Going to give nebido another shot! Split protocol this time...

Any update on protocol and libido?
I´ve tried 0,80ml every 15 days and it was ok but personally I prefer to pin once a week, I feel more stable emotionally and physically. I am doing as little as 0,30 a week now and I feel ok, I´m even thinking about lowering the dose to 0,25ml a week because every time I do bloods total T is between 900 and 1100 and free T is always above range as well.
I do 12.5mg exemestane as well a week as my E2 rises a bit and it affects my mood and libido.
Hematocrit always borderline or slightly above max and I make sure I´m well hydrated every time!
For me this protocol seems to work best.
I´ve tried 0,80ml every 15 days and it was ok but personally I prefer to pin once a week, I feel more stable emotionally and physically. I am doing as little as 0,30 a week now and I feel ok, I´m even thinking about lowering the dose to 0,25ml a week because every time I do bloods total T is between 900 and 1100 and free T is always above range as well.
I do 12.5mg exemestane as well a week as my E2 rises a bit and it affects my mood and libido.
Hematocrit always borderline or slightly above max and I make sure I´m well hydrated every time!
For me this protocol seems to work best.
Your through levels are between 900 and 1100 with 75mg?? That is wild, there must be some mechanism where smaller injections are utilized more efficiently. That 75mg is 50mg without ester weight.
I´ve tried 0,80ml every 15 days and it was ok but personally I prefer to pin once a week, I feel more stable emotionally and physically. I am doing as little as 0,30 a week now and I feel ok, I´m even thinking about lowering the dose to 0,25ml a week because every time I do bloods total T is between 900 and 1100 and free T is always above range as well.
I do 12.5mg exemestane as well a week as my E2 rises a bit and it affects my mood and libido.
Hematocrit always borderline or slightly above max and I make sure I´m well hydrated every time!
For me this protocol seems to work best.
Do you still have the numb penis (low sexual sensation issues) or intermittent numb issue after changing the protocol with Nebido?
I´ve tried 0,80ml every 15 days and it was ok but personally I prefer to pin once a week, I feel more stable emotionally and physically. I am doing as little as 0,30 a week now and I feel ok, I´m even thinking about lowering the dose to 0,25ml a week because every time I do bloods total T is between 900 and 1100 and free T is always above range as well.
I do 12.5mg exemestane as well a week as my E2 rises a bit and it affects my mood and libido.
Hematocrit always borderline or slightly above max and I make sure I´m well hydrated every time!
For me this protocol seems to work best.
Hi, Bolex

I hope you're doing well, sorry this question might be off topic ..
How do you store nebido after opening the vial?

especially when using low doses, like 0.125ml(31mg) a week so the single vial can last for months.

Hey @Bolex ,

How are you doing on Nebido and how is your current protocol?

My doctor suggested me to keep 8 weeks interval and my wife will be doing my shots.

I’m wondering go micro dose myself instead on every 8 week.

Once a week would be fine.

I’m wondering if you feel any pros.

Hi, Bolex

I hope you're doing well, sorry this question might be off topic ..
How do you store nebido after opening the vial?

especially when using low doses, like 0.125ml(31mg) a week so the single vial can last for months.

Hi, Bolex

I hope you're doing well, sorry this question might be off topic ..
How do you store nebido after opening the vial?

especially when using low doses, like 0.125ml(31mg) a week so the single vial can last for months.


Hi, I just keep it in the original vial at room temperature in a dark and dry place.
I always clean the rubber gasket with alcohol before I draw my weekly dose.
Hey @Bolex ,

How are you doing on Nebido and how is your current protocol?

My doctor suggested me to keep 8 weeks interval and my wife will be doing my shots.

I’m wondering go micro dose myself instead on every 8 week.

Once a week would be fine.

I’m wondering if you feel any pros.


Hey @Bolex ,

How are you doing on Nebido and how is your current protocol?

My doctor suggested me to keep 8 weeks interval and my wife will be doing my shots.

I’m wondering go micro dose myself instead on every 8 week.

Once a week would be fine.

I’m wondering if you feel any pros.


