Reandron 1000 (test undecanoate 1000mg) Questions


New Member
Hi im from Australia and im starting TRT in a couple of days due to a benign tumour on my Pituitary gland that is shutting down my production to below detectable levels, you can read the full story in my intro thread in the intro forum once its authorised by a mod.

My Endocrinologist has prescribed Reandron 1000 (test undecanoate 1000mg) which he says is the best injectable for TRT on the market. And is supposed to last 12 weeks in between injections!

But from all my research and youtube vids watched Allot of people are using more regular injections of test cyp or enan.

I want to get peoples opinions (or if you've used it)reviews on Reandron 1000 (test undecanoate 1000mg) and its 12 week injection frequency.

Due to my levels being so low its prescribed for me at 10 weeks in-between injections instead of the usual 12. But does 12 weeks sound too long?

i did ask my GP if i could have cyp or enan instead but he said "no no no, if that's what the Endocrinologist has prescribed then that's what your getting", i was a little taken aback. I don't get any say in what my treatment is?

So yea what are peoples thoughts on Reandron 1000 (test undecanoate 1000mg) and those that are on it/tried it, what are your thoughts?

Much thanks.
Its not legal (yet) here in the US, but I have read of other guys having good experiences with it. They are all getting their injections at 8 weeks though, so 12 may be stretching it a bit. You have to understand that from a marketing standpoint saying it lasts 12 weeks sounds great, but your levels may drop too low after 8 weeks for you to feel good, so I would test at 8 weeks to see where I was at if it was me. Better to test and find out you are still good than to go too low and feel like sh*t for weeks until your next shot.
So its been 2 days since i started Reandron 1000 (test undecanoate 1000mg.

I asked my doctor about estradiol management and he just shook it off.

Ive also asked him if he has many patients on TRT and he told me has has quite a few, so he must be a little clued up on it. Maybe he hasn't seen anyone with estradiol problem yet.

What are the signs to look out for if estrogen is getting to high, i know painful nipples is one, what are some others?

Much thanks for any help.
Elevated estradiol can lead to depressed libido and diminished erectile function. Nipple "pain," as Nelson explains elsewhere, is not necessarily a symptom of high estradiol. Your nipples may become more sensitive as androgen levels increase and adjust. Simply test your estradiol level, using the sensitive/ultra-sensitive methodology.
I have another question that i cant seem to find an answer to on the web. Is there anything(like something that can be in food or some other substance in the body) that can actually, how do i put this, destroy, stop or interfere with testosterone(not production, but the actual effectiveness of the molecule)(supplemental or natural) to stop it working in the body?

I ask this because, one big benefit i can see from taking supplemental test is that, if one is to get the dose and dose timing correct, levels should always be pretty much good, no matter what your doing? What i mean is, to get optimal levels naturally, you have to eat, sleep and do everything right, so a big night out without sleep and not eating well will bring natty test down, but wouldn't have the same impact on someone taking supplemental test? I hope that made sense.

Thanks for any help.
Your levels should stay optimal, but that doesn't necessarily mean you feel any better after a big night. For example, if you stay up half the night and drink way too much, the next day you will still feel like sh*t even if your T level is at 1000.
Testosterone isn't magical. Even with good, steady levels there will be days you don't feel on top of things. You're human...with, hopefully, balanced testosterone levels supporting your general well-being.
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yea i fully realize that you're going to feel like crap after a big night no matter what, i was just interested in the actual level of T. Thanks for the reply's.
Hi, any update on this? It's been almost 7 months since TRT was started using TU, would really like to know how it's working out. TU is being pushed so hard that it almost makes you Wonder. I assume there are no studies as how this cost effective 4 times per year therapy is compared to the modern SQ 2-3 times per week using TE or similar. All studies I've read are related to TE interval of 2-3 weeks. Just curious if anyone knows the latest News on this part.
yea i fully realize that you're going to feel like crap after a big night no matter what, i was just interested in the actual level of T. Thanks for the reply's.

if you inject every 3 1/2 days, your T levels should remain pretty steady, even after a night of partying
Hi im from Australia and im starting TRT in a couple of days due to a benign tumour on my Pituitary gland that is shutting down my production to below detectable levels, you can read the full story in my intro thread in the intro forum once its authorised by a mod.

My Endocrinologist has prescribed Reandron 1000 (test undecanoate 1000mg) which he says is the best injectable for TRT on the market. And is supposed to last 12 weeks in between injections!

But from all my research and youtube vids watched Allot of people are using more regular injections of test cyp or enan.

I want to get peoples opinions (or if you've used it)reviews on Reandron 1000 (test undecanoate 1000mg) and its 12 week injection frequency.

Due to my levels being so low its prescribed for me at 10 weeks in-between injections instead of the usual 12. But does 12 weeks sound too long?

i did ask my GP if i could have cyp or enan instead but he said "no no no, if that's what the Endocrinologist has prescribed then that's what your getting", i was a little taken aback. I don't get any say in what my treatment is?

So yea what are peoples thoughts on Reandron 1000 (test undecanoate 1000mg) and those that are on it/tried it, what are your thoughts?

Much thanks.

