Over the last week i have felt out of sorts

The fact that you still got a dull headache when you skipped the T dose suggests that the T may not be the cause but may be amplifying something else. More testing with occasional skipped doses is necessary to form a conclusion.

Pink eyes could be allergy, infection, or even the new strain of Covid - "Arcturus".
So I skipped my dose today and feel good, just a dull headache which was transient.
Skipping a dosage doesn’t mean it’s not iron related. All you’ve done is not use up iron by not injecting.

My eyes were irritated when I had iron problems, I had pink eye, because infections, inflammation is common place with low iron.
Thanks for this insight do you think I should start taking a daily iron supplement? My Ferritin before TRT was

i also forgot to add I have developed slight tinnitus in my left ear
I wouldn’t chase iron/ferritin off the jump. It’s completely normal for your ferritin to drop on trt. plenty of papers in it. Just type in ”testosterone ferritin hepcidin“ in a google search. my ferritin dropped from 160 to 60-90s now on trt.

I’ve had very similar issues as you on injectable testosterone. Not really sure why. I feel significantly better on scrotal cream. for me the more
frequent I injected the worse I felt. I almost felt allergic to it. I’ve been chasing headaches for the last 3 years on trt and finally got ride of them since switching to cream.
I wouldn’t chase iron/ferritin off the jump. It’s completely normal for your ferritin to drop on trt. plenty of papers in it. Just type in ”testosterone ferritin hepcidin“ in a google search. my ferritin dropped from 160 to 60-90s now on trt.

I’ve had very similar issues as you on injectable testosterone. Not really sure why. I feel significantly better on scrotal cream. for me the more
frequent I injected the worse I felt. I almost felt allergic to it. I’ve been chasing headaches for the last 3 years on trt and finally got ride of them since switching to cream.
The thing is i have been on injectable cypionate for almost a year with no issue. These symtoms have only just arisen over the last few weeks.

Scrotal cream was the opposite for me, it was a hideous experience of highs, lows, insomnia & anxiety.
The thing is i have been on injectable cypionate for almost a year with no issue. These symtoms have only just arisen over the last few weeks.

Scrotal cream was the opposite for me, it was a hideous experience of highs, lows, insomnia & anxiety.
Got ya. I was also fine the first 6-8 months on injectables. And then it was a gradual decline over 3 years.

how long did you stay on the scrotal cream? it was a rough ride at first for me also. after The first month or two things started to settle down. Still took me a few more weeks after that to feel better overall.
Its either Hemoglobin or Ferritin they are both affected the most after application and have very similar symptoms. I am symptomatic and have to donate at 52 for hematocrit even though most guys don't. I take Iron about 30 mins after applying cream because it saps my Iron dry quickly. I would pull one more CBC at the time you are feeling terrible to make sure.
Its either Hemoglobin or Ferritin they are both affected the most after application and have very similar symptoms. I am symptomatic and have to donate at 52 for hematocrit even though most guys don't. I take Iron about 30 mins after applying cream because it saps my Iron dry quickly. I would pull one more CBC at the time you are feeling terrible to make sure.
I’m not trying to argue. But you can’t say that definitively. My blood values run higher on cream and I get none of those symptoms whatsoever.
I’m not trying to argue. But you can’t say that definitively. My blood values run higher on cream and I get none of those symptoms whatsoever.
Im confused about how you are confused if OP is symptomatic its most likely but not definitely ferritin or hemoglobin since hes already symptomatic on the high end of labs. I get it some guys can walk around with 55 hematocrit and single digits iron and ferritin and feel fine that doesnt really help what the most likely the cause is.
Im confused about how you are confused if OP is symptomatic its most likely but not definitely ferritin or hemoglobin since hes already symptomatic on the high end of labs. I get it some guys can walk around with 55 hematocrit and single digits iron and ferritin and feel fine that doesnt really help what the most likely the cause is.
Who’s confused ? I just said this case is not “definitive“ and ferritin dropping on trt is normal. And in the first year can take a bit to stabilize. If he’s not donating blood it will most likely land around 70-90 and that’s typically fine for men on trt.
Im confused about how you are confused if OP is symptomatic its most likely but not definitely ferritin or hemoglobin since hes already symptomatic on the high end of labs. I get it some guys can walk around with 55 hematocrit and single digits iron and ferritin and feel fine that doesnt really help what the most likely the cause is.
Also following people blindly on forums can get you in tons of trouble. If you’re saying his htc is too high for him how do you think supplementing iron is going to work out. Taking iron Supplements is a very crude way to get iron into the body. my hematologist yelled at me for supplementing iron on my own. Even he told me your on trt thats What happens. My ferritin was as low as 50 when I started now it runs 70-90

@Gman86 has Put up some great info and vids about iron and ferritin.
I suffer from fatigue, nausea, brain fog and dizziness from low adrenal function. My adrenal gland is not producing cortisol. I now use 10mg Prednisone daily to stop symptoms. I have been on TRT for years and it has not caused any negative side effects.
Got ya. I was also fine the first 6-8 months on injectables. And then it was a gradual decline over 3 years.

how long did you stay on the scrotal cream? it was a rough ride at first for me also. after The first month or two things started to settle down. Still took me a few more weeks after that to feel better overall.
I was on the cream for around 3 months until It became absolutely unbearable, I really dug deep to make it work.

I have felt slight better over the last few days since dropping my dose and adding 25mg of bisglicinate iron

Time will tell
I was on the cream for around 3 months until It became absolutely unbearable, I really dug deep to make it work.