If you feel good on 8 weeks interval without many swings, I would stick to that. I wouldn't mind pinning less often, but I feel stable at the moment, so I don't want to change protocols again. This one seems to work for me.
I know this is an old thread, but nevertheless I'll throw my 50 cents in. I did Nebido 2 ml e 6 weeks. Felt like shit. Just different type of shit the first 2 weeks than the last two weeks of the 6 weeks cycle. Then did 1.5 ml every month. Still shit, but slightly better than the original protocol. Then doc suggested 1 ml every three weeks. Still intramuscular at the clinic. I read that Dr Stevens does weekly injections for some of his Nebido patients. Also found a couple of studies which showed that Nebido works just fine for sub-q injections. So started to do 0.2 ml of Nebido sub-q twice every week (i.e. a total of 0.4 ml every week). And what a difference! It's only been a few weeks on this protocol, and things might change - but so far so bloody good it gets. My only concern is just hygiene. As I get a vial prescribed every 3 weeks I need to draw and inject 6 times from the same vial. But I keep my fingers crossed, I do not want to abandon this protocol unless I have to.
I know this is an old thread, but nevertheless I'll throw my 50 cents in. I did Nebido 2 ml e 6 weeks. Felt like shit. Just different type of shit the first 2 weeks than the last two weeks of the 6 weeks cycle. Then did 1.5 ml every month. Still shit, but slightly better than the original protocol. Then doc suggested 1 ml every three weeks. Still intramuscular at the clinic. I read that Dr Stevens does weekly injections for some of his Nebido patients. Also found a couple of studies which showed that Nebido works just fine for sub-q injections. So started to do 0.2 ml of Nebido sub-q twice every week (i.e. a total of 0.4 ml every week). And what a difference! It's only been a few weeks on this protocol, and things might change - but so far so bloody good it gets. My only concern is just hygiene. As I get a vial prescribed every 3 weeks I need to draw and inject 6 times from the same vial. But I keep my fingers crossed, I do not want to abandon this protocol unless I have to.
The good thing is, if some contamination were to occur, subq will be better than IM, if you wipe the rubber with alcohol i think chances of contamination are really slim. Are you injecting in stomach area? Would be interesting to see what kind of blood levels you are getting, please post results if you end up doing labs at some point.
The good thing is, if some contamination were to occur, subq will be better than IM, if you wipe the rubber with alcohol i think chances of contamination are really slim. Are you injecting in stomach area? Would be interesting to see what kind of blood levels you are getting, please post results if you end up doing labs at some point.
I do inject in the stomach. And I do wipe the rubber with alcohol swabs. I will post blood levels when I get some. A couple of more points on this topic:

I have also had the same concerns as others on this thread on what is best: Keep my original vial of Nebido for three weeks, draw twice per week and inject - or draw six syringes immediately, store the syringes in the fridge, and replace the needle just before each injection. One doc I consulted with said his guess would be the latter option would be better. That's what I currently do.

Another point: Several comments have been made on this site on the problem/advantage of Nebido's very long half life. Some saying that injecting frequently would counteract or nullify the benefit of the long ester. If that refers to nullifying the convenience of not needing to inject frequently - then yes, of course. But with that logic, why inject T-Cyp every day? Why not every second day? Or twice per week? etc. Because no matter what half life, the more frequent injections, the more stable levels of T (and E). So the logic for frequent injections will always be there, no matter how long the half life is. Doing Nebido the 'intended' way, every 10-12 weeks, creates an enormous roller coster. Resulting in at least double the levels at the peak vs the trough. Probably three times higher for some. I.e. drops peak to trough by 50%-70%. By knowing the half life, one can wtih a reasonably good accuracy calculate the max and the min levels based on various injecting frequencies. Doing 12 mg of T-Cyp each day would give a drop peak to trough of about 9.5%. Doing weekly Nebido would give about 12%. So if we think the golden standard is daily T-Cyp, we would need to inject more frequently than once per week with Nebido to reach the same level of stability. Twice per week Nebido would give around 6.5% drop peak to trough. So in my opinion, disregarding potential issues of cleanliness, cost, etc - doing Nebido with at least two injections per week is a damn good way to achieve very stable T-levels (and hence E levels which probably is just as important). If we think the stability achieved by daily T-Cyp injections is worth the hassle of daily injections, then we should happily accept only two injections per week of Nebido to achieve even less fluctuations.
Of course - if someone feels great at the more traditional frequency of Nebido injections - then why change it. After all, if we could achieve desirable results with less injections, we all would choose that. But in my case, the difference (so far) between the high frequency (twice per week) and the lower (once per month) frequency has been enormous.

