But, how are you feeling? Or, rather, how were you feeling before you saw these lab results?
Honestly, I feel OK besides some things that can only be explained by the E2 going from 48 to 35. One is penis sensitivity, its gone, left the building. And speaking of building, its almost impossible to build up to a finish. Some mild anxiety has returned, but I have been under a lot of stress lately. I went out on disability from work, lower back problems. MRI shows disc slippage, though it is minor it still hurts! The stress is evident in my DHEA levels, last time I tested they were 130, this time 120. I dont take the pills I had compounded for me, I was getting groggy and they took the blame. Since the MRI was done yesterday, perhaps some of my stress will subside. Ill be starting Physical Therapy soon, and the hope is this will keep me from any crazy steroid shots in the back, or even surgery.
I got off track a bit, back to how I feel. I am having to urinate often, well more than often, it is a lot. What is strange is the streams are weak and take a while to get started. Another thing I have noticed is I am getting little flakes of skin on my face, this occurs around where my nose meets my eyes, even up into the eyebrows. I also have some crazy dry scalp going on as of late, guessing I am getting rid of water/fluids faster than my body can absorb them.
Ever see or hear of anything like this? If I didnt know better I would think my E2 was low.
edit...I'm not trying to say I was doing better with higher E2, I was bloated and oily all the time. I got fatigued and sleepy as well with higher E2, though I had better sensitivity and finishing was easier. I do wonder what would happen if I dropped E2 even lower though, to say 25. My guess is I prob wouldnt like it much.
also, for what its worth I have started to take the DHEA again, after dinner this time.