Looking for Knowledgeable TRT Doctor in Northern Virginia or West Florida


New Member
I have combed the internet for TRT doctors who seam to be knowledgeable about the subject, but have yet to find one. In northern Virginia I have found a number of TRT/HRT Docs who real business plan is to do a cash business, recommend lots of labs, sell you Thyroid meds and vitamins over their counters; but don't really treat the problem.

In Florida, I have found businesses set up by former stock brokers and the like, teamed up with doctors and pharmacies who all participate in the profits. The down side with these are that I cant get my insurance to pay as the insurance (Blue Cross & Blue Shield) only pays the Pharmacy and the way these companies business plans are set up, the sales guys are the front men.

My family doctor (in Northern Virginia) thinks that there is a "one size fits all". I take 60 mg of Axiron (alcohol based rub on) every day. I felt a bit of a jolt the first day; then nothing for about 3 weeks. After 3 months it feels that I have plateaued. I am ready to switch to Test C, which my insurance will pay for (my cost would be $1.56/month); but the doctor won't prescribe injectable testosterone.

So there's the rub (no pun intended)....finding a bonafide doctor, who is fluent in the TRT language, but isn't part of a TRT Business run by stockbrokers or car salesmen. The savings is hundreds of dollars per month and I believe (just my opinion) that I will get better results.

Any suggestions?
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I have combed the internet for TRT doctors who seam to be knowledgeable about the subject, but have yet to find one. In northern Virginia I have found a number of TRT/HRT Docs who real business plan is to do a cash business, recommend lots of labs, sell you Thyroid meds and vitamins over their counters; but don't really treat the problem.

In Florida, I have found businesses set up by former stock brokers and the like, teamed up with doctors and pharmacies who all participate in the profits. The down side with these are that I cant get my insurance to pay as the insurance (Blue Cross & Blue Shield) only pays the Pharmacy and the way these companies business plans are set up, the sales guys are the front men.

My family doctor (in Northern Virginia) thinks that there is a "one size fits all". I take 60 mg of Axiron (alcohol based rub on) every day. I felt a bit of a jolt the first day; then nothing for about 3 weeks. After 3 months it feels that I have plateaued. I am ready to switch to Test C, which my insurance will pay for (my cost would be $1.56/month); but the doctor won't prescribe injectable testosterone.

So there's the rub (no pun intended)....finding a bonafide doctor, who is fluent in the TRT language, but isn't part of a TRT Business run by stockbrokers or car salesmen. The savings is hundreds of dollars per month and I believe (just my opinion) that I will get better results.

Any suggestions?

Welcome to Excelmale! The model for most of the clinics/practices that specialize in TRT is a fee-for-service arrangement. The good ones will provide you with the proper claim forms that will allow you to file for reimbursement with your insurance carrier. It's not unusual that you're having trouble finding a knowledgeable doctor; many of us have had the same problem. If you can't find someone locally, I'd suggest you look at Defy Medical in Florida. They have a unique telemedicine model, astonishingly informed doctors, and excellent customer service. (I have no relationship with Defy, I am managed by a local practice, but I have spoken with them.) Yes, they do ask for payment at service, but there costs are in line with the care you get. Many members here who use them will, I'm sure, respond with more detail. Look at the cost as an investment in your health - it can pay dividends.
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Yes, I second using Defy medical. They know what they are doing and have good pricing. Doing TRT with a Doc that is not a TRT expert is worse than no TRT at all, IMHO. (Been there, done that...)
Vince, ERO, do you pay cash to Defy Medical? Credit Card? Do you get prescriptions that you can submit for reimbursement? What about blood work? Do you use insurance for that? My Flexible Savings Account will only reimburse with a prescription. They don't reimburse memberships. I only have a budget of $2550 per year. I also submit other claims. Chiropractic care, medical massage therapy, etc.

What really annoys me is Care First Blue Cross Blue Shield will cover this if the right Doctor submits the proper paperwork, so I am told, but finding that Doctor........
I have combed the internet for TRT doctors who seam to be knowledgeable about the subject, but have yet to find one. In northern Virginia I have found a number of TRT/HRT Docs who real business plan is to do a cash business, recommend lots of labs, sell you Thyroid meds and vitamins over their counters; but don't really treat the problem.

