Follow up bloods


Clarification ?

Hi XCL Male community.

I started on T-Gel around 9 weeks ago and called my doctors surgery yesterday to book in my 12 week bloods. To my surprise my doctor called me back late afternoon to talk things over.

It was a very interesting conversation which I believed showed her total lack of knowledge with this therapy……which to be honest was very disappointing and left me slightly enraged ….this is how it went.

I called the surgery in the morning and booked my 12 week blood tests followed by an appointment with my doctor a week later to discuss things the findings of my bloods……………………………(bloods 14[SUP]th[/SUP] December…….docs 21[SUP]st[/SUP] December.)

I was surprised to get the call around 4.50pm from docs………….she proceeded to ask me several questions over the phone and after I had answered them, stated I didn’t need any follow up bloods and for me to cancel my appointment for the bloods and with her.

I was taken back slightly as I said this is not the correct protocol as I need to know where I am with my therapy………..she didn’t even know about aromatase and if the T was being converted and that if I am prone to this my test levels would still be to low.... which I explained to her……I also explained that the haematocrit/haemoglobin check is important just to check see if my bloods are ok and I don’t need to run a low dose of aspirin… I avoid being one of those guys on test that bloods are susceptible to clotting.

Basically the women was clueless ….I must have been on the phone for 20 minutes explaining my case and she eventually agreed to go with just a Testosterone level blood test…………and then she followed up by saying....if I could supply her with evidence that the other test were relevant and why ...she would authorise those.

Could you please give me an indication of what are the important ones………….I would have thought lipids to see if my HDL/VDL are within range and my PSA levels have got to be a must …………the doc also commented on she had never heard of a man being tested for Estradiol before but I think this must be one of the important ones too.

I really think my doc is another waste of space as she also commented that this therapy will shorten my lifespan and I would be better off with a low testosterone level …………….

Any help to point me in the right direction to help me gather the relevant information together would be greatly appreciated... I can the enlighten this frustrating Doc to the correct protocol.

Many thanks guys

(Uk based)
Progress Report


Been to see my docs...she refused me the full panel of labs but agreed to have my test level checked.

Had them done about a week ago (drawn @ 8.30am)and had my appointment with the docs was this Monday. Not so good ...before I started on the T-Gel I was reading 7.2 last week I was reading 4.4 ...dropping not improving.
Weight is up 6lbs ...was getting morning wood again but that is now steadying out. So some of the T-gel must have been hitting the spot.
I'm guessing its one of 3 things happening ...poor absorption, being blocked by SHBG or being converted to E.
It might also be me over-training...struggling with that train smarter not harder as you get older.
With the E I have no real symptoms nipple soreness etc. With the SHBG.. I am taking supps, minerals , good fats, zinc etc to counter this, but I know a full set of labs would have given me a better picture.
The doc has agreed for me to double the dose 2 sachets up to 10g a see if this improves things.

She also said that the protocol here in the UK is to have a full panel of labs done after 6 mths of therapy.....not sure whether she was B sh*tting me with this one as I struggled to get her to carry out any bloods at all.

Be interesting to see if any other members from the Uk have heard this one....?

But the plan is for me to double the dose for 12 weeks & then go back for a full panel of bloods & if this fails she is going to transfer me to an endo............

Progress at last I feel.

She was very vague about how I should dose the 10g ...she said apply AM using 2 locations....any advice on this would be greatly appreciated EM.
We did discuss running an AI but she said we would look at that after the next labs.

Have a great Xmas guys.

All the best Davet

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