2 items - Increasing Protein and Timing of Increased Protien after Workout


Couple issues I wanted to get your feedback on that have been on my mind. A 2 part question. I hope am able to write this clearly.

1. I have been eat/drinking more protein (in places of some carbs) but am having trouble getting to 1 gram per bodyweight and even 1/2 gram per body weight (205 lbs) . Due to some health/stomach issues I don't eat much red meat and no dairy. I am having more eggs, vegan protein powders and egg protein powder (morning and night), and so much chicken and fish I might grow feathers or scales. Are you guys really eating your body weight in grams of protein?. I am seeing gains with the TRT and more protein/pre-work out supplement so I like the path I am on but any input on how people get so much protein?

2. How long after a workout should a person consume more protein/calories to insure adequate nutrition for muscle building? For example, lets say I have a great work out on Monday and Tuesday, but then have to go out of town for a week on business with no chance to work out. How many days after the great workout should I keep on a high protein / higher calorie diet to get the most from those great workouts, but not add unwanted fat from the extra protein/calories on the days I am traveling? I hope this makes sense. I feel like I would only need the extra protein/calories on work out days and for some period after, elsewise, I will be adding fat. Thanks.
Hi Saul, I am on a bodybuilding diet so high protein intake is a must. I have no problem getting in 250-300 grams of protein a day. Here's a few tricks to sneaking in the extra protein. One scoop of protein powder equals 25 grams (some brands are more, but on average its about 25 gms). I add one scoop to my oatmeal every morning. I then have a pre and post workout shake every day. The pre gets one scoop, and the post gets two. So now we are up to 100 gms with the powder. I have a second breakfast of egg scrambled egg whites. I always eat a lean meat for lunch and dinner. Adding peanut butter, milk, yogurt and cheese also adds a lot of protein. I keep a diet diary every day, and if by late evening I'm deficient in calories, protein, etc, I have a bedtime shake, with you guessed it, more protein powder.

Take your time getting up to the large amounts of protein. Can cause a lot of gas, and sometimes dumping syndrome at first, but eventually your body will adjust. Good luck.
Hi Saul, I am on a bodybuilding diet so high protein intake is a must. I have no problem getting in 250-300 grams of protein a day. Here's a few tricks to sneaking in the extra protein. One scoop of protein powder equals 25 grams (some brands are more, but on average its about 25 gms). I add one scoop to my oatmeal every morning. I then have a pre and post workout shake every day. The pre gets one scoop, and the post gets two. So now we are up to 100 gms with the powder. I have a second breakfast of egg scrambled egg whites. I always eat a lean meat for lunch and dinner. Adding peanut butter, milk, yogurt and cheese also adds a lot of protein. I keep a diet diary every day, and if by late evening I'm deficient in calories, protein, etc, I have a bedtime shake, with you guessed it, more protein powder.
Regarding protein 1 gram/lb lean body mass is more than sufficient to gain muscle tissue especially when one is in a calorie surplus. Excess protein will not build extra muscle- overall calories including complex carbs/healthy fats along with a sufficient intake of protein is what will build overall mass especially complex carbs. Eat all the protein you want but if you are not eating enough complex carbs to increase muscle glycogen than have fun trying to add any significant amount of muscle just eating protein/fats. Carbs are critical to packing on muscle mass and I would strongly suggest keeping protein to the minimum amount needed and concentrate more on carbs (especially) and fats and consuming and extra 250-500 cal/day above maintenance if putting on as much muscle is your goal providing you also have healthy testosterone levels(trt). If one is dieting and in a calorie deficit than 1.5 grams protein per pound lbm would be beneficial or if one is using supra-physiological levels of testosterone/aas. Too many people seem to think protein, protein and more protein=bigger muscles when in reality if one consumes the minimum required amount for muscle growth a calorie surplus including complex carbs/fats is critical to the overall picture.
Couple issues I wanted to get your feedback on that have been on my mind. A 2 part question. I hope am able to write this clearly.

