Sub q test e, i have the sticks at home… ill have to find the pharmacy and put it on here. Its like $150 per month for 400 mlg…Is there a subQ test e or is it just T enanthate by Hikma? I inject mine intra muscular. My Canadian pharmacist still doesn't know anything about a new replacement.
That's good to hear; we've had our home made Delatestryl enanthate for so long that I guess users become resistant to change. Have you been using the Hikma a long time? Are you "content" with it?In the States, all we have is Hikma Test E. Just picked up two vials from Publix, the large grocery and pharmacy chain in Florida. In fact, the price went down, which was quite a surprise, going from $63 per vial to $47, likely because Medicare can now negotiate prices. If Health Canada is going to switch to Hikma, all should be good. I can't imagine Test E disappearing.
In my case, content isn't a strong enough word. On a 1-10 scale of results and tolerability, the Hikma enanthate is a 10, and every other formula I tried is somewhere between 1 (compounded cypionate) and 3 (compounded propionate).That's good to hear; we've had our home made Delatestryl enanthate for so long that I guess users become resistant to change. Have you been using the Hikma a long time? Are you "content" with it?
Is the newest sub q test e availiable to tou guys in the great white north? I got mine from a specialty pharmacy here in the usa…
11 years. West-Ward is the brand and I believe they were acquired by Hikma several years ago. No problems with it. I understand the feeling of a brand suddenly no longer being available. As I wrote, West-Ward/Hikma is the only brand of testosterone enanthate available in the US, other than compounded versions. So much for competition in free market capitalism!That's good to hear; we've had our home made Delatestryl enanthate for so long that I guess users become resistant to change. Have you been using the Hikma a long time? Are you "content" with it?
Never mind - yes Hikma’s test E does contain sesame oil. Answered my own question!
Delatestryl® Testosterone Enanthate 200 mg / mL - McKesson
Order Delatestryl® Testosterone Enanthate 200 mg / mL Injection 5 mL by Hikma Pharmaceuticals USA
By the way, notice that the McKesson site says delatestryl’s manufacturer is Hikma.
My Delatestryl runs out at the end of the month; I already have the new Hikma generic. I'm curious as to whether I'll notice any difference . . . probably not. I wonder, as a generic, if there's any reason it wouldn't be the same "quality" as the brand name?
Yes - less excipients and slightly shorter ester are both moves in the right direction for most people.If given the choice is Test Enanthate better than Cyopionate? Thoughts from anyone appreciated
If given the choice is Test Enanthate better than Cyopionate? Thoughts from anyone appreciated
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