Ipamorelin only did the trick for me

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New Member
I was using mod gfr 1-29 and ipamoralin, sadly the sport doctor i had moved from Canada to US in September, i got my last T level check before he left 680 free so no TRT for me.

I got prolotherapy and PRP for ligament laxity made worse by an chiropractor and went on mod gfr 1-29 and ipamoralin to heal also being 50 for anti aging. I tried MK677 last year and the side effects i got where terrible.

Last summer since starting Mod grf 1-29 i felt a tightness in the chest could not breath properly when doing push ups and squats, also fatigue was setting in i though season allergies. But then winter came around and i felt the same. About 1 month ago i quit the mod gfr and ipamoralin, and everything went back to normal. So i started again but this time with 100mcg of both before bed.

Boom chest tightness out of breath came back. Did some research and found that Mod GFR does have this side effect its rare but it happens.

Quit Mod GFR and stayed on ipamoralin 200mcg before bed and WOW that was the sweet spot and magic for me.

No more fatigue, no more chest tightness, workouts amazing and no more shortness of breath.

I really like ipamoralin and will stay on this on from now on also no water retention at that dosage and no pain hands and feet etc.
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thank you for the studies sir. so far its working amazing for me not sure if trying to add mod gfr at like 50mcg per day would be better might try it in a couple of weeks.

I have read the logs and i guess its a person to person type of thing for me i did not experience any water gain nor bloating from ipamoralin, like i did with MK677 must have gained a good 20 pounds of water and fat on that one.

I decide to stay at 200mcg per day 5/2. Its not magic and its a slow burn meaning you need to stay on for at least 3 to 6 months to notice all the positive changes.

Of course diet is king i follow a Mediterranean diet train 4-5 days per week but i did notice my recup on ipa is pretty good for a 50y old.

Tried GHRP2 for about 1 month the hunger was there but not like MK-677 and the sides effects too so i stop using it.

Did not even want to try GHRP6 i heard its insane for hunger.

A guy on youtube posted is experience with ipamoralin he said the sweet spot is between 150-300mcg per day and its very important to do the 5/2 which i did not do i took it 7 days a week.
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I have read the logs and i guess its a person to person type of thing for me i did not experience any water gain nor bloating from ipamoralin, like i did with MK677 must have gained a good 20 pounds of water and fat on that one.
Ipamorelin is the only peptide I can tolerate. There was no appetite increase or bloating for me, and very good muscle pumps at the gym. Too bad the FDA has told all compounding pharmacies to stop making it since it is not FDA-approved. The only FDA-approved "peptide" is Sermorelin, which is ineffective.
I have 2 good source trusted but i really hope they dont stop doing ipamoralin i actually thought they whete in stage 3 of testing and find it very weird thst the fda did not approve it

Semoralin is mod gfr 1 29 agree a part from side effects i did not get much from it eather might throw the remaining in the garbage
For the FDA to crack down on compounding companies selling peptides they will first have to crack down on the thousands of internet sites selling peptides. They tried this a few times and it just got worse. I know more than a few guys who have become millionaires quickly selling peptides on the internet. At this point it is too out of control to roll back.
I use Ibutmoren MK677 in tablet form which is a convenient and available option for me.

Sleep is noticeably better when on this, so much so that juts that benefit alone makes it a regular supplement, with the odd week or two off every 4-6 weeks on
For the FDA to crack down on compounding companies selling peptides they will first have to crack down on the thousands of internet sites selling peptides. They tried this a few times and it just got worse. I know more than a few guys who have become millionaires quickly selling peptides on the internet. At this point it is too out of control to roll back.
Isn't the FDA more specifically charged with regulating compounding pharmacies? I'd think that would make them a higher priority than trying to prove that "research chemicals" are actually drugs intended for human use. However, the squeaky wheel gets the grease: if some research chemical company gets bad press for harming people then I'm sure there would be a crackdown. Of course that would just drive the market underground and make things less safe overall.
I was using mod gfr 1-29 and ipamoralin, sadly the sport doctor i had moved from Canada to US in September, i got my last T level check before he left 680 free so no TRT for me.

I got prolotherapy and PRP for ligament laxity made worse by an chiropractor and went on mod gfr 1-29 and ipamoralin to heal also being 50 for anti aging. I tried MK677 last year and the side effects i got where terrible.

Last summer since starting Mod grf 1-29 i felt a tightness in the chest could not breath properly when doing push ups and squats, also fatigue was setting in i though season allergies. But then winter came around and i felt the same. About 1 month ago i quit the mod gfr and ipamoralin, and everything went back to normal. So i started again but this time with 100mcg of both before bed.

Boom chest tightness out of breath came back. Did some research and found that Mod GFR does have this side effect its rare but it happens.

Quit Mod GFR and stayed on ipamoralin 200mcg before bed and WOW that was the sweet spot and magic for me.

No more fatigue, no more chest tightness, workouts amazing and no more shortness of breath.

