Appointment with Defy in 2-3 weeks


Hi everybody, I first wanted to introduce myself and thank everyone on this wonderful forum for sharing their experiences so we can all learn. I felt obligated to share my experience as well rather than just "take" information.
So I have an appointment with Defy fairly soon and wanted to get some opinions on where I am and where to go from here as far as bloods, protocol, etc.
As far as history, age 44, 5'10, 190. Steroid user during my late teens and early 20's. Have had ED ever since (solved with Cialis/viagra) but not too many other symptoms until the last 4-5 years. About 5yrs. ago I started having some symptoms like loss of libido, tiredness, poor recovery from exercise. Thought it may be low test because of my history and asked PCP to check testosterone. His first comment was "I'm not giving you testosterone no matter what the numbers look like". I was shocked to say the least. Numbers came back in the mid to upper 400's (I don't have that bloodwork on hand). Dr said that I was fine and normal and that my symptoms were probably in my head. OK, so off I went confused and frustrated. Over the next year or so symptoms continued, physical capabilities began to diminish, libido was very low, energy and motivation lower as well. I have always been active, weight lifting, hiking, biking and various extreme sports. Participation in those things were lessening. So thinking that I can not get help through official channels, I did some research and started on clomid at 25mg/day to try to restart my test production. Over the course of 6 months libido improved noticeably but not significantly, I was able to use less cialis (10mg instead of 20), testicles were larger and more firm. However aside from those changes, no change to energy, recovery, vitality, etc. Only side effect was that my wife said that I was "moody". End of 6 months had test checked (at next physical)and it was 997, free was 106 (46-224/quest)Bioavailable 236 (110-575), SHBG 49 (10-50), no E2 done.
At this point I decided to slowly taper off of clomid over the next 6 weeks hoping for a restart. Over the next 6 months symptoms continued or got worse, all improvements went back to where they were before. Decided to start Clomid again at half the dose (25mg EOD) after reading Dr Crislers take that less is more. Did that for 6 months at which time I got the eye floaters a couple times and decided that this wasn't a good idea. Results were similar but no moodiness. Overall thought it was better than nothing but unimpressive overall. Tapered off over 6 weeks again.
Fast forward a year or so and symptoms are worse. More tired, less sleep, no libido, getting weaker and fatter and less capable, joint pain, lack of focus and mental clarity. Decide to make an appointment with a local Urologist that is willing to do TRT. Before the appointment came up, I changed my mind after reading stories on this forum and decided to skip the urologist and call Defy. I called the day before my yearly physical and they gave me the paperwork and bloodwork needed to start treatment with them.
Blood work came back as 338 total (quest).
free 79.7 (35-155)
E2 (sensitive)14.1 (8-35/labcorp)
PSA .3
hematocrit 42.9
total cholesterol 163
Only bloodwork that was out of range was glucose at 105

So my take is that E2 is low and the reason I probably felt better as far as libido on Clomid is because it was higher (wasn't checked).
Thinking that test cyp around 100-150/wk to start and HCG at whatever they recommend would be a good place to start. Of course I will let the Doctor figure out the details. My feeling is that with my E2 that I should not start on an AI before having my first bloodwork done. Also was thinking of starting with the test 1x/week IM and the HCG SQ at whatever interval and dose they recommend, so as to not confuse things too much. I am open to different frequency/protocol. I am ready to commit to getting better as a lifelong process and have put aside funds so that I can keep this going over time.

Any advice or direction you guys can give me on any of the details shared would be great, thanks again!
Yes definitely be wary of a blanket inclusion for Anastrozole, it won't be bad to have it prescribed and available to you but taking it straight away isn't the best course to take.
Thanks Vince. Seems like using an AI can cause more problems than not unless ones E2 is very high or there are syptoms
Anyone have a take on starting with once a week frequency vs every 3.5days?

I started with 1xweek, and I did not like it due to the spike after the large dose of Test and HCG. When I switched to every 3.5days with the same dose, it was night and day better.
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Last question is for those of you that have started TRT and may have had higher than normal glucose, did TRT lower it? I have heard that it does. I have cut out most of my light and sweet coffee from 2 cups a day to a few cups a week as well as cutting down on bread and pasta, etc.
Last question is for those of you that have started TRT and may have had higher than normal glucose, did TRT lower it? I have heard that it does. I have cut out most of my light and sweet coffee from 2 cups a day to a few cups a week as well as cutting down on bread and pasta, etc.

Exogenous testosterone can lower glucose and it can have an impact on A1c values, too. But not everyone, by any means, sees that.
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Just to cover that base you should only be doing Glucose/CBC/CMP in a fasted state, 8-10hrs with water only and then have your draws first thing in the morning.
You're one of those guys whose SHBG goes off the charts on clomid, which is probably one of the reasons it didn't help very much. As others have noted, testosterone every 3.5 days is going to yield better results, and will also help with your glucose, assuming you also make positive changes to your diet.

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