Restart Update: Low Dose Clomid

Just checking in to give an update (especially for guys searching the internet like I did before choosing this low does clomid path for a potential restart).

Two week into low does (12.5mg) clomid every day and I am really feeling great. Sleeping well, low to no anxiety. Libido is normal, erections good. I've also been taking a compounded pregnenolone/dhea (25mg/15mg) capsule before bed each night and a 120 mg DIM Indoplpex in the morning with my multi-vitamine and 4000 iu of D3.

Right now I feel as good or better than I did on TRT. I hope it lasts and will continue to update the board periodically for the benefit of those in a similar situation and for the curiosity of those always looking to learn more about TRT and men's health through other guys' actual experiences.

So far so good. Blood work in early April and then Dr. Saya and I will decide how to proceed.

That's good to hear, Ive just started a very similar protocol. I'm only on day 2, and I don't expect to start feeling any improvement until after about a week.
I think the plan to do blood work in early April and then based on that titrate down with the goal of eventually stopping the clomid. I think whatever Dr. Saya and I decide it will be slow and steady. And if a low dose of clomid is the long term answer (I've read that Dr. Saya and Dr. Crisler have had some success with it long term with very low dose) I'm okay with that. No vision issues for me at this point.
Hey everyone,
This is my first post here. I just wanted to jump in here and give my experience on Clomid.

I, like Xerxes, am also working with Dr Saya at Defy. So far I really like him. He started me on 25mg clomid per day for 30 days and I just got my labs back today! Before I give you my results I will say that It about 2 weeks on clomid before noticing any effect at all, a boost in libido. 3 weeks in I started noticing a little bit of a better mood and drive to actually do things. I know that the effects of TRT can take months, and I am assuming that is also true for natural T boost also? Anyway, on to my results.

My testosterone has been sub 300 for 3 years now. The last set of labs before the clomid showed that my T was 189.

Here are my results after 30 days on clomid:
Testosterone: 679
Free T - 20.8
LH - 5.2
Prolactin - 10.3
Estradiol - 31

I still do not notice a huge difference but it is noticeable. One negative thing that did happen around the last week is that I started having some slight testicle pain and what feels like maybe slightly enlarged prostate, i can feel it a little when I sit with some low back pain, but am not sure if this is related. I see a urologist in a few days regarding this.

Anyway, that was my experience with Clomid, hope it is helpful and encouraging.
Congratulations on both your feeling better and your recent lab numbers! I work with Dr. Saya as well (but not with clomid) and he is terrific. My 2-cents - You may want to let him know about your testicle pain and whatnot so that he can adjust if warranted and also that your urologist doesn't send you on a hard left turn or tell you to stop the clomid or something.
Congratulations on both your feeling better and your recent lab numbers! I work with Dr. Saya as well (but not with clomid) and he is terrific. My 2-cents - You may want to let him know about your testicle pain and whatnot so that he can adjust if warranted and also that your urologist doesn't send you on a hard left turn or tell you to stop the clomid or something.

I agree, I just really do not have anyway to directly contact Dr. Saya. I let one of the guys in his office know this. he just said to see my urologist and stop the Clomid. But, didnt say if this was straight from the Dr. So I guess I wont know until my appointment with him in 3 weeks.
I agree, I just really do not have anyway to directly contact Dr. Saya. I let one of the guys in his office know this. he just said to see my urologist and stop the Clomid. But, didnt say if this was straight from the Dr. So I guess I wont know until my appointment with him in 3 weeks.

It's my understanding that Dr. Saya is on a family vacation this week. You might want to confirm w/him, his office next week.
I am indeed on vacation this week, in fact family had a great time seeing the Grand Canyon today! I'm still plugged in though...including occasionally scanning the forums lol.

Nevermind1182 - first of all thank you for posting your progress thus far for others to follow. Some testicular discomfort can occur both when testes atrophy (get smaller) and also when they get larger or resume normal size (even if the change in size is barely noticeable) - ie when they are more stimulated by LH/FSH with Clomid. Another somewhat common possibility (and independent of Clomid) is possible prostatitis (inflammation/infection of the prostate) with referred discomfort to the testes --> this seems even more likely given the prostate symptoms.