I really like ipamoralin and will stay on this on from now on also no water retention at that dosage and no pain hands and feet etc.
question... are you using a doctor for these items or are you doing a men's clinic or on line deal/ I use a doctor and get prescription for my TRT and ED meds... feel good about it as the doctor is on my health plan, and prescribes the appropriate doses. The meds come from CVS Pharmacy and are covered by my drug plan. I would not buy on line or go thru a men's clinic type (ie/ Boston Group. Vitality Center. or a chiropractor with a resident physician signing off over the phone or internet.....)
The FDA harasses peptide sales by sending them cease and desist letters for violating any point of their regulations, then goes after them by arresting and prosecuting for anything they can come up with. Case in point:
I see he got probation out of it. It seems as though there must be more to it or they could easily shut down all the higher profile vendors. Another perspective:

Research chemicals operate under a legal exemption 100-740 in Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations. As long as they are only distributed for laboratory research(and there is usually no credentialed requirement that needs to be satisfied for that purpose), they are largely unregulated. Largely, because some are controlled substances that would require going through a credential rigmarole. Of course, everyone knows internet peptide companies are distributing product intended for human consumption, but there usually isn't much the government can do about it (w/o amending the long standing current laws) if the companies are not advertising them for human consumption.
Exactly it was a slap on the wrist. Tax evasion and mail fraud were the most serious charges.

Those of you that knew of the peptide guru DatBTrue probably don't realize that he was making and selling peptides world wide under the name of Thomas Mann. WADA's international police force as well as the FDA was trying to shut him down because quite a few Olympic athletes as well as professional athletes all over the world were using his (Thomas Manns) products. Guys this case blew BALCO out of the water it was so big. 100's of life extension clinics started popping up selling Tom's clinical grade peptides. In the end, after trying all they could to go after him legally, there was really nothing they could do because it would cost more to try to drum up charges against him that is was worth. There are no real laws giving government teeth to prosecute.

I knew Dat very well and was aware of his Chinese connections and where he purchased all of his peptide synthesis equipment to start his own business but refused to be a part of his charade mostly because he was charging WAY too much and running down the very people who got him started as well as those of us who continue to experimented with any products but Mann's clinical grade peptides. Just another ploy to con the public to using his "superior" clinical grade products. I called him out on it quickly and we parted company around 2010 and never spoke again.

For Drug Enforcement Administration officials, the problem lies with the weak wording of the laws that currently govern peptides.
“If I catch you with heroin, it’s a controlled substance and illegal — that’s easy,” said Douglas W. Coleman, the special agent in charge of the D.E.A.’s Phoenix Division. “If I find human growth hormone, I have to build a case to show that it’s significantly outside what it can be prescribed for.
Peptides are more difficult still. There’s really no legal foothold.”
For Drug Enforcement Administration officials, the problem lies with the weak wording of the laws that currently govern peptides.
“If I catch you with heroin, it’s a controlled substance and illegal — that’s easy,” said Douglas W. Coleman, the special agent in charge of the D.E.A.’s Phoenix Division. “If I find human growth hormone, I have to build a case to show that it’s significantly outside what it can be prescribed for.

“Peptides are more difficult still. There’s really no legal foothold.”
The F.D.A. holds clearer regulatory authority; its officials could write tougher regulatory language and crack down on peptides and growth hormone. But agency investigators have paid scant attention to this black market. I asked, repeatedly and over many weeks, to speak with an F.D.A. official about the regulation of peptides and growth hormone.
In the end, an agency spokeswoman sent a boilerplate email.
“The F.D.A. takes seriously its mission to protect the health of the American public,” wrote the spokeswoman, Theresa Eisenman. “There are many complex factors involved in how cases involving the sale or distribution of illegal products are investigated and ultimately prosecuted.”
Her email cited three successful peptide prosecutions involving four people during the past three years. Each of the offenders received a light punishment.

The story of DatbTrue is honestly amazing and this guy with the help of others back between 2003 and 1010 completely got the peptide industry rolling to the extent it is today. Most definitely we have members here that remember Dat and may have been members of his board. Some of us who knew of Dat may be shocked to read this story and find out he was not dying of some horrible disease and instead he went into hiding because of a big time investigation which did nothing but waste money internationally. While the character DatbTrue is indeed dead, Michael A. Moorcones still is alive and well living somewhere in the USA. Dat was in real life an attorney. Absolutely no charges have ever been filed against him.

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Ipamorelin is the only peptide I can tolerate. There was no appetite increase or bloating for me, and very good muscle pumps at the gym. Too bad the FDA has told all compounding pharmacies to stop making it since it is not FDA-approved. The only FDA-approved "peptide" is Sermorelin, which is ineffective.
I bought some ipamorelin with semoralin from revive rx. got it from Lipshutlz n company.
Exactly it was a slap on the wrist. Tax evasion and mail fraud were the most serious charges.

Those of you that knew of the peptide guru DatBTrue probably don't realize that he was making and selling peptides world wide under the name of Thomas Mann. WADA's international police force as well as the FDA was trying to shut him down because quite a few Olympic athletes as well as professional athletes all over the world were using his (Thomas Manns) products. Guys this case blew BALCO out of the water it was so big. 100's of life extension clinics started popping up selling Tom's clinical grade peptides. In the end, after trying all they could to go after him legally, there was really nothing they could do because it would cost more to try to drum up charges against him that is was worth. There are no real laws giving government teeth to prosecute.

