to see your Free T #s, probably is low(er) with SHBG = 56, which could give you low T symptoms.
Seems like your issues are estradiol and SHBG related, high SHBG can create low T symptoms even though your T is at the top end of the range and elevated estradiol can inhibit testosterone's effect on your receptors, a double whammy. Elevated LH is an indication of a hormonal imbalance, TRT will zero it out. A good doctor should set you up on a protocol of moderate to high doses of T to decrease your SHBG and you will definitely need an AI to control your estradiol.
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Have you checked other things? Thyroid? Have you had a sleep study done? What about your diet? Exercise? How much do you weigh? Do you drink? Are you on other medications? Age? Do you have more blood work?

Wow, your testosterone is practically at the top of the range. It might be something else. It'll be hard to know without more information.
Thanks my diet isn't that good, Mainly fast food and takeaways.

I don't get much exercise other than walking but am looking to join a gym.

Thanks. I'm going to see a good hormone doctor in the UK. He treats the symptoms not just the numbers. Something is definitely wrong. My T is high LH should be low because my test is high but LH is still high.

I'm going to get another test done before seeing the doc. I'm going private because I'm not wasting my time with the NHS. This Dr is new in the field and is highly recommended.

All this happened after I took some Methyl-1-testosterone (M1T). It must have screwed up my hormonal axis because from what I've been told and heard is that high levels of LH mean that my body is asking for more testosterone and unfortunately I never got bloodwork done before I took the M1T.
How long has it been since the M1T? Maybe your body can correct itself. I don't know how old you are, but if you're young, do you want to deal with the next 5 or 6 decades of needles, doctors, insurance, etc.? I know of many people who had insurance run out, or insurance not pay for it anymore, or they move, or change doctors, etc.
How long has it been since the M1T? Maybe your body can correct itself. I don't know how old you are, but if you're young, do you want to deal with the next 5 or 6 decades of needles, doctors, insurance, etc.? I know of many people who had insurance run out, or insurance not pay for it anymore, or they move, or change doctors, etc.

Embarrassed to say but it's been 3 years since I took the M1T. I'm 37 so not young anymore. The dr wants to optimize my hormones and I feel I have nothing to lose.

There isn't estrogen and shbg lowering treatment so I was thinking of going on test to see if lh and e2 come down, maybe with an AI.
Elevated LH is an indication of a hormonal imbalance, TRT will zero it out. A good doctor should set you up on a protocol of moderate to high doses of T to decrease your SHBG and you will definitely need an AI to control your estradiol.

Yeah, that's what I've been told. I'm going on trt because adex brought e2 down and shbg but only got nighttime erections and full erections by stimulation. No spontaneous. Also took dhea for a couple of weeks and got semi spontaneous woodies.
Me and my doc (he's a trt doc) and where thinking of 125mg testosterone enanthate with AI. He doesn't seem to think it will shut down my hpta.

He's going to try and bring LH down.
Me and my doc (he's a trt doc) and where thinking of 125mg testosterone enanthate with AI. He doesn't seem to think it will shut down my hpta.

He's going to try and bring LH down.
Do I understand what you wrote? You're doctor is putting you on 125mg of testosterone enanthate and "doesn't seem to think it will shut down your HPTA." Is that right? I hope I misunderstand, because, I assure you that protocol will shut you down. No question.
Me and my doc (he's a trt doc) and where thinking of 125mg testosterone enanthate with AI. He doesn't seem to think it will shut down my hpta.

He's going to try and bring LH down.

If that's a quote from your Dr I would advise you to run, don't walk, away as fast as you can. That's about as wrong as wrong can possibly be.
Me and my doc (he's a trt doc) and where thinking of 125mg testosterone enanthate with AI. He doesn't seem to think it will shut down my hpta.

He's going to try and bring LH down.

A TRT doctor huh? Let me be the first to tell you most TRT doctors haven't a clue as to what their doing, any amount testosterone (injectable & gels) will shut down your HPTA. You need to locate a doctor who knows what he's doing.
I could be wrong but I think your LH is high because your HPTA is 'screaming' at your testicles to work. Your body secretes more gonadotrophins (LH and FSG) to signal to your testicles to work more to produce more testosterone. That's why guys who are primary have high LH and FSH. They have something wrong with their testicles.

Your body will see that you're getting testosterone from elsewhere and 'zero out' your gonadotrophins. You won't need them anymore since you're in TRT. You'll be 'shut down'

Maybe the M1T did more damage than you thought? Maybe your HPTA has to send down so much LH to get your testosterone at the level it's at? I don't know, I'm just throwing out guesses.

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