I have felt slight better over the last few days since dropping my dose and adding 25mg of bisglicinate iron

Time will tell
Did you get labs on the cream? What base and dose did you use?
Did you get labs on the cream? What base and dose did you use?
it was about 3-4 years ago i played around with compounded cream. I cannot remember specifics. My doctor said blood work was good at the time. It got my total testosterone up to around 16-17.

Unfortunately i have a super sensitive constitution to alcohol, drugs etc etc. coupled with lifelong low level non specific anxiety disorder. Before TRT i would do a year on an SSRI(sertraline) then 6 months to a year off. Could never get much more than a year off before this non descript feeling of anxiety moved back in. A horrible cycle unfortunately.

I found the SSRI would boost my prolactin and crush my Testosterone. I believe it was directly responsible for the gyno i had surgically removed.
How long would it typically take one to raise iron levels from 59 to say 70-80 using 25mg Bisglycinate(taken with 1000mg vit c on empty stomach)of iron per day?
Drinking orange juice with iron supplements will greatly increase absorption. Provided the iron dosage is enough, and given your levels aren’t horribly low, your levels should rise quickly.
Once i have reached the desired blood levels of iron, say for example 80-90. What would be the dosing regime moving forward, provided i kept my testosterone dosage the same? Wont it just keep rising with a daily dose of 25mg?
Once i have reached the desired blood levels of iron, say for example 80-90.
The goal for someone diagnosed with iron deficiency, is a ferritin 100>. Since you don’t have iron deficiency yet, 80-90 is fine. My ferritin off TRT was 128 without iron supplements and is 98 on TRT while taking 140 mg iron chelate daily.
Wont it just keep rising with a daily dose of 25mg?
As iron levels increase, iron absorption falls. It’s similar to calcium supplements, more than 500 mg at once, absorption falls.

Your body has ways to regulate itself.
Last edited:
Hi Guys

Over the last week i have felt out of sorts and are experiencing the following side effects, i believe it is possibly Testosterone related. I give myself my injection at 8am every morning and by around 1030-11am i am experiencing mild symptoms of Headache, nausea, anxiety, brain fog, trouble concentrating, heavy feeling eyes. This seems to subside by early evening but is still faintly in the background as if my body is telling me it is not happy.

I am going back on cabergoline as my Prolactin has gone up again. I don't believe these sides are from the Prolactin as have had it this high before without these systems I simply had a lower sex drive.

From your experience can you think of any reason this may be happening? is there anything else in the lab i could be testing for? Progesterone etc?(unfortunately we don't have testing for pregnenolone here in NZ)

I don't want to jump the gun so will give it another week to see where this goes.

Your thoughts

Latest bloods(last 3 months on 8mg subq everyday. Been on Testosterone for almost 12 months)

13/06/2023 11:29 am

Complete Blood Count

RBC 5.8 x10'12/L 4.0-5.8
Haemoglobin 167 g/L 125-170
PCV 0.51 L/L 0.40-0.54
MCV 88 fL 80-100
MCH 29 pg 27-32
Red Cell Width 12.4 % 11.5-14.5
Platelet Count 291 x10'9/L 150-400
WBC 5.7 x10'9/L 4.0-10.0
Neutrophil 2.5 x10'9/L 2.0-7.5
Lymphocyte 2.4 x10'9/L 1.2-3.5
Monocyte 0.5 x10'9/L 0.3-1.0
Eosinophil 0.2 x10'9/L 0.05-0.4
Basophil 0.1 x10'9/L 0.0-0.10
ImmGranulocyte 0.0 x10'9/L 0.0-0.25
Blood Film
Blood film not examined.

13/06/2023 11:29 am


35 mmol/mol
***HbA1c measurements may be misleading in cases of haemoglobinopathy,
increased red cell turnover or post transfusion; amongst others.***
In the setting of diagnosis or CV risk screening, this result virtually
excludes diabetes. There is no need to repeat this test until scheduled
CVD risk assessment.
In the setting of confirmed diabetes, this result indicates excellent
control. There is increased risk of hypoglycaemia if on insulin/

13/06/2023 11:29 am

Iron Studies

Ferritin 59 ug/L 30-500

13/06/2023 11:29 am

Haemolysis Level:


13/06/2023 11:29 am

Endocrine Studies

Testosterone 16.7 nmol/L 9.0-25.0
Testosterone: please note that reference range stated is for adults only.

Oestradiol 126 pmol/L
Male <190 pmol/L

Prolactin 705 mU/L H 65-400
Taken: 13Jun23 07:45 hrs
Causes of high prolactin include but are not limited to:
1. Physiological: Physical or psychological stress (including illness and
2. Drug related: Psychotropics, Dopamine antagonists, Oestrogens (high dose
OCP), Antihypertensives(methyl dopa, reserpine, verapamil (not other calcium
channel blockers), opiates, cannabinoids, H2 antagonists, amphetamines.
3. Pathological: Pituitary/hypothalamic diseases e.g. pituitary tumours,
hypothyroidism, severe liver or renal impairment, PCOS, anorexia nervosa,
after seizures.
4. **Macroprolactin: a biologically inactive prolactin-immunoglobulin complex
which is cleared slowly from the plasma. IF THIS HAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BEEN
Give/Donate blood regularly!
Just thought I would give an update, as I hate it when someone leaves a post like this then disappears.

Since lowering my dose from 8 to 7mg daily, as well as adding in 25mg of bisglycinate iron all of my symptoms have disappeared. Looking forward to my next bloods to see how things are tracking

Thanks to all the commenters especially systemlord

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