Problem With Needles I did the 29g 5/8" needle with 1ML of B complex. This time i did it in my butt up high and I did what the doc recommended which was to rub it right after injecting it.

It hurt very slightly at first then nothing. It injected very easily almost no effort on the plunger. Then I rubbed it for a few minutes like a deep massage. A day later and no bruise or soreness not even a lump. Seems to be going better.
B complex always has a lot more "sting" than just about anything else one can inject. Sounds like you have the procedure down now!
I am beginning to see that you are right. Did one Sunday night in my upper thigh on the side. The sting was minimal, but apparently this area goes into the muscle even with only a 5/8" needle. Did not really hurt much until a little later. Then it got sore. That muscle kind of sore like a muscle bruise. But it went away after a couple of hours and never left a bruise or a mark.

What is the best part of the thigh to do it, where there is not a muscle but more fat?
Just an update. I have tried several locations with the 29g 5/8" needle 1 ML of B complex, mostly a success so far. Shots in the belly are not so good, lots of bruising, does not hurt, sides work good but still get sore a day or two later, glut works good, some soreness a day or two later. Going to try my arm next.

I tried the thigh upper thigh on the side and that did not go well, it went into the muscle, and that one hurt. Does anyone have a guide or a recommendation on the thigh or is that a bad place? Not much success there. Any ideas would be great.
Shoulders are the preferred location for many of us. Thigh works fine, too. Many B complex injectables have some alcohol in them and that causes the sting that you don't get with a T or a HCG injection.
I do shoulders instead of thighs. For whatever reason, I never get the post injection pain when I inject there that I can get injecting elsewhere. Sometimes a bit of sting right as I am injecting with B12 (from the alcohol), but that only lasts a minute or two. No pain at all with T or HCG.

Depending upon one's body fat levels, shoulders are kind of a hybrid SubQ/Intramuscular injection. If you are really lean, its more intramuscular, higher body fat, more SubQ, etc...
So far the arms and gluts seem to be the best sites for me. Thigh hurt, not sure if I was doing it in the right spot on the thigh. Love handles seem to be ok, I am not fat but not skinny either. So I do have some typical body fat areas. However once in the love handle it did leave a long term pain spot. Probably I hit something? Not sure, no bruise just long term pain spot.

Next I am going to try the shoulder. On another note. I did try and get syringes and needles from walmart. They do sell them without a prescription but. Did not go well. Long lines, less than knowledgeable staff, and they did not have a very good selection. Kind of ironic considering how much insulin they probably sell. Anyway it was much easier to find the needles from the sites recommended on here.
I have been using 23g for Cyp in my quads... Dr. Saya is changing that too... need to harpoon yourself Mica. I've been using Dr. Crisler's method for injecting Test, and it works like a champ. Use a 1/2", 29ga insulin pin to the outer quad, and you won't even feel it. Since Test is oil based and viscous, it takes me about 45 sec to draw it into the big deal. Sit down, take all the weight off of your leg, and totally relax your quad muscle. Take your time and inject slowly, hold pressure on the injection site after needle removal, then massage for a minute. End result is no bleeding, no Test leaking out of the injection site, and no pain. Easy peasy, Japaneezy.

For any injections into my abdominal area, I always use a 5/16", 31ga insulin pin. Can't really feel that either. Just remember to inject very slowly. I try to save my abdominal area for HCG and Sermorelin injections only, but I am still experimenting with in that area with Lipo-C and Tri-Amino.

I tried a Lipo-C injection (1mL) into my deltoid a few days ago with a 3mL syringe and 5/8" 25ga needle. I won't be doing that again. No bruising, no irritation, and it didn't burn going in (like I've read about), but my arm was sore like I got punched by Nelson. After about 3 days, the soreness went away. I tried it again with a 5/16", 31ga insulin pin into the abdomen (only .5mL) this time, but I definitely felt the burn. No bumps or red spots though. I guess I'll go back to the other deltoid with a 1/2", 29ga insulin pin, and see how that goes. I just love being a lab rat.
This is exactly my experience Jackie. I used it in the deltoid 1ML of Lipo-C with 29G 1/2" and it went in ok. But had a frog feeling of soreness in my arm later. It is ok now. But back of the arm works much better. And butt is good. Stomach really bruises bad but does not hurt, just leaves a huge purple mark for two weeks. Love handles mixed, one side ok. Other side still sore after a week.

