Both. That’s one issue a little more unique to me than other people. When my issues started, I stopped being able to retain water very well at all anywhere. Hair dries and falls out and if I eat things that raise my insulin a little more it visibly starts to shrivel (not just me thinking that, others have commented, if I do something that helps it by the next day people ask if I got a hair transplant or something, happens to body hair too), glycogen retention goes down tremendously, my skin gets dry everywhere, I get heat damage very easily on my skin, and things of that nature. More or less water does nothing, more or less electrolytes actually seems to make it worse after initially making a change because it seemingly uses up what water I have in me, etc. More prevalent in areas thyroid hormones seem to affect the most, like my face and hair and neck and muscles. Blood tests always show I’m a little dehydrated. Kidney tests are always perfect.
Hydrocortisone makes me retain water and gain fat like mad SubQ and I get less glycogen retention. If I drink or eat potassium on it, I rapidly shrivel and get dehydrated. Sodium actually does the same thing. Cortisone acetate was better and it was more a mix of both with most of it being positive not negative.
On this whole adrenal, water everywhere is going up, more so to be how I was when I was normal, for better and worse. My glycogen retention’s so artificially low sometimes, even when not on T3, that when I do something to help it like now, my muscles start spasming and inflating off and on here and there as the day goes on after I eat and I have to wear different clothes. People ask me if I started taking steroids.
Bile acids do that as well, but then things taper off rapidly. Most likely from it stimulating me from increasing T4 to T3 conversion before that tapers off because I can have the same experience when adding in T4 to the letter. T3 in instant forms like cytomel doesn’t do that, though sustained release ones do.
Adrenal in any form, and HC and CA, never did anything for my libido. More test does, and if I do that on more rhodiola, which is an MAO inhibitor in mild form among other things, it goes up. HCG helps as well, mostly when I make a dosing change to go up. Right now my dick works through stimulation but I have no libido or mental connection, but that’s because I just lowered my test dose. Usually on my current protocol I’d be fine there despite other sides.