My experience with PRP, P-Shot, P-Long, Pumping, RestoreX and penis hang size

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Hi everyone. I’ve been receiving questions about my posts on the P-Long thread posted by Dr. Brandeis on PhalloBoards, so I thought I would share my experience here for the benefit of all.

A few months ago, I decided to try a P-Shot (penis PRP injection) to help with E.D. I went to a clinic in Detroit. The doctor added a GainsWave (penile shockwave massage) treatment and gave me a Dr. Kaplan pump to use at home, 10-20 mins twice a day at “green” to “yellow” pressure (<10). I am a grower, and my penis is on the smaller side (2” flaccid, 4.5” erect). So, when flaccid, my penis usually sticks straight out like a little stub! But, about 2-3 weeks after the P-Shot and pumping, it started to remain puffier and hang more towards the testicles in between pumping sessions.

I got a 2nd P-Shot after that (different clinic in Bloomington Hills, north of Detroit) and erections improved even more a few weeks later. I started getting some morning wood again! (Not always but definitely more than usual).

[As a side note, an endo switched me from Androgel to Clomid after this and it totally killed my erections again… so I had to start daily Cialis until I can be seen by a different doctor].

The Dr. Kaplan pump is a very high quality pump. It has a gage with green/yellow/red zones with 1-30 (1-5 is green, 6-10 is yellow, above that is red). If you ensure you stay in the green zone, and only go to yellow for the last 2 minutes, it doesn’t hurt at all (even if like me you have slight penis curvature). However the Cylinder I got from the doctor was a size XL or about 2.5” diameter. I got a cylinder on ebay for $40 that is 1.75” in diameter which made a big difference in terms of comfort. It is compatible with the Dr. Kaplan pump and hose. Unfortunately it is also rather long - 9” - but I could not find anything shorter.

Recently, I learned about the P-Long protocol. I decided to give it a try, if anything to go from grower to shower even if I don’t get much erect growth. I was able to purchase the RestoreX device ($400) and Affirm L-Citrulline NO booster. I started actually following the protocol about a week ago. Just yesterday, I went back to the clinic in Detroit to get the first of 6 P-Shot treatments (plus GainsWave) that are part of the P-Long protocol. I will post some results after my next treatment! Treatment total at this particular clinic was about $7500 split in 6 payments. I really wanted to try exosomes as they are said to be more powerful than PRP but I could not find anyone in Michigan that offered Exosomes for the penis specifically.

I will post some updates as I go along. Wish me luck!
Have you considered just daily Cialis abd something like this ?

Have you considered just daily Cialis abd something like this ?

Gosh no… no implants. :) Just waiting for my appointment with Defy to get back on TRT after a failed Clomid experience. I think my erections will come back to normal once my E and T levels are normalized again.

The P-Long is more for enhancement/growth. I’m looking specifically for “hang” size improvement.
This is incredible - just two days after the P-Shot, I had to adjust the RestoreX traction device to go up two nudges! That is probably not a lot of growth - small enough to be a measurable error with a measuring tape - but since RestoreX is a rigid device, the length adjustment signifies real growth.

That’s exciting. I will definitely keep going with the P-Long protocol!
Well, I have some anecdotal evidence that P-Long is working. Last night my wife said I “felt bigger”… like I was “rounder and thicker.” ;)

I didn’t tell her why but hey, I’ll take the win!
Are you advertising on any and every forum possible?

I read your story and achievements. It is interesting to know these stuff exist in medical field. Even though I am not a person to advice anyone, I would highly recommend you to stick with your own natural abilities and biological measurements that comes directly from your body blueprint in your DNA. There are not enough acceptable studies in this field. Good Luck.
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