Furthermore, the long time it takes to achieve steady state with Nebido, can quite easily be dealt with by some maths. Again, knowing the half life, we can do some solid estimations of how to ramp up to the blood levels to steady state of any desired protocol. Equally easily we can calculate how long break to take to get down to steady state levels of a desired lower dose. E.g. to start from scratch on my current 0.2 ml twice per week, one would inject 2.7 ml Nebido on the first Monday, and then just start doing 0.2 on each Thursday and Monday. Since Nebido peaks in a week (or even less according to some papers), we would reach the steady state very quickly with that approach. That's of course based on starting with nothing in the system, which we would only do when getting on TRT initially or when switching from something with extremely short half-life (e.g. gel).
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Furthermore, the long time it takes to achieve steady state with Nebido, can quite easily be dealt with by some maths. Again, knowing the half life, we can do some solid estimations of how to ramp up to the blood levels to steady state of any desired protocol.
Nice write up, i'm actually pretty convinced by now that nebido is not what it is on paper, meaning the curve is not linear, each dose does leave a residue for much longer time than shorter esters, but the bulk of any dose peaks FAST, and comes down fast, in my case 6 days after 1000mg dose my test level was around 2500, two weeks later around 650...pretty sure the advertised "peaks after one week" is a way to hide the supraphysiological peak. There was a study that compared IM and SUBQ nebido that you probably have seen, there was some interesting data on time to peak.
BTW, the above was the first injection, so there was no baseline through test from previous shots, you can imagine what kind of levels one may achieve when giving the full dose before levels have even gone below the range.
So the front load to steady state might not be that straightforward, but considering the unlinear nature of it, i think the way you are using it might be really good, when i tried using it weekly IM. i always got e2 issues, it seems nebido likes to aromatize alot, that might explain your success.

Edit: Was actually around 2000 total test and the 650 17 days later
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I have inject 50 mg nebido weekly for a couple of years but i always got bad headache the day after inject. So i also think to give subcutaneous a try. But i wonder if i have to take more than 25mg twice a week when inject subq? Tomorrow is the first shot.
I have inject 50 mg nebido weekly for a couple of years but i always got bad headache the day after inject. So i also think to give subcutaneous a try. But i wonder if i have to take more than 25mg twice a week when inject subq? Tomorrow is the first shot.
Most of what I have read rather claim that you will get by on lower dose when doing sub-q vs intramuscular. Definitely no evidence you would need more.
Ok, i try 30 mg twice a week.
I have tried this weekly doses before:
0.30 ml 33 nmol
O.25 ml 25 nmol
0.20 ml 20 nmol
30 mg twice per week is 60 mg per week. 60 mg is 0.24 ml. So you are going to do a dose which is right in the middle of the range you tried in the past.
I have to say I am surprised to see your T levels on your previous dosing. 25 nmol is a great place to be I think, and you got there by doing only 0.25 ml per week. 0.25 ml/w means you are consuming one full Nebido vial every 16 weeks!
Makes me wondering what T-levels my 40 ml/week is going to result in. Haven't tested yet since starting on that protocol. But - I normally get ugly E-symtoms as soon as I get my T too high. And I don't right now. So I'll probably keep going at this dose as long as it feels good and no side effects appear.
Manage the symtoms not the numbers, as the classic quote reads.
Got my lab results, first testing after switching to this protocol (40 ml/w of Nebido, split on three sub-q injections per week, 15+15+10)
Total T: 22.1 nmol/L. Quite amazing how one of us can get 25 nmol/L at 24 ml/w, and one gets 22 nmol/L at 40 ml/w...
My result of 22.1 should be neither a trough nor a peak score, since 3 injections per week of an ester with 30 days half life shouldn't really produce any peaks or troughs...
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