Am I eligible to take TRT (Testosteron Replacement Therapy)


New Member
Hi All,

Recently, I got to know that I have low Testosteron.
So, my doctor suggested TRT for me and prescribed few Gels and medicine.

But, I just wanted to check you guys that this TRT really required to me or I can be better with some supplements?

Here are the reports data:
Testosteron Free : 2.64 pg/mL
Testosteron Total : 222.67 ng/dL

Pl. suggest something.

Hi All,

Recently, I got to know that I have low Testosteron.

So, my doctor suggested TRT for me and prescribed few Gels and medicine.m

But, I just wanted to check you guys that this TRT really required to me or I can be better with some supplements?

Here are the reports data:
Testosteron Free : 2.64 pg/mL
Testosteron Total : 222.67 ng/dL

Pl. suggest something.

Looks to me that your Testosterone and free test are low and clearly you need TRT. Don't waste money on supplements for raising Testosterone and wait for some other people with more experience to add their comments to your posting.
Hi All,

Recently, I got to know that I have low Testosteron.
So, my doctor suggested TRT for me and prescribed few Gels and medicine.

But, I just wanted to check you guys that this TRT really required to me or I can be better with some supplements?

Here are the reports data:
Testosteron Free : 2.64 pg/mL
Testosteron Total : 222.67 ng/dL

Pl. suggest something.


Have you answered questions in this questionnaire?
Need to see much more comprehensive blood work (with ranges) and need to know much more about you and your history for anyone here to make a valid comment.
Thanks Nelson for the response.

As you said, I've answered the questions -
1) yes
2) yes
3) yes
4) No
5) yes
6) yes
7) yes
8) yes
9) No
10) yes

My blood report is also saying that I've low testosteron, please see below my T count -
Testosteron Free : 2.64 pg/mL
Testosteron Total : 222.67 ng/dL
PSA total: 0.63 ng/mL
DHEA: 2.98 ng/mL

glycosylated hemoglobin (HBA1c): 5.4%
est. avg glucose: 115 mg/dL

Hemoglobin: 14.1 g/dL
Erythrocyte count: 5.1 mil/uL
Packed Cell Volume: 45.6%
Platelet Count: 1.77 lakh/Cumm

Red Cell Indices:
MCV : 88.6 fl
MCH: 27.4 pg
MCHC: 33.3 g/dL
RDW - CV: 12.3%

tot Leucocyte count(WBC): 5700 cells/Cumm
Neutrophils: 60%
Lymphocytes: 30%
Eosinophils: 04%
Monocytes: 06%
Basophils: 00%

(My age: 30)

I got all other tests also like - Scrotam scan, prostat, how blood is pumping from heart..

Other info:
Knee pains, weak in sex drive, no concentration, loss of memory (even I'm not able to remember my mobile number), fat is growing at my abdominal area, always looks tired, hair fall, hearing problems..)

By looking at this data, I just wanted to know that.. is there any possibility that I can be recovered with "Suppliments"?
As per Carlos, its waste to spend the money on suppliments, but I just wanted to listen it from you.

I've seen all your videos on TRT, it was so informative. somewhere in the video, you said if we start TRT then it shutdown actual "T" production which is little bit scaring me. Actually, in the past I was gone thru a medication for Leprasy for 2 years and now again this TRT.. that's why I'm searching for alternatives like Ayuvedic remedies and strong suppliments...etc.

But, if you feel my situation can't be recovered with suppliments in short time (6 or 12 months) then I will go for TRT (because my other problem are growing - Weak, tired, not able to sleep sometimes, no concentration, loss of memory, hair fall....)

Pl. suggest.

Thanks Gene Devine for the response..

Could you take look at my test reports above .... Pl. suggest something..

All I want to know whether my doctor unnecessarily pushing for TRT or it's really needed for my situation?

Thanks Gene Devine for the response..

Could you take look at my test reports above .... Pl. suggest something..

All I want to know whether my doctor unnecessarily pushing for TRT or it's really needed for my situation?


Chaitanya - You're missing a lot of important labs and for a guy 30 years of age I highly doubt your low levels are age related decline; in fact, you should be near peak levels at your age. I would suspect some thing else is causing your low levels.

Without knowing the ranges for the labs above and only guessing it appears your Testosterone serum levels are low...but why?

Is it related to a pathology or other medical condition?

Is it related to your life style?

Is it related to any meds or others supplements you are taking?

Is it related to past medical conditions or use of medicines?

Many questions yet and the astute Physician will know how to diagnose you correctly.

I don't see any Thyroid work up here that could point to Hypothyroidism...Hypothyroidism has many of the same symptoms and conditions as Hypogonadism and in fact can cause the same!

I don't see a prolactin lab that could point to a Pituitary problem.

I don't see Estrogen assay that could point to excessive conversion to E2.