I knew Dat very well and was aware of his Chinese connections and where he purchased all of his peptide synthesis equipment to start his own business but refused to be a part of his charade mostly because he was charging WAY too much and running down the very people who got him started as well as those of us who continue to experimented with any products but Mann's clinical grade peptides. Just another ploy to con the public to using his "superior" clinical grade products. I called him out on it quickly and we parted company around 2010 and never spoke again.

For Drug Enforcement Administration officials, the problem lies with the weak wording of the laws that currently govern peptides.
“If I catch you with heroin, it’s a controlled substance and illegal — that’s easy,” said Douglas W. Coleman, the special agent in charge of the D.E.A.’s Phoenix Division. “If I find human growth hormone, I have to build a case to show that it’s significantly outside what it can be prescribed for.
Peptides are more difficult still. There’s really no legal foothold.”
For Drug Enforcement Administration officials, the problem lies with the weak wording of the laws that currently govern peptides.
“If I catch you with heroin, it’s a controlled substance and illegal — that’s easy,” said Douglas W. Coleman, the special agent in charge of the D.E.A.’s Phoenix Division. “If I find human growth hormone, I have to build a case to show that it’s significantly outside what it can be prescribed for.

“Peptides are more difficult still. There’s really no legal foothold.”
The F.D.A. holds clearer regulatory authority; its officials could write tougher regulatory language and crack down on peptides and growth hormone. But agency investigators have paid scant attention to this black market. I asked, repeatedly and over many weeks, to speak with an F.D.A. official about the regulation of peptides and growth hormone.
In the end, an agency spokeswoman sent a boilerplate email.
“The F.D.A. takes seriously its mission to protect the health of the American public,” wrote the spokeswoman, Theresa Eisenman. “There are many complex factors involved in how cases involving the sale or distribution of illegal products are investigated and ultimately prosecuted.”
Her email cited three successful peptide prosecutions involving four people during the past three years. Each of the offenders received a light punishment.

The story of DatbTrue is honestly amazing and this guy with the help of others back between 2003 and 1010 completely got the peptide industry rolling to the extent it is today. Most definitely we have members here that remember Dat and may have been members of his board. Some of us who knew of Dat may be shocked to read this story and find out he was not dying of some horrible disease and instead he went into hiding because of a big time investigation which did nothing but waste money internationally. While the character DatbTrue is indeed dead, Michael A. Moorcones still is alive and well living somewhere in the USA. Dat was in real life an attorney. Absolutely no charges have ever been filed against him.

Sounds like it could be an interesting movie along the lines of 'The Big Short' or a documentary I saw about, Nicholas Sand, the chemist who produced batches of high grade LSD dubbed 'Orange Sunshine' back in the late 60's, IIRC.
I have GHK-cu on my site but I am waiting to speak with Nelson before posting a website or offering anything. I am hoping to come on as a support/sponsor and be able to offer discounts to members here. I should have more info next week.
I spend a small fortune on peptides. I am about to do a 10 day course of Epithalon. A discount would be appreciated;)

I didn’t see the GHK-cu, I’ll have to look again.
Ive been on a revive RX dose of imaporelin/semorelin of 100mcg per night before sleeep. I have noticed more dreaming and a little more restful sleep. Small decrease in abdominal fat. Lets see after 3 months.
I will do the 3 months on and 1 month off protocol. Thoughts?
Ive been on a revive RX dose of imaporelin/semorelin of 100mcg per night before sleeep. I have noticed more dreaming and a little more restful sleep. Small decrease in abdominal fat. Lets see after 3 months.
I will do the 3 months on and 1 month off protocol. Thoughts?
Ipam definitely improves sleep. That dose is on the low end, but still effective.
Ipamorelin is the mildest peptide in terms of side effects and one of the most powerful in terms of benefits. One of the best features is that it does not compromise your natural production of GH.

Sermorelin is not very effective due to its very short half life. A better combination is Ipamorelin and MOD GRF 1-29 (CJC 1295 No DAC). You will see greater benefits with that combo.

The fat loss really starts to occur in month 3 of use.
Ipam definitely improves sleep. That dose is on the low end, but still effective.
Ipamorelin is the mildest peptide in terms of side effects and one of the most powerful in terms of benefits. One of the best features is that it does not compromise your natural production of GH.

Sermorelin is not very effective due to its very short half life. A better combination is Ipamorelin and MOD GRF 1-29 (CJC 1295 No DAC). You will see greater benefits with that combo.

The fat loss really starts to occur in month 3 of use.
Are u currently using ipam and cjc? Whether u are or not, what dosages of each do u recommend? I took that combo a few years back for a while. I might eventually throw them back into my protocol
Are u currently using ipam and cjc? Whether u are or not, what dosages of each do u recommend? I took that combo a few years back for a while. I might eventually throw them back into my protocol
Yes sir. I do 150 mcg of a combination of 5 mg Ipam and 5 mg Mod GRF1-29 No Dac. Twice a day, first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, wait an hour before eating. Carbohydrates affect the uptake process. Then another at bedtime. No food for 2 hours before injection.
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