getting fertile on t with hcg.


New Member

Im 24y and im from belgium.
i have been using cycles since im 18y old.
at age of 21 i went 1year off steroids... and i felt depressed... i had to cause of surgery on my shoulder.

Im now back on for 2years. cruise and blast.
last 2 months i have added hcg... and im now on 250mg test e.
is there a way with hcg to get back fertile or other meths and what protocol should i use?

im now on hcg 2 times a week 1500iu.
i can get nolva clomid proviron.
but its really hard to get tests in belgium

can someone give me a good hcg protocol?
and how can i get back fertile without comming off t?
when i went off i used aromasin. and i felt normal within 2months.... but i dont want to feel so depressed again...

i get my blood checked a while and i can get my hands on the medicins. but i al self directing...

now im on test e 250mg ew for 4weeks and im hoping to get a good hcg protocol to get back fertile... i can get my hands on hmg to but its verry expensive and i wanna try the hcg way if there is one..

btw going for a fertility check is almost not possible... cause in belgium they are really close minded the specialist. but i can gey any prescription i want from a family docter.
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i just pin every sunday 250mg test e. wendnesday and saturday 1500iu hcg last 3months.

Five hundred milligrams of testosterone a week??? What are your lab values? Have you spoken to a physician skilled in post-cycle management? Did you review the link that was sent earlier? You aren't doing yourself any favours with that regimen.
Five hundred milligrams of testosterone a week??? What are your lab values? Have you spoken to a physician skilled in post-cycle management? Did you review the link that was sent earlier? You aren't doing yourself any favours with that regimen.

i pin every sunday 250mg test e so thats 250mg testosteron a week...

i cant get a seamon analyse done in belgium.... not possible for medical support...

also there is no place where i can go visit a doctor for a good hcg protocol...

what do you sugget then?

im on the steroids for 2years... blast and cruise... and i just want a good hcg protocol for me trying to get fertile again i dont want to come of the testosteron....
I think that 1500iu HCG 2x a week is way more than you need. If it's been long enough that you think the cycles over the years have killed your testes and your sperm, there may be no going back. And of course a semen analysis might be the key ingredient, but you have no access, so...I don't know what advice I can give, just that 1500iu is WAY more than any of us use but none of us guys may have gotten anywhere near what you've done in terms of inducing organ failure.
I think that 1500iu HCG 2x a week is way more than you need. If it's been long enough that you think the cycles over the years have killed your testes and your sperm, there may be no going back. And of course a semen analysis might be the key ingredient, but you have no access, so...I don't know what advice I can give, just that 1500iu is WAY more than any of us use but none of us guys may have gotten anywhere near what you've done in terms of inducing organ failure.

what you mean by organ failure? i do bloodwork and all vital organs are ok... liver is still super good... only little bit bad cholesterol... what you suggest then hcg eod? 500iu?

i went off after using 2years my levels were back normal after 6months.
organ failure = testicular atrophy (shrinkage). You've been running cycles since you were 18, you're now 24, the logical conclusion is in that time you're testes may have completely stopped working, and "died". It's a logical conclusion with as much assumed testosterone you've been using.
organ failure = testicular atrophy (shrinkage). You've been running cycles since you were 18, you're now 24, the logical conclusion is in that time you're testes may have completely stopped working, and "died". It's a logical conclusion with as much assumed testosterone you've been using.

since im using hcg last 3 months they have really regained size... first weeks i bladtef hcg.... now how i go on..
most guys use 100 or 150iu daily or some do 500iu twice a week, it depends on how they respond as Vince pointed out. If you are trying to have a child, there are specific protocols but semen analysis is critical to know what needs to be done to improve fertility.
ok ill lower the hcg. i puttef it on 2 times 1500 to wake up the cells.. now ill do 250iu eod. when is the best time to inject my test e?
if you are doing TRT now instead of a HPTA restart, inject the HCG and the T twice weekly every 3.5 days on the same day. Monday morning and Thursday evening for example. (Break your weekly dose of T in half and inject half each time)

If you are doing a restart, then you don't want to be using Testosterone at all as that just continues to suppress your HPTA axis.

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