Emergency Room/A&E Hospital UK visit - blood pressure scare - 2 months off TRT- Test E..


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Sorry in advance for this long post, but I have been through a very scary period health wise last 2 months.

I last posted on here 2 months ago regarding getting some remote help from the USA, I live England, UK

Through my normal doctor (non TRT specialist) in England, UK I was on Test Enanthate 2 Vials 500mg, every 3 weeks - this I agree
was a rollercoaster protocol - as had low testorone proven ove a 3 year period via consistent blood tests, and testogel didn't work.

Before starting Test E, to be fair myself and my doctor stupidly didn't check my blood pressure, but everything else discussed/blood work/checked.

2021-Feb2023 - 14 months of Test E every 3 weeks, I felt very unwell and took myself to the Emergency hospital in England for emergency care as my blood pressure was 220/120, I was kept in overnight and put on 10mg of Amlopidine and discharged, my blood pressure then stabilised to 150/100 next 2 weeks.

(My blood pressure has always been 130/80 or 140/90 for over 25 years - no medication.)

Since my blood pressure scare in hospital I have not been on TRT for at least 8+ weeks, and have been put on blood pressure medications Amlopidine 5 mg and Ramipril 2.5mg

As this has really shaken me up, I also reached out to a Personal Trainer (triathlete) as I wanted to lose some weight fast, as when at the hospital the Cardiologist told me that I should lose some weight.

I have now lost 10kgs almost in weight in 8 weeks, done zero weight training, walked 10,000 steps a days, played football 3 times a week and started swimming again, and have been fasting 8 hour window of eating only and drinking 4 litres
of water daily.

My blood pressure is now with medication down to 135/95 thereabouts, and my pulse has dropped from 90 (when I was in hospital) to 65.

Contrary to what the cardiologist has said in hospital, I believe unfortunately my blood pressure is herediatary rather than to do with my weight or TRT (my younger brother, father and mother are on blood pressure meds) - I am the lightest I have been in over 10 years, and trying to lose a further 4kgs to prove this point to go from 113kgs - down to 100kgs - I was this heavy 17 years ago at my peak - super fit, and super strong. - perfect weight for me personally at 5ft 10 ins/1.78m tall = 100kgs...

So now I am at crossroads with TRT, I have paid for an independent Private TRT specialist Doctor to write to my normal Doctor in the UK after a consultation, he has suggested a better protocol - microdosing weekly 0.4mls of Test E, and due to my blood pressure issues and E.D issues Taladifil daily aswell, and said that my bloodpressure scare was likely to be coincidental with my TRT therapy.

In summary my normal doctor is not doing anything who was prescribing me my Test E he has not been about for 8 weeks, his colleagues have simply been focusing on getting my blood pressure down via tablets and ignoring the private TRT specialist doctors letter.

My blood work since coming off TRT/Test E has shown that my Test has also crashed again super low to pre-TRT levels, no issues with Chloestrol or Diabetes, don't know what my Haemoglobin was but wasn't a concern.

I am really frustrated as to what to do next, I have also been medically restricted by doctor to restrict any weight training to 25kgs max and no overhead pressing - I have been weight training since I was 18 up until blood pressure scare.

Sorry that this is a long post, and might be in the wrong forum but I am at a loss as to what to do next, give up on TRT and suffer the Andropause and never lift any weights again, or take TRT Test E, Taladifil and Blood pressure tablets ?? - alot of medications...


Thanks in advance for any replies.
I wouldn’t give up on TRT because of an incompetent doctor. Your previous doctor appears to be confusing the bodybuilding world (AAS) with TRT.

Micro-dosing is better than what you were doing previously. I would try to stay within 80–120 mg weekly and split it up multiple times if needed.

Anything that happens in the TRT world in the short term is benign.

What is the strength of your enanthate mg/mL?
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Restart with a very low dose and keep a record of daily blood pressure at a given dose.

I had an issue last year where my blood pressure spiked to 180/100. I think it was a combination of TRT, work stress and anxiety. I lowered my dose slightly and it helped.
@Systemlord private trt doctor has recommended 112.5 mg weekly , my test e is 250mg/1ml strength, so 0.4 of one vial , just under half a ampule.

@mikeb29 mid I may ask were you on blood pressure meds before starting trt? Blood pressure ok now?

Thank you both for you replies.

Just concerned about all this medication I will be taking just to be normal b.p and normal test levels.

I am going to try garlic and beetroot juice, supposedly these can help with blood pressure.

For piece of mind I have had 4 ecgs last 8 weeks, all have been fine touchwood.

Any other pointers re trt and blood pressure sincerely appreciated.
Just concerned about all this medication I will be taking just to be normal b.p and normal test levels.
I don’t think there are many people above the age of 50 not on some type of pharmaceutical drug.

Here’s what you can do, take drugs, hormones and live a high quality of life or watch your health decline and experience a lower quality of life as you’re diagnosed with disease after disease.

The men with the lowest testosterone and obese who contracted covid were the one’s most likely to die in the hospitals.

Taking drugs, hormones doesn’t seem so bad now, does it?

I need blood pressure meds on TRT, no big deal.
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At 1.78m, your ideal normal weight is 68kg, not 100kg, unless you are a super-muscular bodybuilder ...

Start counting calories should be less than 2000 or even 1500 per day to induce weight loss. Just eating lots of calories within 8 hours window will not achieve anything. Avoiding lots of concentrated calories, sugar, sugary fruit, and milk products are the biggest factors in losing weight. Then comes walking 10000 steps.