I would keep the appointment with the urologist (for possible prostatitis diagnosis/treatment) and we can discuss further during our consult...with the information I have at this point, I see no reason to stop the Clomid currently and, again, we can't chat during our consult to discuss the urologist' findings.
I am indeed on vacation this week, in fact family had a great time seeing the Grand Canyon today! I'm still plugged in though...including occasionally scanning the forums lol.

Nevermind1182 - first of all thank you for posting your progress thus far for others to follow. Some testicular discomfort can occur both when testes atrophy (get smaller) and also when they get larger or resume normal size (even if the change in size is barely noticeable) - ie when they are more stimulated by LH/FSH with Clomid. Another somewhat common possibility (and independent of Clomid) is possible prostatitis (inflammation/infection of the prostate) with referred discomfort to the testes --> this seems even more likely given the prostate symptoms.

I would keep the appointment with the urologist (for possible prostatitis diagnosis/treatment) and we can discuss further during our consult...with the information I have at this point, I see no reason to stop the Clomid currently and, again, we can't chat during our consult to discuss the urologist' findings.

Dr. Saya - wow thank you for your feedback, i really appreciate it! I will follow your instructions until we speak in a few weeks! Enjoy your vacation!

Xerxes - it was not my intention to high jack your post here, I hope you don't mind that I shared my experience here. I'm glad it's helping you! Please continue to update!
Quite the opposite! I am happy to hear of other guys' experiences. If clomid could be helpful to some men, I think it would be good to have a thread that guys searching online can find and learn from. Good luck with your treatment!
I am indeed on vacation this week, in fact family had a great time seeing the Grand Canyon today! I'm still plugged in though...including occasionally scanning the forums lol.

Nevermind1182 - first of all thank you for posting your progress thus far for others to follow. Some testicular discomfort can occur both when testes atrophy (get smaller) and also when they get larger or resume normal size (even if the change in size is barely noticeable) - ie when they are more stimulated by LH/FSH with Clomid. Another somewhat common possibility (and independent of Clomid) is possible prostatitis (inflammation/infection of the prostate) with referred discomfort to the testes --> this seems even more likely given the prostate symptoms.

I would keep the appointment with the urologist (for possible prostatitis diagnosis/treatment) and we can discuss further during our consult...with the information I have at this point, I see no reason to stop the Clomid currently and, again, we can't chat during our consult to discuss the urologist' findings.

You are in my neighborhood, I recommend you check out sedona, if you have time on your vacation.

Also I'm at about one week on clomid and it's great reading done positive stories on it for a change.
Another update...over the last few days it seems like my reaction to the clomid is either taking a negative turn or I need to just be more patient, which is a bit frustrating because I had felt so good just a week ago.

Basically my libido has dropped off the face of the earth and my anxiety is ramping up again. Not due for blood for a another two weeks or so. I'll reach out to Defy after the holiday to see what Dr. Saya thinks. I've read that the lack of libido seems to be an issue on clomid. I am wondering if it is a temporary part of the process and then it comes back later.

Maybe my e2 is going too low? I really don't have any high e2 symptoms like water retention, nipple sensitivity or the insomnia, but I definitely have low mood, NO libido, ED, anxiety, and while I don't have joint pain, they seem a bit clicky.

I thought about stopping the daily DIM recommended by Defy, but my wife advised to stick to whatever protocol Defy suggested b/c they're the doctors.

My e2 was 19 in my most recent blood work in January, 14 before that in August.

Another update...over the last few days it seems like my reaction to the clomid is either taking a negative turn or I need to just be more patient, which is a bit frustrating because I had felt so good just a week ago.

Basically my libido has dropped off the face of the earth and my anxiety is ramping up again. Not due for blood for a another two weeks or so. I'll reach out to Defy after the holiday to see what Dr. Saya thinks. I've read that the lack of libido seems to be an issue on clomid. I am wondering if it is a temporary part of the process and then it comes back later.

Maybe my e2 is going too low? I really don't have any high e2 symptoms like water retention, nipple sensitivity or the insomnia, but I definitely have low mood, NO libido, ED, anxiety, and while I don't have joint pain, they seem a bit clicky.

I thought about stopping the daily DIM recommended by Defy, but my wife advised to stick to whatever protocol Defy suggested b/c they're the doctors.

My e2 was 19 in my most recent blood work in January, 14 before that in August.