I would NOT take any Testosterone till you have a complete work up done by a well trained Physician in area of hormones for men and you get a comprehensive diagnosis. Just slamming you with Testosterone without knowing the underlining cause of your low levels is paramount to putting a band aid on a tumor IMO.
Man, I know where you are and how you feel, I was the same if not worse at 30. At 23 even. When my checked t was about the same level as yours. I suffered until
last year at 33 and the dr tested my levels, yep, low still. When the dr offered testosterone replacement, I jumped all over it. Boy, wish I had known better. I could not agree more with what Gene said. Find out why it is low. I was poisoned, so we were pretty sure it came from that, but my dr should have done tests to see what the poison did to cause the low t. Might have been a better way to get my levels up. I am better, but no where near well. And I think had proper testing been done, I would be well now. Two reasons why no testing was done was lack of knowledge by the dr, and no insurance. If you have access to proper blood work, take full advantage before getting on t.
Thanks Gene, tmckenzie

Cuurrently I'm not under any medication, but 3 years ago I got a treatment for leprocy, for this, I took medicine for 2 years then after I got the tests and doctor said I don't have that bacteria in my body anymore.

Life Style: I don't think it's reason because I don't smoke and don't drink alchohol (Occationally I take the drink.. thats it)

I don't understand how to find good Physician for this.

Here is my Thyroid work:

TriIodothyronine Total (TT3) : 128.02 ng/dL

Thyroxine - Total (TT4): 9.1 ug/dL

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone: 3.15 uIU/mL

Follicle Stimulating Hormone : 1.91 miU/mL

Luteinising Hormone: 6.21 mIU/mL

Prolactine: 5.50

Erythyrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR): 09

(my age: 31)

I had all tests. finally my doctor proposed T Replacement.
After watching all videos on Low T and this replacement therapy, I went to my doctor and talked about this TRT, then he was little bit angry and changed my prscription (I didn't mention yet that I have used these T gels for 1 month)

he prescribed below -
1) EuTrial - AT (Asparagus adscendents, racemocus, crocus sativus) - it looks like ayurvedic medecine
2) oxymetz-CG (Zinc, Chromium, Ginseng c, Selenium Capsules)
3) Udzire 100 (Udenafil Tablets)
4) PACE (Aceclofenac & Paracetamol tab) - the above table is before dinners and this tablet is after dinner
5) V2 Sachets (L-Arginine, Safed Mulsi, Butea Superba, Shilajit, Mucuna Pruriens Gransules) - it looks like Ayurvedic medicine.

After 1 month of using those T Gels, then I stopped them and started taking the above medicines as per doctor suggestion, all the above are suppliments.
Now it's been 20 days I used them. (I feel okay, there are some chanegs in my testicles like they getting big and tight together.. but if I try sex then erection is also okay but not able to finish) ok..already doctor said to me that it will increase "T" slowly (time consuming), lets see.

I just want to ask one thing..

When I was talking to doctor regarding TRT, he said, after using these gels few months then we can stop them and he will give some other medecine to not to go back actual situation (I mean go back to lower levels), Is this possible? that kind of medicine available?
I just wanted to know how much genuine my doctor is.

One more thing... I have used these gels for one month, and I started using above medicine - Is it okay?
I mean it stopped actual T production with gels for one month and then I started suppliments. I hope it started actual T production w/o any problem.

Thanks In Adv for reading this and giving some suggestions.

One more thing I have asked my doctor that what's reason for my Low T?

Then he said, we can't tell that... (no doctor can find actual reason for low levels)... Is it true?

One more thing I have asked my doctor that what's reason for my Low T?

Then he said, we can't tell that... (no doctor can find actual reason for low levels)... Is it true?


No, what he said is not true at all. There are many medical pathologies and conditions that can cause Primary or Secondary Hypogonadism in men.

Even in age related androgen deficiency there are blood work labs that can point to that as a condition like low FSH/LH labs for instance.

Anything from Tumors to Diabetes and everything in between can cause Hypogonadism.

Do some research and learn; remember you are the one in control of your healthcare and if your Doctor doesn't know you need to be the one to take control.

I'd never take a response like his and leave it at that...irresponsible in my opinion.
Thanks Gene, tmckenzie

Cuurrently I'm not under any medication, but 3 years ago I got a treatment for leprocy, for this, I took medicine for 2 years then after I got the tests and doctor said I don't have that bacteria in my body anymore.

Life Style: I don't think it's reason because I don't smoke and don't drink alchohol (Occationally I take the drink.. thats it)j

I don't understand how to find good Physician for this.