Yep just like a pin cushion. Onward. need to harpoon yourself Mica. I've been using Dr. Crisler's method for injecting Test, and it works like a champ. Use a 1/2", 29ga insulin pin to the outer quad, and you won't even feel it. Since Test is oil based and viscous, it takes me about 45 sec to draw it into the big deal. Sit down, take all the weight off of your leg, and totally relax your quad muscle. Take your time and inject slowly, hold pressure on the injection site after needle removal, then massage for a minute. End result is no bleeding, no Test leaking out of the injection site, and no pain. Easy peasy, Japaneezy.

For any injections into my abdominal area, I always use a 5/16", 31ga insulin pin. Can't really feel that either. Just remember to inject very slowly. I try to save my abdominal area for HCG and Sermorelin injections only, but I am still experimenting with in that area with Lipo-C and Tri-Amino.

I tried a Lipo-C injection (1mL) into my deltoid a few days ago with a 3mL syringe and 5/8" 25ga needle. I won't be doing that again. No bruising, no irritation, and it didn't burn going in (like I've read about), but my arm was sore like I got punched by Nelson. After about 3 days, the soreness went away. I tried it again with a 5/16", 31ga insulin pin into the abdomen (only .5mL) this time, but I definitely felt the burn. No bumps or red spots though. I guess I'll go back to the other deltoid with a 1/2", 29ga insulin pin, and see how that goes. I just love being a lab rat.

^^^^^^^ I need to try this... I hate injection day(s)....
I save the abdomen for HCG only...I use the outer/upper thigh and upper glute for everything else (Test Cyp, Tri-Amino, LIPO-C, and CALM). You could stay with 1ml 29ga 1/2" for all of this, but I often inject Tri-Amino and LIPO-C in the same syringe, so that winds up being a 3ml 26ga 1/2".
You could stay with 1ml 29ga 1/2" for all of this, but I often inject Tri-Amino and LIPO-C in the same syringe, so that winds up being a 3ml 26ga 1/2".

Keyser, any issues combining the Lipo-C and the Tri-Amino in the same syringe? And most importantly, did it burn like a MF'er with that 1/2" needle into the quad or glute? I don't have any fat on my quads, so a 1/2" needle is at least going shallow IM there...glutes I have a little fat to work with.

I'm just trying to find a comfortable option for the Lipo-C, since I really hate pinning this stuff. Everything else, I've found a comfortable body location/needle.
Keyser, any issues combining the Lipo-C and the Tri-Amino in the same syringe? And most importantly, did it burn like a MF'er with that 1/2" needle into the quad or glute? I don't have any fat on my quads, so a 1/2" needle is at least going shallow IM there...glutes I have a little fat to work with.

I'm just trying to find a comfortable option for the Lipo-C, since I really hate pinning this stuff. Everything else, I've found a comfortable body location/needle.

I haven't had any issue with the Lipo-C and Tri-Amino in the same syringe other than the limitation of 3ml capacity as I don't have any 5ml syringes on hand. I am pretty lean on my quads as well and notice that the "fattiest" part is on my upper thigh (maybe 1/2-way between the centerline of my quad and the outer-center of my thigh). Play with it some and see whether or not you find a good spot with your leg bent at 90 degrees or fully extended...just ensure that you relax the quad before injection. I don't really notice much burn at all beyond the initial penetration into the site. I inject very slowly...maybe a minute to get 3ml (1.5ml of Lipo-C and 1ml of Tri-Amino).

I have noticed that the Quad injection has a higher tendency to become sore after injection as compared to the glute, but I am trying to stick with TestCyp in the glute (29g 1/2") only until the next set of labs. Once that set is drawn, I will run the next 6-12 weeks with the TestCyp into the quad (29g 1/2") only and see if the labs indicate any difference. I have a feeling that I will prefer the routine with TestCyp (29g 1/2") in the Quad and Lipo-C/Tri-Amino (26g 5/8") in the glute.

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