1. I have been eat/drinking more protein (in places of some carbs) but am having trouble getting to 1 gram per bodyweight and even 1/2 gram per body weight (205 lbs) . Due to some health/stomach issues I don't eat much red meat and no dairy. I am having more eggs, vegan protein powders and egg protein powder (morning and night), and so much chicken and fish I might grow feathers or scales. Are you guys really eating your body weight in grams of protein?. I am seeing gains with the TRT and more protein/pre-work out supplement so I like the path I am on but any input on how people get so much protein?

2. How long after a workout should a person consume more protein/calories to insure adequate nutrition for muscle building? For example, lets say I have a great work out on Monday and Tuesday, but then have to go out of town for a week on business with no chance to work out. How many days after the great workout should I keep on a high protein / higher calorie diet to get the most from those great workouts, but not add unwanted fat from the extra protein/calories on the days I am traveling? I hope this makes sense. I feel like I would only need the extra protein/calories on work out days and for some period after, elsewise, I will be adding fat. Thanks.

Eating so much chicken/fish are you really? I used to eat 2.2 lbs extra-lean ground beef everyday which is roughly 210 grams protein and now I consume 2.2 lbs chicken breast everyday which is 230 grams protein. I use no supplements except a whey protein drink post-workout. Beef/chicken/fish/pork/seafood is dense in protein. I know most would not like eating 2 lbs of meat everyday but on average you should at least be eating 1 lb meat everyday which will provide you with atleast 100 grams protein and the rest could come from eggs or dairy otherwise use more whey protein shakes with meals or consume milk protein isolate. Regarding your second question building muscle tissue requires more calories than maintaining muscle so you need to eat above maintenance every day but in order to minimize fat accumulation insrtead of adding in 500 calories above your maintenance try 200 cal/day and eat clean natural whole foods- low g.i. complex carbs/fibrous carbs/lean proteins/healthy fats and avoid all the shitty processed/junk foods and you will gain muscle/minimal fat. A lot of people dirty bulk eating way too much above maintenance and a lot of foods that are laden with sugar/unhealthy fats and end up gaining muscle along with a lot of adipose tissue.
One of my fallacys may be that I don't count calories or macros, any of that, besides food I knew I wasn't getting 220g of Protein a day, total. I've progressed in my Whey usage, 1 scoop, 2 scoops, I'm up to 3 scoops, 3x per day...buying a 5lb jug is more economical. Even mixing with 2% milk for the added fat/calories/protein. IN part I was at a plateau, stuck, not gaining weight when I went to 3scoops and milk to compensate, but that was 10 pounds ago... ;)
I'm just not scientific about it, I bang on weights religously 4x per week I just dont count all that "stuff" and I knew that I couldn't "eat" that much. I think I still struggle to get enough basic calories.
Couple issues I wanted to get your feedback on that have been on my mind. A 2 part question. I hope am able to write this clearly.

1. I have been eat/drinking more protein (in places of some carbs) but am having trouble getting to 1 gram per bodyweight and even 1/2 gram per body weight (205 lbs) . Due to some health/stomach issues I don't eat much red meat and no dairy. I am having more eggs, vegan protein powders and egg protein powder (morning and night), and so much chicken and fish I might grow feathers or scales. Are you guys really eating your body weight in grams of protein?. I am seeing gains with the TRT and more protein/pre-work out supplement so I like the path I am on but any input on how people get so much protein?

2. How long after a workout should a person consume more protein/calories to insure adequate nutrition for muscle building? For example, lets say I have a great work out on Monday and Tuesday, but then have to go out of town for a week on business with no chance to work out. How many days after the great workout should I keep on a high protein / higher calorie diet to get the most from those great workouts, but not add unwanted fat from the extra protein/calories on the days I am traveling? I hope this makes sense. I feel like I would only need the extra protein/calories on work out days and for some period after, elsewise, I will be adding fat. Thanks.

Thanks everyone. Very helpful info. I have always been heavy on complex carbs with grains, nuts, and veggies - even having many vegetarians meals before I stared working out. But had been low on protein. Thanks.

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