Xerxes, sorry in advance if you've said it in an earlier post, but how old are you? Do you have a strong desire to father children?
I'm 35. Have two beautiful daughters already with no desire for more. Trying a clomid restart because I had no stability on TRT (for 7-8 months). Under the supervision of Dr. Saya over at Defy we decided I was young enough to give the restart a shot. I am still hopeful, but man the last few days have been hard...especially after feeling great for two weeks prior to that!
Your E2 level may or may not be too low - it depends upon your Total T levels and the T to E ratio as well as a the lab number. You are in great hands with Dr. Saya so perhaps check in with him if you have feel feeling really awful for more than a week or two.
Another update...over the last few days it seems like my reaction to the clomid is either taking a negative turn or I need to just be more patient, which is a bit frustrating because I had felt so good just a week ago.

Basically my libido has dropped off the face of the earth and my anxiety is ramping up again. Not due for blood for a another two weeks or so. I'll reach out to Defy after the holiday to see what Dr. Saya thinks. I've read that the lack of libido seems to be an issue on clomid. I am wondering if it is a temporary part of the process and then it comes back later.

Maybe my e2 is going too low? I really don't have any high e2 symptoms like water retention, nipple sensitivity or the insomnia, but I definitely have low mood, NO libido, ED, anxiety, and while I don't have joint pain, they seem a bit clicky.

I thought about stopping the daily DIM recommended by Defy, but my wife advised to stick to whatever protocol Defy suggested b/c they're the doctors.

My e2 was 19 in my most recent blood work in January, 14 before that in August.


Your wife is right - make no changes without first discussing it with your doctor. Moving the pieces, adjusting the dials without lab work is driving without headlights in a storm. If you're anxious, ask Defy for a lab order and run some numbers right away.
Yeah, I'm not making any protocol changes. I'll check in with Defy after the holiday. It's not any crisis situation. And I can't say it's my traditional anxiety really. Just emotionally flat and no libido. Just just be the reality of what a restart is like. I just felt pretty good from day 9 to 17 and now for the last 3 days or so feel pretty flat, maybe depressed, not my traditional anxiety and really no libido. No morning wood even with cialis. I'll check in with Dr. Saya this week to see if this is to be expected. It's so weird that I felt really good for that week. Maybe it was placebo, but man, what a a placebo if that was the case! Or maybe I went through some sweet spot...Who knows..
Yeah, I'm not making any protocol changes. I'll check in with Defy after the holiday. It's not any crisis situation. And I can't say it's my traditional anxiety really. Just emotionally flat and no libido. Just just be the reality of what a restart is like. I just felt pretty good from day 9 to 17 and now for the last 3 days or so feel pretty flat, maybe depressed, not my traditional anxiety and really no libido. No morning wood even with cialis. I'll check in with Dr. Saya this week to see if this is to be expected. It's so weird that I felt really good for that week. Maybe it was placebo, but man, what a a placebo if that was the case! Or maybe I went through some sweet spot...Who knows..

Man, o.k. Well, this stinks. Not sure how to advise you given your prior mediocre experience with TRT. Did you give dose adjustments on TRT a chance?

What do you mean no stability? I do realize TRT is not the panacea some think it is, but boy. I know it's only been 3 day and you've reported feeling good for a week or so prior, so maybe just duke it out a bit longer.

At some point, however, I suspect you may come to realize LD Clomid may not have been a success for you. I don't have experience with restarts and LD Clomid. Frankly, my view is that it's not really as tried and true, but that's only my opinion.

Dr. Saya indeed seems like a stand up guy and true professional, however. So, just discuss this with him. These are the cases which make those guys earn their money for sure.
How looks you shbg level?i us chlomid/chlomifen 5 x 2014-2015 (short cycle for 2 weeks 12.5mg).evry time after going off my HPT axis going off :-( .why?i think my high e2 60-70! Whitout DIM shot it down.,now after 5 months now clear eating,no supps,good training and high d3 4000-8000 i.u my testo whas by 600 and lh by 3.4..mayby The HPT axis need after chlomid us time?!i dont now,but its very nice to read whats going on whit low dose chlomid and dim..
Happy Easter everyone. Just an update that last night and now this morning, I am very weepy for some reason. Definitely will be reaching out to Defy tomorrow to see what they think and maybe get some blood work done. I am so tired of chasing answers and ways to feel better. It's so frustrating. I just want to live a normal life again.

Also for the poster who inquired my SHBG has been in in low 20s and high teens in the past.

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