In Florida, I have found businesses set up by former stock brokers and the like, teamed up with doctors and pharmacies who all participate in the profits. The down side with these are that I cant get my insurance to pay as the insurance (Blue Cross & Blue Shield) only pays the Pharmacy and the way these companies business plans are set up, the sales guys are the front men.

My family doctor (in Northern Virginia) thinks that there is a "one size fits all". I take 60 mg of Axiron (alcohol based rub on) every day. I felt a bit of a jolt the first day; then nothing for about 3 weeks. After 3 months it feels that I have plateaued. I am ready to switch to Test C, which my insurance will pay for (my cost would be $1.56/month); but the doctor won't prescribe injectable testosterone.

So there's the rub (no pun intended)....finding a bonafide doctor, who is fluent in the TRT language, but isn't part of a TRT Business run by stockbrokers or car salesmen. The savings is hundreds of dollars per month and I believe (just my opinion) that I will get better results.

Any suggestions?

Hey there! I live in Alexandria, VA. Did you ever find a Doctor to cover TRT, they way we want it, through your insurance? Thanks!
I pay for everything, but the costs are low and they do have forms that one can fill out for insurance reimbursements. My health insurance is on the low end of the scale so I have not tried getting reimbursed myself. You can get very inexpensive blood work at http://www.discountedlabs.com or just go though Defy. The total costs are far less than most of the anti-aging clinics that you may have already looked at. (Big $$$ up front, $$$ monthly fee, etc...)
Vince, ERO, do you pay cash to Defy Medical? Credit Card? Do you get prescriptions that you can submit for reimbursement? What about blood work? Do you use insurance for that? My Flexible Savings Account will only reimburse with a prescription. They don't reimburse memberships. I only have a budget of $2550 per year. I also submit other claims. Chiropractic care, medical massage therapy, etc.

What really annoys me is Care First Blue Cross Blue Shield will cover this if the right Doctor submits the proper paperwork, so I am told, but finding that Doctor........

I pay everything out of pocket, last year I did use my flexible spending account. It was a pain, so I dropped my FSA. You can call them (Defy Medical) and get a price but it sounds like you have a very small budget for all your medical needs.
I understand your wanting to defer the expense of treatment by utilizing insurance you already are paying for, but if it comes down to treatment with a doctor who understands TRT, and paying for it, or having fully insured coverage with someone who will lead you in circles, try and see the money spent as an investment in your life. It will be worth it.
I understand your wanting to defer the expense of treatment by utilizing insurance you already are paying for, but if it comes down to treatment with a doctor who understands TRT, and paying for it, or having fully insured coverage with someone who will lead you in circles, try and see the money spent as an investment in your life. It will be worth it.
That sounds a bit rehearsed. A coached answer. Everyone on all the message boards say "do it yourself, it's easy". What's really easy is showing up with my insurance ID card and getting my coverage used!

Sorry for venting. I will have to start cold calling Endo's I guess...

I thought more folks would be using health insurance for this. Especially on a board like this.
The thing to understand is that most good TRT doctors/clinics are cash-only. That allows them to treat patients as they need to be treated instead of what the insurance companies allow them to treat by virtue of what they will pay for. For example, HCG is considered "off label" for TRT and so insurance is not going to cover it.

If you are looking for top TRT care AND having it 100%covered by insurance, you are kinda' looking for a unicorn. It is sad that our health care system works that way, but it is what it is.
Thanks to everyone who replied. I really am disappointed. I have good health insurance, pay my premium, yet have to use my credit card and FSA for treatment. Everybody is making money off me except me! ��
I feel your pain. Before the new insurance laws came out I had killer insurance. Now I have crappy insurance coverage with a Heath Saving Account. The upside to the HSA though is I am at least able to pay for HRT and other uncovered heath expenses pretax with the HSA card.
That sounds a bit rehearsed. A coached answer. Everyone on all the message boards say "do it yourself, it's easy". What's really easy is showing up with my insurance ID card and getting my coverage used!

Sorry for venting. I will have to start cold calling Endo's I guess...