Hi Xanode,
im also in Australia. Tasmania. I have also been told estradiol is an issue with reandron. Possibly due to the massive amounts injected each time. My first doctor also treated many people for low t. But admitted to sending over ten men to Sydney for breast reductions. Keep reading this forum. There are many here in the know.
I was lucky and found a good doc. He put me on Primoteston. I buy sterile glass vials off eBay and empty the pre filled syringes into one. Then I can draw how much I need for injections every 3.5 days. This way I am able to avoid any estradiol issues.
I don't know if this helps. Just thought i would share some of the challenges I went through here in OZ
Thanks for the reply's and taking the time to look at my thread. Sorry for not updating this thread, here goes:

So after near 14 weeks on reandron 1000 i was tested and my levels were still very low, 7, normal levels are between 11 - 30(sorry i cant remember want the measurement unit is called) so i went back to my endo and asked for enanthate and he had no problem changing my script. So im now on 250mg of enanthate every 18 days. Im still feeling like shit in the days leading up to my next injection but feeling allot better 5-6 days after the injection, when i spose my levels are high. So its a bit of a roller coaster atm. I will be going back to the endo soon and asking for every 10 - 12 day injections.

In regards to the reandron, at best the only benefit of it is, it maybe good for someone that doesn't want more regular injections and at worst once its injected(1 gram of test) and and the dose is too high how is the patient supposed to adjust the doseage? They could be stuck with gyno inducing levels of test for 8 weeks! Its a stupid drug.

Im now on enanthate witch come in a box of 3 250mg prefilled syringes(sorry cant remember the actual brand name on the box), which if i want i can do myself at home but i just have my doc do it (in aus we dont pay for doc visits).

EDIT: the prefilled syringes of test that i get are called primoteston

So things are better but still very up and down.
Thanks for the reply's and taking the time to look at my thread. Sorry for not updating this thread, here goes:

So after near 14 weeks on reandron 1000 i was tested and my levels were still very low, 7, normal levels are between 11 - 30(sorry i cant remember want the measurement unit is called) so i went back to my endo and asked for enanthate and he had no problem changing my script. So im now on 250mg of enanthate every 18 days. Im still feeling like shit in the days leading up to my next injection but feeling allot better 5-6 days after the injection, when i spose my levels are high. So its a bit of a roller coaster atm. I will be going back to the endo soon and asking for every 10 - 12 day injections.

In regards to the reandron, at best the only benefit of it is, it maybe good for someone that doesn't want more regular injections and at worst once its injected(1 gram of test) and and the dose is too high how is the patient supposed to adjust the doseage? They could be stuck with gyno inducing levels of test for 8 weeks! Its a stupid drug.

Im now on enanthate witch come in a box of 3 250mg prefilled syringes(sorry cant remember the actual brand name on the box), which if i want i can do myself at home but i just have my doc do it (in aus we dont pay for doc visits).

EDIT: the prefilled syringes of test that i get are called primoteston

So things are better but still very up and down.

Buy some sterile vials on eBay. Empty the profiled syringes into one. And inject every 3.5 days. I'm using the same enanthate. I'm Injecting 75 mg every 3.5 days. Obviously you need your doc onside and to monitor your bloods. More regulate injections will keep your levels steady and you will start to feel better
Hi im from Australia and im starting TRT in a couple of days due to a benign tumour on my Pituitary gland that is shutting down my production to below detectable levels, you can read the full story in my intro thread in the intro forum once its authorised by a mod.

My Endocrinologist has prescribed Reandron 1000 (test undecanoate 1000mg) which he says is the best injectable for TRT on the market. And is supposed to last 12 weeks in between injections!

But from all my research and youtube vids watched Allot of people are using more regular injections of test cyp or enan.

I want to get peoples opinions (or if you've used it)reviews on Reandron 1000 (test undecanoate 1000mg) and its 12 week injection frequency.

Due to my levels being so low its prescribed for me at 10 weeks in-between injections instead of the usual 12. But does 12 weeks sound too long?

i did ask my GP if i could have cyp or enan instead but he said "no no no, if that's what the Endocrinologist has prescribed then that's what your getting", i was a little taken aback. I don't get any say in what my treatment is?

So yea what are peoples thoughts on Reandron 1000 (test undecanoate 1000mg) and those that are on it/tried it, what are your thoughts?

Much thanks.
Hey mate I'm on reandron changed my life yes it dose run low after week 10 but it's not to bad cheers mate
Hi, any update on this? It's been almost 7 months since TRT was started using TU, would really like to know how it's working out. TU is being pushed so hard that it almost makes you Wonder. I assume there are no studies as how this cost effective 4 times per year therapy is compared to the modern SQ 2-3 times per week using TE or similar. All studies I've read are related to TE interval of 2-3 weeks. Just curious if anyone knows the latest News on this part.
Hey bud , as someone who has worked out for 40 plus years and done all the comps and different cycles turning 60 I now take SUSTANON 250 as it has 4 different types of testosterone for immediate and times release, the tga and ama have only 3 approved testosterone replacements in Australia, 2 i've mentioned the 3rd is testoviron ( enanthate ) i found this very painful for a week as it just sat and moved in a blob till it was absorbed. My advice is Sustanon 250 and if you have aromatise issues to Estradoil do 1/2 Arimidex every 2nd day. I'm in Australia. Go see a more open Dr , with your med history just say you go flat around the 8 week mark and research has led you to acertain Sus 250 would be more suitable. Feel well

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