My T base DMSO solution for T side effects.


New Member
So first of all I live in a country where you can buy T everywhere by just walking into any pharmacy. And no MDs here understand hormones. Your on your own here.
second I go more from how I feel than blood markers. I did however test total T ongoing to find the proper dosage.
But first I wish to explain why I ended up with Testosterone Base with DMSO topically.

Long story short I live VERY clean. I dont eat anything from supermarkets. Everything I eat is grown nearby. Incl the animals. I despise all pharmaceuticals and dont believe they belong in the body unless its a matter of urgent life and death situation. So I am extreme and dont fit in on this forum in that regard, but I understand and accept others feel different and their stories and life path brought them to other ways to go about these things. All good.
At 52 I saw my T levels where low and I could feel the effects of it as well.
I decided despite my own beliefs to inject T Enanthate from Bayer that I purchased in the local pharmacy. Initially felt the positive effects of T, but I also noticed more inflammatory side effects in the body. plus elevated blood pressure. I researched this (I should have done that FIRST), and found out several things:

1) There is Benzyl Alc. in the vials. Its a neuro toxin.
2) Its cottonseed oil. many people are allergic to this and direct injections into the blood stream isnt working for me. I prefer whatever oils I put in my body gets through the liver gallbladder system first. Not direct injections.
3) the esters in T isnt what I want in my system. I prefer to control it in pulses similar to the circadian rhythm's.

long story short I found on other forums reports of Micronized Testosterone Base powder used with DMSO successfully. I have now been using this myself for about 4 months or more. Maybe 6. cant remember.

With all this said here is why I am posting. In case someone is dealing with loads of side effects like I did, it might be your body reacting to the toxins and not the T itself. I am currently without side effects and enjoy the benefits of T in a very clean manner.

DMSO is 99.99 pure.
T base is the same. 3rd party lab tested.

Some things I learned on the way:

You need to make sure when mixing with DMSO there is ENOUGH DMSO to transport it through the skin. I started dissolving 200mg in 1 ml DMSO. bad idea..... most will never penetrate.
I am now using 50mg pr ml.

Also I use a magnetic stirrer to dissolve it. And I measure up 1/3 of the DMSO to be in the CREAM form. so 1/3rd cream and 2/3rds liquid. It gives you a semi gel like substance that stops irritation from happening on your skin when you apply.

I apply only on scrotum now. It feels the best.

Now..... I was thinking to apply as much as people do with regular creams. Nope.... its way way too effective in penetrating for that. I ended up overdosing. I hit 1800ng/dl and 1500ng/dl way too easily. I want to live a long life. healthy. Just want to sit around 900 - 1000 at age 52.
This stuff works. So go easy.

My estimate is minimum 70% enters the blood stream. maybe its more like 90%.
15 drops is 1 gram/1 ml. I measured in weight when adding the T and there is 50mg in 1 gram of liquid gel. 15 drops is 1 ml.
1 drop is 3.3mg.
so you do the math from here..... if its 70% penetration. And a healthy young man makes 10mg T in a day. It doesnt take a lot of drops to reach that and above.
I understand when supplementing T for some reason one needs to use more than what natural production would normally use. So its individual for everyone.

If any questions let me know. Maybe someone would find this a possible solution to try if too many side effects from injections.

Also, I am no expert. I dont have extensive lab tests. Im just a dude who found something that works for himself. I exercise more. feel vital. build muscle. loosing fat. joints a working well again. Its nothing crazy. not turning into a new hulk. But just overall better feeling than before.

And just a heads up:

for people with Liver issues try YT Doctor Burt Berkson and Alpha Lipoic Acid. Maybe you resonate, if not just delete.
For people with Heart and blood pressure issues try look into G. Strophantus seeds. Could be beneficial maybe.

Be well everyone.

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