I thought more folks would be using health insurance for this. Especially on a board like this.

You're mistaken. It's a harsh lesson. Many, perhaps most, of us on this Forum found it difficult to locate and work with a doctor who knew what they were doing. I was fortunate to find excellent local care, many have turned to Defy for their TRT management.
Sorry for venting. I will have to start cold calling Endo's I guess...

I thought more folks would be using health insurance for this. Especially on a board like this.

Welcome to the American health care system.

Many forum members here like myself have very good health care insurance coverage. I choose to go with Defy Medical and pay out of pocket for my TRT needs, because I want a doctor that knows what the hell he is doing. I could use my primary care physician (covered by insurance), and save a few bucks, but I'd be receiving care from a doctor that is basically clueless when it comes to TRT. When I know more about TRT than my doctor...Houston, we have a problem.

The prices charged by Defy Medical are very reasonable, and very affordable. I look at it as an investment in my long term health and well being. If you're going to start cold calling Endos, you're going to be in for a rough ride when it comes to TRT. Read through the many cases documented here on this forum where the doctor (endos included) are using outdated protocols, and their patients are miserable. Bottom line is, the standard of medical care they are receiving is in fact, substandard.

You need to get over having to pay for premium health care services. That's health care in America today buddy. Insurance companies are only there to pay the bare minimum for you to receive the minimum level of health care based on your plan and the premiums you pay. They'd rather pay for quad bypass surgery after your first heart attack, than pay for a quality preventative scan at a yearly physical. If the insurance company gets lucky, you die after that heart attack, and they save the money on the bypass surgery.

Sorry if this comes across as a bit brash and rude, but don't be a cheapskate when it comes to your medical care and well being. That, in a nutshell, is the best advice I could give you.
You may end up being surprised. I live in a small lakeside village in Central NY and our family doctor is very receptive to working with his patients. He'd told me about several very successful TRT patients of his, and how he'd treated them prior to my tests with him, I brought in my past 2 years of tests to start the conversation. I'd mentioned HCG and using an AI, he wasn't very familiar with using an AI and hadn't heard of HCG, so my next appt. to discuss blood work he walked in the door rattling off everything positive he'd been researching.

I asked him about what protocol he recommended and he told me ultimately it would be up to me to decide. He described several ones starting out with offering free samples of gels, to starting at 75mg once per week, and then starting with a massive dose and then tapering down, etc. I brought up the aromatization factor, the roller coaster ride of from spacing out injections, and that I'd like to start out on 100mg per week at 2 - 50mg doses every 3.5 days. I then asked him to prescribe 29g needles which he had no issue with either. He's all for it and prescribed it as such.

My intent is to try to avoid using an AI if possible and I'm contemplating trying to add in HCG at a later date, I'm still debating this. So, for a 6 week supply, 3 - 1ml (200mg/ml) vials, it cost me a whopping $35 and nothing for the syringes or needles.

The point of my story is you hear so many horror stories about guys talking to their doctors and it doesn't always turn out that way. You are a patient, and a customer, and are free to take your business elsewhere if you feel your needs are not being met. A conversation about your health and wellbeing should be a 2 way street and not some omnipotent demigod dictating how you should feel. Break a leg off his pedestal if you need to.
You may end up being surprised. I live in a small lakeside village in Central NY and our family doctor is very receptive to working with his patients. He'd told me about several very successful TRT patients of his, and how he'd treated them prior to my tests with him, I brought in my past 2 years of tests to start the conversation. I'd mentioned HCG and using an AI, he wasn't very familiar with using an AI and hadn't heard of HCG, so my next appt. to discuss blood work he walked in the door rattling off everything positive he'd been researching.

I asked him about what protocol he recommended and he told me ultimately it would be up to me to decide.

Seriously, this is your idea of a "good" TRT doctor? A TRT doctor that has never heard of HCG, or that wasn't really familiar with using an AI? A doctor that has zero input or recommendations for your protocol? Sounds like you need professional help from a doctor that knows what the heck he is doing.

Why don't you share your current labs and protocol with the forum here? The input from some of the very experienced patients, along with Drs. Saya and Crisler (should they stick their head in the door) would be very beneficial to you.

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