Here is my Thyroid work:

TriIodothyronine Total (TT3) : 128.02 ng/dL

Thyroxine - Total (TT4): 9.1 ug/dL

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone: 3.15 uIU/mL

Follicle Stimulating Hormone : 1.91 miU/mL

Luteinising Hormone: 6.21 mIU/mL

Prolactine: 5.50

Erythyrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR): 09

(my age: 31)

I had all tests. finally my doctor proposed T Replacement.
After watching all videos on Low T and this replacement therapy, I went to my doctor and talked about this TRT, then he was little bit angry and changed my prscription (I didn't mention yet that I have used these T gels for 1 month)

he prescribed below -
1) EuTrial - AT (Asparagus adscendents, racemocus, crocus sativus) - it looks like ayurvedic medecine
2) oxymetz-CG (Zinc, Chromium, Ginseng c, Selenium Capsules)
3) Udzire 100 (Udenafil Tablets)
4) PACE (Aceclofenac & Paracetamol tab) - the above table is before dinners and this tablet is after dinner
5) V2 Sachets (L-Arginine, Safed Mulsi, Butea Superba, Shilajit, Mucuna Pruriens Gransules) - it looks like Ayurvedic medicine.

After 1 month of using those T Gels, then I stopped them and started taking the above medicines as per doctor suggestion, all the above are suppliments.
Now it's been 20 days I used them. (I feel okay, there are some chanegs in my testicles like they getting big and tight together.. but if I try sex then erection is also okay but not able to finish) ok..already doctor said to me that it will increase "T" slowly (time consuming), lets see.

I just want to ask one thing..

When I was talking to doctor regarding TRT, he said, after using these gels few months then we can stop them and he will give some other medecine to not to go back actual situation (I mean go back to lower levels), Is this possible? that kind of medicine available?
I just wanted to know how much genuine my doctor is.

One more thing... I have used these gels for one month, and I started using above medicine - Is it okay?
I mean it stopped actual T production with gels for one month and then I started suppliments. I hope it started actual T production w/o any problem.

Thanks In Adv for reading this and giving some suggestions.

In reference to what I mentioned about supplements is, it is a waste of money to buy testosterone enhancements prodducts because, simply, they don't work.
One more thing I have asked my doctor that what's reason for my Low T?

Then he said, we can't tell that... (no doctor can find actual reason for low levels)... Is it true?


As Gene said. you must take control and not just go ok what ever you say doc. I went to Loma Linda University and you would think they would be on top of things. Well they are not and I took control and pushed on a few issues. For me being diabetic is what caused my low T. Read Nelsons book, well worth the money and time spent reading it. Here you will find guys that give you the truth and not just a bunch of chatter.

My doc did the once a week shot at first but got the roller coaster effect. I told him I wanted to do it twice a week and he agreed with doing it that way. At first he was against it but then I said I read this and that and showed I was getting informed and he went along.
Thank you guys...

I will do some more research and find out what's reason for my Low T.
Keep you in touch.

Thanks again...
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Please provide the lab ranges as folks have requested.

You also asked if there is a medicine that can maintain T levels - Clomid has been successful for some in doing this. However, you look like you have good levels of LH, so your issue may be pituitary related. At that point I believe the easiest correction is to do TRT, assuming all your other hormones are in check.

You also only used T gels for 1 month. I believe your recovery should be pretty quick (recovery back to pre-existing levels) and may not require other meds.

As far as the supplements you listed, maybe someone else can chime in but most folks seem to think supplements don't do much....

Beyond that, what exactly do you want help with? Hopefully some other folks will chime in.
It's hard to read these labs without the ranges.

LH/FSH look ok and Free T looks ok as well.

Have you had your Testes examined for things like Testicular Varicocele?

I'd also like to see SHBG and E2 labs.
HI Chanitanya and all you my dear friends,
HOW COME alopathy Dr suggest for AYURVEDIC medicine?
For me EuTrial - AT & oxymetz-CG was suggested by DR BALA RAM BABU, Hyd.
I dont have ED,low Libido...But, I went there for LONGER erectile and Longer Sex....
He asked for tests 'SM-Profile- Minor' AND DHzA S; where cost of 8000/Rs where I asked for medicine first..Then he got bit angry.

Please suggest me whether he genuine or not?
Medicine genuine or not?
Have you had your Testes examined for things like Testicular Varicocele?

Gene, sorry to post in this old thread, but there are very few on this forum mentioning Varicocele. I know I have them on my left side for at least 18 years (25 then, 43 now) and am just now getting pain. This started after a new, lower body free-weight workout and HIIT sprinting. Know I've had them, but not had much pain before, especially lingering for over 5 days now - so distracting it's hard to concentrate on work, etc - where I sit most of the day.

I'm contacting my TRT Dr (who is very experienced, open minded, etc) and we'll see where that goes, but since you mentioned it in your post, I wondered if you had any experience with them? I'm NOT a fan of surgery, but I'm only 43 and plan on living healthily to 90, so I don't see this issue going away. It could even be the cause of some of my low-T from what I've read. :(



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