Your PCP is not willing to prescribe testosterone, because the reason for your sudden spike in BP has not been identified, and they are not willing to be responsible if you get another episode on testosterone.

Get yourself in shape first, then do ultrasound of heart (echo-cardiogram) and calcium score to measure atherosclerosis. If these are all ok, then you could start with very low doses testosterone daily - some members here inject 7mg/day which is 49mg/week.
@sammmy my father who has never lifted a weight In his life is around the same bodyweight and height as me at 73 we are both stocky/broad shouldered.

I am not and never have been a bodybuilder as I don't have the discipline for the diet and other things required, I am built like a rugby player.

I am not a pro athlete at all, but if we are being weight specific all rugby teams and American football teams majority of their players would be deemed obese on a BMI scale - just by their bodyweight, but manage to complete fitness tests and games fine...

No one has figured out my spike, but managing to play 3 football/soccer games a week and do hiit training prior to blood pressure scare I was ok so I thought...

At 100kgs at 30:I could do alot of impressive things imo running and strength wise, but appreciate I sm not 30 anymore, and my health is more important than vanity or strength.

My pcp has been useless since my hospital visit, and has ignored my private trts doctors letter, I took myself to emergency hospital after paying for a private emergency appointment ECG and 30 min rested blood pressure test and was told go to hospital now.

I don't drink alcohol, have a better than average Joe diet, I don't smoke.. .and exercise regularly both before and after my scare, and don't use salt.

I will look into calcium score and let you know, I have also looked at my thryoid levels aswell these are normal, to drop 10kgs In 8 weeks i think I have done well...

@Systemlord agree if you have to use medications for quality of life so be it, it's just a shock to me as I have led a reasonably healthy diet and exercise lifestyle.

I can continue to get my b.p down then maybe my pcp might re prescribe test e.

Alternatively my private trt specialist is ok for me to get my prescription from him , but was trying to keep everything with my pcp.
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I got some weird BP spikes in the past. it also is in the family. i hate ER's.
i had a readon of 200/105 a week ago. felt like shit. took 0.2mg clonidine to lower it. doc gave me bunch of pills which made me feel like absolute shit. stopped all of it. started garlic/beet root extract. so far so good, 140/90 (which is ok).
i take daily readings, and have some hydralazine+clonidine on hand if things get out of hand for as needed.
I would not give up on TRT. like people here mentioned try more frequent injections around 100-140mg/week.
@t_spacemonkey , any links /dosages / brands to garlic and beetroot on Amazon? I will give it a go properly 140/90 would be great with just garlic and beetroot.! Thank you

I remember visiting Egypt on honeymoon and they.rate hibiscus tea /juice for lowering b.p and having a calm effect, was given it as a welcome drink at the hotel. , Might try that after garlic and beetroot trial
Alternatively my private trt specialist is ok for me to get my prescription from him , but was trying to keep everything with my pcp.
Your better off not having your PCP apart of your TRT therapy given that you’re in the UK, the hardest place to get TRT, let alone knowledgeable doctors.

You basically have to go private for TRT anyways in the UK, as I would never recommend the NHS (or the VA) for TRT.

@Systemlord agree if you have to use medications for quality of life so be it, it's just a shock to me as I have led a reasonably healthy diet and exercise lifestyle.
I was overweight (255 lbs, normal weight for me 160 lbs.) since graduating high school and lead a sh*** lifestyle up until 49 yrs old, a blood pressure medicine and TRT or optimal testosterone for life, I got off easy!

I started TRT and lost weight fast (238->210) without even trying!
@Systemlord private trt doctor has recommended 112.5 mg weekly , my test e is 250mg/1ml strength, so 0.4 of one vial , just under half a ampule.

@mikeb29 mid I may ask were you on blood pressure meds before starting trt? Blood pressure ok now?

Thank you both for you replies.

Just concerned about all this medication I will be taking just to be normal b.p and normal test levels.

I am going to try garlic and beetroot juice, supposedly these can help with blood pressure.

For piece of mind I have had 4 ecgs last 8 weeks, all have been fine touchwood.

Any other pointers re trt and blood pressure sincerely appreciated.

About 130/80

Its now 135 to 140 / 85

Ive put on about 21 pounds since starting which is probably why its up and really struggle to shift weight now which is annoying as I run and cycle alot
@Systemlord , just got my fasted blood test done, they have said my cholesterol serum cholesterol is 5.7 nmol... Think the normal is anything up to 5.0? Cholesterol is usually to do with bad diet salt etc, as mentioned before diet has been better than average Joe/good. They also wanted to test my triglycerides this has come back in normal range 1.2 nmol. Thoughts ? Thanks
It’s not uncommon to see above range cholesterol, lipids in men with low-T. TRT will improve liver function and therefore lipids, once you get dialed in and on a good protocol.

@sammmy finally got my calcium score 2.4 nmol completely normal. So that rules that out.

@t_spacemonkey any links please to garlic and beetroot tablets on Amazon as I would like to see if this might work and try and taper down off meds.

Regarding exercise have finally started touchwood getting my free weights back to twice a week taking it easy, along with swimming and football/soccer, need to.get back to walking as that is underrated.

Have stuck with the intermittent fasting and intend to do so for the foreseeable.

Whilst trying to sort out my blood pressure I have chased my pcp numerous times to revisit my Trt /test e - my pcp has ignored my private trt doctor completely. I will pursue this once have got my b.p down more.
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Calcium in your blood is not a calcium score:


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