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Hello everyone,

I’m a 27-year-old male, 155 lbs, 5”11 and I want to share my journey so far.

I’ve been athletic my whole life, playing soccer, hockey, and rugby. I was even on my national soccer team for a few years. In high school, I transitioned to competitive kickboxing. I went through delayed puberty, hitting a growth spurt at 17 and not getting facial hair until I was 24. Despite this, life was good – I was in school, had friends, and enjoyed life.

Then, things took a turn. In August 2020, I survived a serious car accident that left me with multiple spinal issues: disc bulges, herniated discs, spinal stenosis, sciatica, and degenerative disc disease. The pain was unbearable, and I was put on opioids, which helped at first but gradually became less effective. Ive done corticosteroids injections, nerve blocks, facet joint injections, ketamine infusions, radio frequency ablations, PRP, physio, chiro, osteopathy and massage. Cumulatively, these procedures provided me slight relief, but I am never pain free.

I’m from Canada, and the spinal surgeries available here are outdated. I found an experimental disc replacement surgery in Georgia called “3 Spine.” I started the process, but the surgeon refused to proceed because I was diagnosed with osteopenia, a condition that weakens bones. This was a shock since it’s rare for someone my age. My mental health declined rapidly; I had no energy, motivation, or libido, and I felt hopeless.

I did a full blood panel and found my vitamin D and DHEAS levels were low. My family doctor brushed off my concerns, so I sought out a men’s clinic for a testosterone test. My results showed alarmingly low testosterone, which explained my symptoms and bone health issues.

I’ve now started a treatment plan with Taro-Testosterone Cypionate and HCG:
  • 20mg Test C on Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat & Sun (100mg total)
  • 250 IU HCG on Tues & Thurs (500 IU total)
I’m using 29G 1/2” insulin needles for subcutaneous injections in the belly and love handle area. Weirdly the left side of my belly really hurts when I inject there. I’ve given it a break and am doing love handles more. I may also include thighs.

It’s been about 2 weeks, and I’m starting to feel more like myself. My libido is back, my mental clarity is improving, and I’m sleeping better. Most importantly my depression and anxiety have significantly improved. I know this might just be the honeymoon phase, but for the first time in years, I see hope. I plan to strengthen my bones to eventually qualify for the surgery. The doctor initially prescribed 160mg, but I chose to start slowly.

I understand the opioids and corticosteroids reduce testosterone levels, but my doctor seems to think they are not the sole reason for my low levels.

If anyone has advice or similar experiences, I’d love to hear from you. I am currently reading TRT - A Recipe For Success. I’m new to this and eager to learn. Thanks for reading.


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Hello and welcom!

It would seem you’re well read on the topic of male hormones and setting realistic expectations for yourself and not starting out on too much Test right out of the gate and this can only bode well for your dialing in phase.

Please keep us updated on your progress.
Hello and welcom!

It would seem you’re well read on the topic of male hormones and setting realistic expectations for yourself and not starting out on too much Test right out of the gate and this can only bode well for your dialing in phase.
Thanks man. I’m probably going to do some more blood work in the coming weeks. I’m getting a bit of shoulder ache and nipple tenderness.
@binkskii what does ur doctor think could be the other possible cause? Possible damage to parts of ur brain, responsible for sex hormone reproduction, during the accident?
He’s not 100% certain on the cause and said it may be difficult to pinpoint the exact reason. I didn’t have any head trauma in the accident. I also had signs of low testosterone about 5-6 years ago and saw an endocrinologist. I didn’t have access to the blood lab she took but she told me I was fine. I took a look at the blood levels recently and she didn’t even take total, free or bioavailable testosterone so I’m unsure how she came to the conclusion that my testosterone levels were “fine”.

I put in a referral to see Dr.Komer here in Canada. I believe he will be a better choice to find the root cause. As you can see in the posted blood labs, my T was extremely low and I was suffering for many years. I’m just glad to be feeling better.
Thanks man. I’m probably going to do some more blood work in the coming weeks. I’m getting a bit of shoulder ache and nipple tenderness.

He’s not 100% certain on the cause and said it may be difficult to pinpoint the exact reason. I didn’t have any head trauma in the accident. I also had signs of low testosterone about 5-6 years ago and saw an endocrinologist. I didn’t have access to the blood lab she took but she told me I was fine. I took a look at the blood levels recently and she didn’t even take total, free or bioavailable testosterone so I’m unsure how she came to the conclusion that my testosterone levels were “fine”.

I put in a referral to see Dr.Komer here in Canada. I believe he will be a better choice to find the root cause. As you can see in the posted blood labs, my T was extremely low and I was suffering for many years. I’m just glad to be feeling better.
Finding the root cause of any issue is always ideal, so hopefully u and ur providers eventually do figure it out. But at least u have a way of feeling better, until then. And even if u end up figuring out the root cause, and u still require exogenous testosterone to treat it, it’s not the end of the world. I also went on HRT at 27, and I feel extremely lucky to be able to manage my sex hormones exogenously. There’s obv pros and cons to everything, but overall, I look at it as a huge advantage, vs being subject to whatever my body decides to produce endogenously, based on a bunch of different factors. Sleep, stress, diet, being a a few of the main ones

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